The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4291 Crazy Dragon Town

The sound of the system kept appearing, and the aura on Long Fei's body changed drastically at this moment.

Straight up third-level.

In an instant, it was promoted from the first level of the super great perfection to the fourth stage of the super great perfection!

A fierce comparison.

Even Emperor Xuan below was stunned at this moment.

"Cultivation Base is promoted to three levels?"

"How is this possible? At this level, it can still accumulate a lot of money?"


Emperor Xuan couldn't believe it.

Successive breakthroughs are not uncommon.

But the problem is that now Long Fei has reached the peak of great perfection.

At this level, can you continue to make breakthroughs?

For a time, even Emperor Xuan stopped and looked at Long Fei suspiciously.

But Long Fei doesn't have time to care about this.

At this time, he was immersed in the changes of his body.

Successive breakthrough third-level.

Long Fei felt that the way he looked at the world had changed.

Before, he could not feel the exact Cultivation Base of Emperor Xuan at all.

Started, now, it's different.

In his eyes, the perfect boss attribute that was completely irresistible now seems normal.

It's a feeling that comes from within.

No more panic.

As for what happened to the Lord of Chaos, Long Fei didn't have time to care.

In the blink of an eye, he faced Emperor Xuan directly.

Exploding the Lord of Chaos is not the key, the key is that he wants to kill Emperor Xuan.

Now, the Lord of Chaos has exploded, and the mission is complete.

Straight up third-level.

Next, it is natural to kill Emperor Xuan.

"Emperor Xuan, do you still think Daddy is an ant?"

"Do you still think you can control everything?"

"Today, everything will be settled. You enslave the dragon clan, suppress the mu family, suppress the daddy, and everything will come to an end." Long Fei said in a deep voice.

Killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Emperor Xuan also fell silent at this time.

The changes in Long Fei's body shocked him.

It's like a person has changed.

If it is said, the previous Long Fei was crushed by him at will and pinched at will.

So now, he already felt that Long Fei was qualified to fight him head-on.

And at this time, Long Fei was not idle, and in an instant, he directly attacked Emperor Xuan.

It's a punch.


The violent breath almost burst.

"Xuan Heavenly Dao Fist." Emperor Xuan also shouted loudly.

At this time, Emperor Xuan did not dare to hide.

The breath of Long Fei's punch made his heart skip a beat, and he didn't have time to react, and then he unleashed the ancient power under his control.


In an instant, the two forces collided above the void.

The entire void completely collapsed at this moment.

The light of countless stars leaked out through the void.

Tianlei Earth Fire, at this time there is no control of the void, all over the world.

The entire ancient world, at this moment, also completely formed a Jedi.

like a catastrophe.

like extinction.

As nature collapses, Heavenly Dao perishes.

And Long Fei, at this time, was also punched into the void by Emperor Xuan, and his body immediately retreated.


Long Fei's whole body fell directly from the void.

The reddest crashed into the endless Earth Fire.


A manic crash appeared, resounding through the void.

"Damn, is it that fierce?"

Long Fei spat out a mouthful of blood, endured the severe pain from his body, and looked at Emperor Xuan.

"Fortunately, the physical body has been upgraded, otherwise this punch will definitely not be able to withstand." "But it is not impossible to explode Emperor Xuan."

The cold light in Long Fei's eyes condensed.

Because at this time, in Zhan's eyes, Emperor Xuan is not much better.

The entire right arm was already trembling constantly, dripping blood dripping in the void.

The blood on the top of the head was also cut off after this punch, and it kept turning red.

Looking at Emperor Xuan again, his face at this time became more and more cruel.

Extremely vicious.

He never thought that Long Fei could achieve this level just by improving his Cultivation Base.

"Damn it, damn it."

"If I had known this earlier, this emperor would have crushed you early, and I would never have given you this chance."

"Give you a chance to stand in front of this emperor." Emperor Xuan's face was gloomy.

I hate it in my heart.

If he had a choice, he would never have given Long Fei the chance to kill the Lord of Chaos just now.

Otherwise, the current situation will not occur.

But everything, after all, and that too late.

He wanted to completely destroy Long Fei and cut off Long Fei's hope, but he never thought that if Long Fei didn't die, he could create a miracle with his backhand.

This is the case in Tiannan Territory, this is the case in Hongmeng Realm, and it is still the same to this day.

"Hahaha, Emperor Xuan, are you injured too? It seems that you are not immortal."

"Can't kill you, just because the power is not enough."

"But now, daddy has it." As he said that, Long Fei's body instantly rose into the air again.

At the same time, a very strange weapon appeared in his hand.

like a piece of wood.

However, above the void.

The moment Emperor Xuan saw the blade, his entire body became flustered.

"A soldier of the realm? Has the power to suppress a realm?"

"Impossible, how could you have this kind of weapon, it's mine."

"The ancient world is mine, and I am the king of the realm. This weapon can only be owned by me." Emperor Xuan roared.

Like falling into madness.

Immediately afterwards, the powers of ancient inheritance gathered together in the hands of Emperor Xuan.

He has 3,000 ancient inheritances, and he has studied them to the extreme.

Incomparably strong.

And this is also the reason why he never put Long Fei in his eyes from beginning to end.

Even Long Fei was stunned.

I didn't expect that the Blade of the Realm King would have such a big impact on Emperor Xuan.

In fact, long Fei didn't care because he was busy killing Chaos Autonomous when the Blade of the Realm King broke out.

But this time, with the upgrade of himself and his physical breakthrough, the people of the realm king unexpectedly broke the seal automatically, which attracted Long Fei's attention.

Just moments before, Long Fei had already checked the properties of the Blade of the Realm King.

"The King's Blade Supreme."

"Description is made by smelting the power of the origin of countless worlds in the universe. It has the power to suppress the world and obliterate the plane. Currently activate a layer and activate the skill Crazy Dragon Town. (Each activation layer will be accompanied by activation skills.)

"Remind that the first activation, the skills can only be used once. Activate the next layer, and the skills of the previous layer can be used infinitely."

That's all there is to it about Kaiju's Blade.

Immediately, Long Fei directly used the Blade of the Realm King.

Even, Long Fei didn't even look at the attributes of the activated skills, he just took them out.

But I never thought that Emperor Xuan's reaction would be so intense.

"Hahaha, the crazier you are, the more proof that the Blade of the Realm King is a threat to you."

"Even, I can kill you."

Long Fei said loudly.

No fear at all.

Then, at the moment when Emperor Xuan's 3,000-year-old inheritance, the power and glory came together.

The blade of the realm king in Long Fei's hand also burst out with a mysterious light. "Crazy Dragon Town Realm!"

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