The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3959 Registration Assessment

Kameyama is a taboo topic in the Mu family.

It is a special space.

If you can go in and escape from the world, once you go in, no matter how strong you are, you will not be able to find them, nor will you be able to enter.

The whole family can survive safely.

Such a safe place made the Mu family unable to lift their heads, because the last time they entered Guishan, they almost wiped out their entire clan.

because of a woman.

This woman's name is Mu Wan'er.

It is also the pursuit from Xuan family.

It was because of this woman that the Mu family suffered heavy casualties. At that time, there were two voices in the Mu family, one was to give up Mu Wan'er, and the other was to protect her.

Mu Hetai was the faction that opposed Mu Wan'er's entry into Guishan.


At that time, he didn't have any rights, and his words had no weight. When Mu Wan'er entered Guishan, the Xuan family army also took the opportunity to enter.

The blood of Guishan was flowing into rivers. If it wasn't for the divine power left by the ancestors in Guishan to drive out the Xuan family army, I am afraid that there is no Mu family in the Shangshen space now. It is also because of this incident that Mu Tianhe's position in the Mu family has gradually weakened, and Mu Hetai has gradually become stronger, but...because of the reasons for the Culture Base and the power of space, he is not as good as Mu Tianhe, so for so long he can only Mix to the highest Elder, or

It was Mu Tianhe who was injured and he couldn't get on at all.


Hearing Kameyama now, he broke out immediately.

Mu Changfeng said, "Uncle Master, this is what Master Closed Door Training explained, and you agreed. You can't go back on your word, right?"

Mu Hetai's eyes tightened, staring at Mu Changfeng and said, "What do you call me?"

Mu Changfeng said, "Uncle Shi."

Mu Hetai snorted coldly and said, "Since you still know how to call me uncle, then I am your elder, were you questioning me just now?"

Directly use seniority to suppress Mu Changfeng.

Mu Changfeng's expression tightened, and he immediately said, "This disciple doesn't dare."

"Very good, since you know that you don't dare, then let me know what to say and what not to say." Mu Hetai said.

Mu Changfeng said, "The arrival of the Immortal Heavenly Venerate is a major event, I..."

Mu Hetai said, "Okay, I already know what you said, and I will investigate it clearly. If Immortal Heavenly Venerate really wants to come to Mie Mu's house, I will keep my promise and bring everyone into Guishan."

Mu Changfeng said, "Uncle, do you need to prepare in advance now..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mu Hetai interrupted again, "Do I need your guidance on what to do?"

Mu Changfeng said, "This disciple dare not."

Mu Hetai said, "Okay, you can go."

Mu Changfeng clasped his fists, saluted slightly, and exited the courtyard.

He has tried his best.


Not to mention Mu Hetai, even he himself doesn't believe that the Immortal Heavenly Venerate will come to Guishen Mountain. If Long Fei hadn't rescued him, he would never have said this to Mu Hetai.

Not to mention being humiliated, it also made him very uncomfortable.


Mu Hetai was also extremely upset, he felt that Mu Changfeng was making trouble unreasonably... No! To be precise, it should be Mutianhe.

Even if Mu Changfeng had status, he would not dare to joke about such a thing.

Obviously, there must be Mutianhe behind him.

He didn't think about Mu Tianhe's purpose for doing this, he just decided in his heart that it was Mu Tianhe's fault, just to embarrass him.

"The Undying Heavenly Venerate has moved out, why don't you say that the three great Heavenly Venerates of the Xuan family are here?"

"Dage, Dage, you're in seclusion, why don't you stop for a while?"

"Can't you see me being the head of the house?"


"You upset me, and I'll upset you too."

Mu Hetai looked at Mu Changfeng's retreating back, clenched his fists secretly, and a cold killing intent burst out from his eyes.

People are not cruel, they can't stand firm.

Heart does not kill, will not send!

Mu Hetai felt that if the Mu family was to be completely controlled by him, he would have to get rid of all those who were related to Mu Tianhe.

The first is the seven heroes of the North District.


Qijie from the North District was recognized as a genius by the Mu family, and he was also the inheritor of Mutianhe. It was not that easy to kill them.

Assassination certainly doesn't work.

We must find a reason, not only to get rid of them, but also to put the dung pot on Mu Tianhe's head.

Mu Hetai's eyes turned slightly, he was thinking of a way...

"Eldest brother, what did that old fellow Mu Hetai say?" Mu Yu stepped forward and asked.

Everyone looked at Mu Changfeng, Mu Changfeng shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "What can I say? I don't believe it at all, I'm afraid he won't send someone to investigate." Mu Shao Shao said, "Don't say it's him, even I won't believe it, I won't die. Heavenly Venerate, one of the three great Heavenly Venerates of the Xuan family, that old monster who has lived for countless years, why did he come to destroy our Mu family? Even if the Xuan family sees us unhappy, they will not send him out

come. "

"Yeah, I think so too."

"But... the boss's words must have his reasons. I don't think the boss needs to lie to us. It's just that he knows something we don't know."

"What now?"

|"Mu Hetai doesn't send anyone, or should we go check it ourselves?"

"After all, this is about the life and death of our Mu family. If what the boss said is true, then we..."

Mu Changfeng nodded and said, "That's right, it's about the life and death of the Mu family. For the sake of the Master and the Mu family, we have to investigate it clearly."

"In this way, the sixth, the seventh, stay at home, and the others go out to investigate together."

Mu Shaoshao immediately said, "Eldest brother, I also want to go out."

Mu Changfeng said, "You stay here, count the time and the boss should be back from the mountain. Now you are going to the East District. The matter of the fairy beast Blood Essence is very important. Today is the most late stage limit given by the master."

Mu Rou said softly, "Okay, I'll go right now."

Mu Changfeng said, "That's how things are done, and we're going too."

The seven are separated.

Five people left the North District, and the other two went to the East District.


Mu Hetai knew the news that Mu Changfeng and the five had left the North District...


After a day and a half.

Long Fei and Mu Yun returned to the East District.

The two did not go back to their residence to rest, but went directly to the assessment and registration office.

Count the time, today is the last day.

Because they didn't change their clothes, many disciples looked at them with disdain and laughed at them along the way.

"Should the handyman disciples also sign up?"

"I guess you went to sweep the pit next to the registration office, right?"


"Isn't that kid Mo Hefei? It was he who offended Goddess Mu Yao."

"I also offended Senior Brother Mu Ling."

"I heard that the elder in the southern district has specially recruited Senior Brother Mu Ling."

"Senior Sister Mu Yao seems to be making special moves, but she still has to go through the scene."

"It seems that this useless handyman disciple is a lucky star. Hahaha..."


Not far away, very lively.

It's not that there are many people signing up, but that many people want to know who has participated in the assessment. Long Fei and Mu Yun walked to the registration office, handed over the identity badge, and said, "Sign up for assessment!"

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