The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3938 The Power Of Collision

"If the radiance of the moon is the moon, then this ray of light is the radiance of the sun."

"The power of the sun and the moon."

"Opposites attract?"

"is that so?"

Long Fei thought, because he was too invested, he didn't find the danger approaching at all, and the ghost beast was less than 100 meters away from him.

At this time, it was as if he was close to breaking through Realm, and he was so focused that he couldn't even hear the beeping sound of the system.

He desperately wanted to step over it.

Powerful Dantian, don't know how to use it?

This pain is so unpleasant.

It's like there are hundreds of millions of deposits in the bank card in the previous life, but I forgot the password and can't report the loss. How uncomfortable is this?

Long Fei feels this way now.

"Anyway, I'm going to try it."

Long Fei stood in front of the dazzling light, and with a thought, he directly released the power of Shenyue Realm, "Get out!"


The brilliance of the moon moved.

Power pours out.

At the same time as it poured out, the power in that ray of light also exploded more intensely.

The two forces are in close contact.

at the moment of contact.

Long Fei's eyes were about to be stabbed blind, and the two forces were as if two planes collided and caused a devastating explosion.




Long Fei's Dantian kept roaring, his stomach cramped, and his face instantly turned pale.

Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and his health dropped by more than half, leaving only one-third.

"I rely on!"

Long Fei said fiercely, "Daddy Dantian can even hurt himself by the collision of forces? What the hell is this f*ck Dantian?"

"What is the power in this?"

Very irritable.

Shenyue is the lead, like a lead.

That ray of light was like a super dynamite. The lead ignited and exploded instantly. The power generated was terrifying.

Even if Long Fei was just a thought in Dantian, the thought was generated from his body after all, and his body was still implicated.

The implication brought by a thought cost him half his life. If it was his own body, I am afraid that there will be no slag left now.

The power is too strong.

Although Long Fei was injured, he was very excited.

Because this is the first time he uses his own power to stimulate the power in Dantian.

Although this kick did not pass, but... let him see hope.

"Shenyue is a guide. It seems that my direction is right, but the power control just now was not good, which directly led to the collapse and collision."

"If you can control the strength, then this power will most likely be controlled and released by me."

"It must be so!"


At a critical juncture, Long Fei didn't want to stop even if he was injured, he was worried that if he stopped, he would lose this 'opportunity'.

"Come again!"

Long Fei took a few healing pills and recovered a lot of health.

With a thought, he entered Dantian.

Among Dantian, use the power of the moon to find the plane of light, and with a thought, control the power of the radiance of the moon.


The moment it was released, the radiance of the moon ignited the power of the plane of light again.

Another violent crash.

Although this time was not as strong as before, it also required half of Long Fei's blood.

Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.


This time Long Fei laughed, "Sure enough!"

"On the right way!"


Very excited because just as he thought, the power of Shenyue Zhihui can control this power.

"Finally grasped the fur."

"Hahaha..." Long Fei couldn't be more excited.

Right now.

Long Kuang suddenly said, "Master, there is danger."

Hua Xianzi also hurriedly said, "Sir, it's dangerous!"

The two reminded that Long Fei also opened his eyes, wondering in his heart, "Is it possible that there are Demonic Beasts who fell off the top of the mountain and died?"

The place he was in was a concave shape with cliffs everywhere, and when he came down he checked that there was no living thing.

There is danger at this time, it must be that the fallen Demonic Beasts are not dead.


When he turned his eyes and looked at the skeleton ghost beast in the distance, the two green ghost fires in his pupils seemed to stare at him with a kind of pupil power, making him unable to move.

Skeleton ghost beast, reminding huge.

It seems to be a skeleton, but it is always an indescribable powerful force.

The important point is.

This ghost beast exudes a golden light.


There is no doubt that only the boss will emit such a golden light.

However, Long Fei only glanced at the ghost beast, and was directly attracted by the black-robed man standing on the back of the ghost beast.

Not because of his appearance, nor because of the mask on his face, nor because of the Death aura emanating from him.

But like the ghost beast, the golden light emanating from his body!

Extremely dazzling light!

It is several times more dazzling than the light emitted by the ghost beast. If the ghost beast is a boss, then the guy on his back is a super boss!


"Two bosses."

"The golden light is dazzling."


Long Fei swallowed hard, and if he didn't swallow, it would flow out.

However, Long Kuang brought him back to reality with a sentence, "Master, he is a strong man in Haoran Realm, you are not his opponent, hurry up and escape."

Hua Xianzi couldn't help but say, "Sir, this guy is too strong."

It's like smashing Long Fei's dream and returning it to its original shape.

Haoran Realm?

The Realm above the Shenyue Realm is the Tianyuan Promise Realm, and the Haoran Realm is higher first-level than the Tianyuan Promise Realm.

Not to mention that Heavenly Slash is cooling down, even if Long Fei is not cooling down, he can't kill this kind of Realm's powerhouse, not even that ghost beast is an opponent.

Long Fei's heart froze.

"The God Slash is cooling down, my Cultivation Base..."


"Do you want me to give up blasting the boss? No... It's absolutely impossible. Is there any reason not to kill the boss when you see it?"

The boss is Long Fei's heart, how can he let it go?

Absolutely not.


In this situation, this kind of terrain, it is not something that Long Fei can escape. The black-robed man on the back of the ghost and beast locked him with cold eyes, and his eyes were killing. Obviously, he came here to kill Long Fei. of.


There is absolutely no escape.

Long Fei didn't even think about escaping.

The ghost beast stepped forward, "Om..."

The ground shook.

The breath of the ghost beast directly covered the entire valley, and also covered Long Fei. The violent and ferocious aura directly crushed Long Fei's body.

The man on the back of the ghost beast also said coldly, "Are you a disciple of the Mu family?"

Long Fei stood up and said, "Yes."

The black-robed man said lightly, "You are very good."

Long Fei also said indifferently, "I know."

The black-robed man twitched the corner of his mouth and said, " appeared in the wrong place, otherwise you wouldn't have to die today."

"It's a pity that you were born into the wrong family, otherwise you might not have to die today."

"Combining these..."

"So, you have to die today!"

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