The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3874 Chasing

"Junior sister has your child in her stomach, hurry up and save, save, save..."

Before Ling Yuan finished speaking, his body fell to the ground, and he lost his life.

Meng Tu stepped forward to check, "He is dead."

Long Fei froze in place.

His mind is blank now, and the whole person is like a short circuit, "She has my child in her stomach, I..."


"Am I going to be a father?"

"I... Am I going to be a father?"

"I'm Long Fei going to be a father?"

Long Fei's mouth trembled a little when he spoke, because he was suddenly.

He never thought about being a father.

Too unexpected.

So pleasantly surprised.

Mengtu looked at Long Fei and said, "Long Fei, what's wrong with you?"


Long Fei suddenly burst out laughing, "Daddy is going to be a father!"


Long Fei's eyes sank, stared directly at the sky, and let out an angry roar, "Who dares to hurt my woman and my child, I will kill his ancestors for the eighteenth generation."


The power of the Sword Emperor's peak exploded with all his strength, the ground sank, and the ground cracked open in a radius of 100 meters.

Long Fei's body rushed towards the sky like a rocket.



Long Fei continued to exert force, constantly ejecting in mid-air.

The consumption of spiritual source value continues to increase.


His current spiritual source value is more than 60 million points, which is full, so there is no need to worry.

He's on fire now.

In the mortal world of the ancient world, he no longer has any concerns.

Phoenix is ​​back in Phoenix Valley.

Brothers are also dead.

He was the only one left, and now he was most concerned about Liu Luoxi.

"I'm going to be a father."

"I'm going to be a father..."

Long Fei kept repeating these words in his heart, his whole body was boiling with blood, as if he had endless power.

The whole person is also in a state of extreme runaway.

The speed appears ten times as fast.

"Luoxi, wait for me."

"wait for me!"

"Ah..." Long Fei roared hysterically, his figure was like lightning bolts, constantly flashing towards the sky.

He must dare to catch up with them before Xuanlie Mountain opens the door to the sky.


Long Fei didn't extradite people, so he couldn't enter the divine space.

If you can't enter the divine dimension, the consequences...

Xuan Lie Shan said that Liu Luoxi is the body of the Holy Yin and is a good material for Emperor Xuan's cultivation.

Once he can't enter the divine space, Liu Luoxi falls into Emperor Xuan's hands...

Long Fei couldn't imagine it.

He is desperately trying now, his spiritual source is burning, consuming frantically, and Long Fei is also rushing towards the sky frantically.


Risk your life!


"Hurry up for me."

"Hurry up, if you can't even get to the gate of the sky, what qualifications do you have to enter the divine space?" Xuan Lieshan's face was full of contempt.

He was very reluctant to bring the Sword Spirit King in his heart.


Long Wushen was defeated, there was no one around him, and he felt very insecure.

While speaking, Xuan Lieshan said coldly again, "Long Wushen, your mother is really a piece of scum. You can't even solve a problem with Long Fei, you should have died a long time ago."

At the moment when the secret realm was destroyed, Xuanlie Mountain just came out.

in the distance.

He saw that Emperor Xuan was beaten in the head by a phantom.

at that moment.

Xuan Lieshan was almost scared to pee.

Long Wushen is not an opponent, so he is only the Cultivation Base of Shenyue Realm can be the opponent of Long Fei?

Originally, I wanted to make fun of it, or kill Long Fei with my own hands, but seeing that scene, Xuan Lieshan didn't even think about escaping to the Gods Space.

As long as you enter the divine space, you will be safe.

He knew very well that Long Fei couldn't open the door to the sky without extradition.

"Hurry up with me." Xuan Lieshan made a deep voice again.

The Sword Spirit King was panting, and his body couldn't bear it at high altitude, and the more he went up, the more uncomfortable his body became.

It was like being at the bottom of the sea, and the strong air pressure overwhelmed him.

The same goes for high altitudes.

The Sword Spirit King panted like a cow and said, "Sir, or you, you, you can take us to fly."

Xuan Lieshan's eyes immediately became gloomy, "I think you want to die, right? What is your identity, what is my identity, let me take you to fly? Are you tired of living?"

Liu Luoxi's face was pale, and she couldn't bear it.

Compared with the Sword Spirit King, she was even more uncomfortable because she used all the Spiritual Qi in her body to protect the child in her belly.

Her life is not important, the child's life is everything.

She was basically taken by the Sword Spirit King to fly.

Liu Luoxi said, "You can't escape. Long Fei will definitely chase you and kill you."


The Sword Spirit King slapped his face and slammed, "Shut up for me!"

"If you hadn't stalled in the secret realm, we'd be where we are now?"

"If it weren't for the fact that you still have some use value, do you think you can live to this day? You can have today's Cultivation Base without my teaching?" The Sword Spirit King became furious.

Liu Luoxi had blood hanging from the corner of her mouth and five fingerprints on her cheeks. She looked at the Sword Spirit King coldly and said, "Without me, you would have died long ago."

"Do you think you have any use value?"

"I'm dead, can you still live?"

Xuan Lie Shan said lightly, "She is right, if she dies, you will die even worse, understand?"

Sword Spirit King's eyes tightened, and he immediately said respectfully, "Understand, understand!"

Liu Luoxi laughed, "Sword Spirit King, you are really like a dog."

The Sword Spirit King's eyes were fiery, and his eyes were killing him, just like slashing Liu Luoxi to death with one palm, but he also knew in his heart that he couldn't.

Just as Liu Luoxi said, he himself has no use value, and Liu Luoxi is the one who Xuanlieshan fancy.

And he kept holding on to Liu Luoxi because he was afraid that Xuan Lieshan would attack him.

Liu Luoxi is his life-saving talisman.

Even if Long Fei catches up, he doesn't have to worry.

Xuan Lieshan said in a deep voice, "Stop talking nonsense, feel free to fly for me, and I will soon reach the gate of the sky. When I enter the gate of the sky, let alone Long Fei, even the gods can't catch up."


Xuan Lieshan is still very worried.

The pressure Long Fei caused him was too strong.

The Sword Spirit King grabbed Liu Luoxi tightly and flew up.

Liu Luoxi did not dare to struggle.

She was worried about hurting the child in her stomach.


A roar came from below the clouds.


Liu Luoxi's eyes froze, and he immediately smiled and said, "It's Long Fei, he's here!"

The Sword Spirit King trembled slightly, and subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Xuan Lieshan's body trembled directly, and he said fiercely, "Damn Long Wushen, trash."

"What are you still doing?"

"Hurry up!"

Xuan Lieshan had the heart to die, and rushed to the sky with all his strength.

The Sword Spirit King was also scared to death. He was injured himself. Seeing the speed of Daxuan Lieshan, for fear that he would be sold, he panicked and shouted, "Sir, wait for me."

It's fine that he doesn't make a loud noise.

Long Fei heard such a loud voice all of a sudden.

"Sword Spirit King, my ancestor!!"


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