The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3618 Passing A Copy Of Po Cang

The horn sound rarely sounded in the ancient sect.

Once it rings, that's when something big happens.

Either the Outer Sect or the Inner Sect is shrouded in the sound of the horn.

The entire ancient sect was shocked.

"what's going on?"

"The horn? What's the matter?"

"Are foreign enemies coming?"

"Anything else happy?"


Many people do not know, because it is too sudden and there is no preparation.

The main hall peak, on the ancient Great Hall.

An old man covered in blood was lying on the ground.

The owner of the door, Dong Tiankui!

He was dying now, his eyes were trembling, and his fists were clenched tightly.

No one thought that Dong Tiankui would still be alive.

Fang Wanpeng left him to fend for himself.


He did not expect that Dong Tiankui would actually survive.

And... he still jumped into the lava and survived.

at this time.


His whole body was covered in wounds, and he had no idea what he was going through.

The master of the first peak of the ancient sects, seriously injured like this, this is indeed a big event for the ancient sects.


This is the hand of an outside power against Dong Tiankui, which means a declaration of war!

That's why the trumpet was blown.

The elder came out of the apse, looked at the many elders and peak masters in the Great Hall, and said, "Sect Leader is in Closed Door Training, and today I will preside over the meeting in place of Sect Leader."

"Pavilion Pill Master, how is the injury of the sect master now?"

The Dan Pavilion Peak Master came out and said, "I checked it carefully just now, and I can save my life, but I'm afraid his Cultivation Base..."

Speaking of Cultivation Base, Dong Tiankui struggled violently, his eyes were bulging, and he wanted to jump up.

The elder walked to Dong Tiankui's side and pressed down lightly with his right hand, and Dong Tiankui quickly became quiet.

"Master of the door, don't get angry first, getting angry is not good for your health."

The elder looked at Pavilion Master Dan and said, "Can you let him speak?"

"I want to know what happened?"

The master of the door is also a strong man of the Sword Emperor Realm. It is definitely not easy for the opponent to hurt him like this.


His character is very high-profile, and before the opponent hurts him, he should know that he is the peak master of the ancient Lie Sect.

Peak Master Dange took out a Medicine Pill and put it in Dong Tiankui's mouth, catalyzing it with his palm, reminding him, "Senior Brother Dong, don't get excited, take your time, or you will burst your heart, and you won't be able to live. , be sure to remember!"


The medicine is all dissolved.

Dong Tiankui was also very aware of his own situation, calmed down a little, and said with some difficulty, "Fang Wanpeng, it's him, it's him."

The elder's eyes tightened, "Fang Wanpeng?"

"Isn't this person the Elder of our ancient Lie Sect? Could it be that you were hurt like this by him?"

The many Elders on the Great Hall tightened slightly.

"His Cultivation Base shouldn't be as good as that of Qimen Peak Master?"

"Fang Wanpeng is an easy-going person, and he usually doesn't do anything with others. How could he do something to Senior Brother Dong?"

"Senior Brother Dong's Cultivation Base is stronger than him, and he is no match for his hands. How could he be hurt like this?"


Listening to the discussions around him, Dong Tiankui couldn't hold back the anger in his heart and said, "He is a despicable villain who attacked me."

"Elder, you must kill him."

"He colluded with the outside Sect, and he also had his disciples in the Outer Sect."

"He travels around all year round, and he is no longer a member of the ancient Lie Sect."

"This time when he met a second rank fire element, he exposed his ugly face, it was him, it was him...cough..."

Blood coughed out of his mouth.

He figured it out on the way back.

This is the only way he can protect himself.

to ensure your own identity.


He is the master of Qimen, and what he said has more weight than what Fang Wanpeng said.

His voice fell.

Everyone was immediately relieved.

"Sneak attack?"

"No wonder, Fang Wanpeng is really not a thing."

"To actually use such a rude move, I have long thought that he is not a good thing. He is outside all year round, who knows who he is in contact with?"

"Elder, this matter must be explained to the door master."

"Yes, as the master of the sect, how much damage does this have to the ancient Lie Sect?"

"You can't spare him lightly."


The identity of the sect master is naturally different. Although he is seriously injured now, like Fang Wanpeng, more people speak for Dong Tiankui.

The elder raised his eyebrows tightly and said loudly, "Pass my order to arrest Fang Wanpeng!"

"If you dare to resist, shoot to kill!"

There was a response from outside the door, "Yes!"

Then, a golden light flashed.

Then, a hundred golden lights moved.

This is the strongest elite in the main hall, and each of them is a high-level Realm of the Sword Emperor.

They were dispatched, and there were hundreds of them at a time, so Fang Wanpeng couldn't escape at all.

You must know that these golden armored guards have never failed once!

"Thank you elder for doing justice to me, thank you." Dong Tiankui's tearful expression made all the elders present sympathize.

The elder said lightly, "Don't worry, this is what I should do, and I will definitely give you an explanation."


"You said just now that Fang Wanpeng had a disciple in the Outer Sect?"

"What's his name?"

If Fang Wanpeng was to be moved, he would have to be arrested together with his men.

Dong Tiankui shook his head and said, "I don't know his name, all I know is that he is the Outer Sect disciple, the elder. I will deal with that kid. I swear, I will kill him with my own hands."

Long Fei's appearance was imprinted in his mind.


He also wants to kill Long Fei.

He must get the second rank fire element on his body. The fire element power on his body is completely consumed in the magma. If he can get the second rank fire element of Long Fei, maybe he can restore his full strength.


He had to deal with Long Fei himself.

The elder said lightly, "If that's the case, I'll give it to you first."

"Come on!"

"Take out the Myriad Spirit Protector Pill." The elder said slightly.

Many Elders were shocked.

The Ten Thousand Spirit Protector Pill is the number one Medicine Pill of the ancient Lie Sect, and the number is very small.

The value of one piece can be worth tens of thousands of fifth-rank Origin Stones. Its effect is too great. As long as it doesn't die, this Myriad Spiritual Protection Pill can bring it back to life.

Dong Tiankui was also surprised and wanted to get up, but was stopped by the elder.

"Thank you, thank you elder."

"Thank you." Tears flowed out, but the heart was very cruel, "Boy, wait for this old man!"

"When I recover two layers of strength, I can kill you!"





There was a roar, dawn broke in the east, and a light appeared in the darkness.

Long Fei held a big sword, stood on a high place, looked back at the corpses of Magical Beasts everywhere, and then looked at Dongfang Yumaibai, "Po Cang!"


"The copy passed!"

The system beeps. "Ding!"

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