The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3242 Purification

The Underworld becomes heaven.

The golden light was dazzling, and Long Fei couldn't open his eyes at all.

Just this moment.

As if a monster rushed out of the ancient coffin beside him, the Evil Ghost King let out a scream, "Ah..."

Terrible screams of pain.

Also at this moment.



The coffin slammed shut, the golden light disappeared, and the heaven and earth returned to normal, but... the evil ghost king was slowly fading in the darkness, and the thick black fog was spreading.

One move, kill!

Long Fei was shocked.

His eyes were blinded, because the blood tank on the top of the evil ghost king's head had decreased crazily.

Completely unable to resist the decrease in blood volume.


"This is to kill in seconds."

Long Fei smacked his tongue secretly, a little confused, looking at the coffin erected beside him, his heart was even more fearful.

at this time.

Even the old demon and the black and white were silent, as if the sound at this time would be swallowed up by the ancient coffin. Long Fei didn't sense the power that burst out just now, but the two of them sensed it slightly.

That can't be described in two words powerful.

It was so strong that it exploded, as if it was a power they had never seen before.

"Old ghost, did we hear it right?"

"Eternal coffin?"

"Is there really such a thing?" The old demon asked cautiously after the ancient coffin was stabilized, and he didn't even dare to speak too loudly, for fear of making the ancient coffin unhappy.

What kind of arrogant character is the old demon?

The first demon in ancient times.

The Lord who fears neither the sky nor the earth.

But now... he also had to 'crawl' on the ground, shivering, not daring to provoke the ancient coffin.

Black and white also answered cautiously, "I don't know. After all, the ancient world is very small to the entire universe. The immortal coffin only exists in legends, and no one has seen it."

The old demon suppressed the excitement in his heart and said, "If it's really the coffin of immortality, then this kid really has a big hair."

Black and white did not speak.

He and the old devil think differently.

The coffin of immortality is just a coffin that can give people immortality. It has unimaginable power, but... the 'monster' rushed out of the coffin just now, is he the coffin of immortality?

Is it the guardian of the coffin of immortality?


Does this immortal coffin have an owner?

The master is lying in the coffin to cultivate?

Black and white recalls the picture in the tomb of the gods, the Azure Dragon god emperor is pulling the coffin...

"You have to find the dragon soul of the Azure Dragon Emperor and ask for it." Black and white froze in his heart. He knew that the dragon soul of the Azure Dragon Emperor had escaped, otherwise he would not have allowed the Azure Dragon saint to stay by Long Fei's side.






The evil ghost king blew himself up frantically, screaming in pain, staring at Long Fei, gritted his teeth and said, "Even if you die, I will pull you into The Underworld!"

"Ghost Road!"


The blood volume drops crazily again, unstoppable.

However, as long as the blood volume has not been exhausted, the Evil Ghost King is not dead yet.

The black mist rolled, and the heaven and the earth spun.

The power of ghosts surged wildly, crushed it crazily, forming huge Samsara vortexes, rushing towards Long Fei in all directions.

Long Fei's eyes tightened, and he glanced at the stationary ancient coffin beside him. He didn't know if he wanted to make another move, so he couldn't help but ask, "Boss, will you make another move?"

Long Fei used all his powerful strength and failed to cause damage to the evil ghost king. Now the evil ghost king has fallen into a rampage. He is now struggling to death, and his power is even more ferocious. It is like pulling Longfei to die together. .


The ancient coffin did not move, as if he had no intention of making a move.

Long Fei frowned and murmured, "Are you going to make a move?"

"Depend on!"

"Isn't that too little? At least two moves."

Long Fei was a little angry.

Seeing that the ghost Samsara was about to rush from all directions, Long Fei clenched his fists heavily. Since Gu Coffin didn't want to shoot, he didn't ask anymore.

Asking for help, Long Fei is not good at it.


Long Fei also roared heavily, and the power in his body burned.



The strength became as high as the gang, and the body was wrapped, and the dragon leaped...

But at this moment.

A huge force directly sucked Long Fei.

Long Fei's body could not move.

Looking back, I saw a force released from the ancient coffin. This force directly bound him, bound his whole body, and the power on Long Fei disappeared directly.

Crush, disappear invisible!

Long Fei's eyes froze, "What are you going to do?"

There was a problem with Long Fei's physical body. Various forces filled his body just now, beyond his physical body's tolerance, and his physical body was close to collapse.

The Fountain of Life is being repaired madly, and the body of Star is also being repaired madly.


The power suddenly released by the ancient coffin crushed Long Fei's Star body and the power of the Fountain of Life directly, and the two powers were directly lost.

Long Fei's body seemed to be suddenly cut off.

He didn't understand why the ancient coffin did this.

He is motionless now, as long as the power of the evil ghost king comes down, he will surely die.

Fountain of Life "Boss, my strength is completely useless, what's going on?"

Ancient Demon Tree "Boss, the power of Star is also disappearing rapidly, and it can't support it at all."

Long Fei asked, "Black and white, Old Demon, what's the situation now?"

Black and white was also struggling and said, "Like them, my strength is suppressed now, and I can't move at all."

The old demon was the same, and said angrily, "Damn it, this coffin is not trying to kill us all, right?"


Long Fei felt a chill in his heart.

None of them are clear about this immortal coffin, what exactly is he? What is the 'monster' in the coffin? neither knows.

What is his purpose?

Even more do not know.

Since he strongly devoured the purple energy of Yuanshijie given by Yuanshi Tianzun, he has become different.

Long Fei asked heavily, "What do you want?"

"To kill me?"

The ancient coffin did not speak.

He didn't speak, but his power suddenly changed.


directly into his body.

The ancient demon tree was directly blasted out of Long Fei's body, turned into a towering tree, flew into the void, and a voice came from the air, "Ah..."


The ancient demon tree has left the body!


The Fountain of Life also shouted, but... before the sound fell, he was also forced out by a force, and he also flew into the void.

Two consecutive forces leave the body.

Long Fei's mind was fierce, "This is daddy's body, try moving it again!"


The words he said were completely useless, the old demon's figure sank, and he sent out a flame towards Heavenly Devil, "I don't believe you can move me..."

Don't wait for him to finish. The old demon was also blasted out of Long Fei's body!

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