The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3221 Destroyed Immortal Fate Sect

"Li Yuanba..."

The name is so familiar!

Not because of memory, but because Xiaobai and Binghuo said a lot about the Eight Vajra.

The reason why Li Yuanba's name is so profound is because it was the name of a fierce man in the Tang Dynasty in his previous life!

According to what Xiaobai said, Li Yuanba was named after him.

"Big Vajra Li Yuanba..."

"Big Vajra..."

Long Fei's eyes were dazed, and he muttered, "It won't be so coincidental, will it?"

Looking at Long Fei's shocked expression, Devil Monarch asked, "What coincidence?"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "Nothing."

He can't say this, and he can't confirm it now. According to Xiaobai, his eight Vajra should all be still practicing in the ancient world.

The person in front of him...

Same name and last name?

Long Fei immediately denied it in his heart, "It shouldn't be."

"No matter how much!"

"I could accept you as my younger brother in the past life, and in this life, I can accept you as my younger brother as well." Long Fei's eyes became firmer, and he did not intend to come forward and recognize Li Yuanba.

He couldn't recognize it either.

Once Li Yuanba asked about what happened before, he couldn't say anything.

Instead, it will be self-defeating.

Even if he is not a big Vajra, Long Fei will accept him as a younger brother, such a fierce man cannot be missed.

"Either big Vajra or not Vajra, in short, you will become my little brother." Long Fei clenched his fists slightly, and his eyes became more and more fiery.


Looking at Long Fei's excited appearance, Devil Monarch in the Western Regions couldn't understand it, and said Wei Wei, "The top four have entered, the next step is up to you."

Although he won the confrontation with Shen Batu just now, he also suffered a lot of internal injuries.

If he played again, he could not guarantee that he would win.

Long Fei nodded and said, "Well, I see."

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions was a little worried and said, "You Heavenly Saint sixth-level, can you handle it?"

The birth of the top four, whether it is Zhou Yuan of Wan Haizong, or the Son of Destiny, even Li Yuanba who came up from the lowest level, Long Fei, any of the three major forces, is no match.

These three forces are too powerful.

Li Yuanba's punch.

Zhou Yuan's three powers.

The Destiny Sect is bottomless, and Destiny has not yet played.

No matter how it seems that Long Fei is the weakest party.

Want to win?

It's almost impossible.

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I'm very strong."

Long Fei was very confident in himself.

Devil Monarch in the Western Regions smiled bitterly and said, "I hope."

He had some regrets in his heart, and even he doubted his own IQ, why did he choose Long Fei as his ally in the first place?

Tiansheng sixth-level, it's not enough to watch!

Devil Monarch in the Western Regions let out a long sigh of relief, "This is the end of the matter, and I can only resign myself to fate."



Hu Tianhe came out and said, "The top four Sects have been born, the Destiny Sect, the Wanhai Sect, the Vajra Sect, and then..."

He looked at Long Fei with contempt in his eyes, and said, "I don't even know if he is from the Xianyuan Sect or the Demon Sect."

Say it on purpose.

There was another uproar in the venue, and they mocked Long Fei fiercely.

Long Fei didn't care at all.

Hu Tianhe went on to say, "In the semifinals, you can enter the finals if you win one game. Today, in addition to deciding the outcome of the Elite Club, it will also decide who will be the overlord of the Western Regions, and will also decide your life."

"The winner will be selected into Lingtian Pavilion and become a disciple of the Celestial Clan!"

"I won't say much more."

"Look at the Blackstone screen."

Everyone's eyes turned to the blackstone screen, and the four Sects were turning frantically.


Finally, the battle list was frozen.

Hu Tianhe showed a smug smile and said, "Xianyuanzong vs Wanhaizong, Vajra vs Destiny, please get ready, all Sect disciples."

Compared with Li Yuanba, Hu Tianhe was more worried about Zhou Yuan of Wan Haizong.


He moved his hands and feet directly and chose to fight against Li Yuanba.

Throw Wan Haizong's Zhou Yuan to Long Fei.

Zhou Yuan's methods were ruthless, and no one survived. Hu Tianhe's purpose was to make Zhou Yuan kill Long Fei and turn Long Fei into a bone.

Just to let Long Fei die!

As soon as the battle list came out, Zhou Yuan laughed, looked at Long Fei on the opposite side, and said coldly, "Finally it's your turn."

Long Fei also tightened his eyes, looked at the sky, and muttered, "Everyone protect the elders, this time, I will definitely kill him!"

"You guys have a good look in the sky."

Thinking of the tragic deaths of guarding the Elders, the killing intent in Long Fei's heart surged.

Devil Monarch in the Western Regions screamed, "Damn!"

Looking sideways at Long Fei, then at Zhou Yuan, the aura released from his body was too strong.

He wanted Long Fei to deal with Zhou Yuan.

But. ,

Comparing the breaths of the two people, they are completely unequal.

Not a class at all!

Devil Monarch in the Western Regions looked at Long Fei, and said slightly, "Long Fei, if it doesn't work, just admit defeat. Anyway, one of your top four, Xian Yuanzong has been saved."

I don't want Long Fei to die.

If you admit defeat, at least you can survive.

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "I don't have the word admit defeat in my dictionary."

"I've been looking forward to this fight for a long time."

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions looked at Long Fei and wanted to say, you will die, but he finally held back. He knew that most of the Eighteen Guardian Elders of the Xian Yuan Sect died in Zhou Yuan's hands, and Long Fei wanted revenge.

He didn't stop.


"That Immortal Fate Demon Sect is sure to lose!"

"Wait for the sect to be destroyed!"

"Tell him to collude with the Demon Sect, and he will soon become a skeleton."

"You deserve it!"

"In a few minutes, there will be no Xianyuanzong in this world."

"It's very heartwarming."


There was laughter around the venue.

They hate Immortal Fate Sect, even more than they hate Demon Sect.

Even if Wan Haizong murdered like a numb, they didn't hate it so much, because Long Fei colluded with the Demon Sect in public, plus the rendering of the Ten Sects, everyone hated the Xian Yuan Sect.

Hu Tianhe looked at Long Fei and smiled secretly, "Win my money? I'll let you die for the New Year!"


Laughing wildly in my heart, I fell back to the position of the Destiny Sect, glanced at Destiny, and said, "Destiny, you must win this game for me."

destiny did not speak.

He had already made a decision.

Seeing the expression of destiny, Hu Tianhe's eyes sank, his heart was secretly angry, and he said through a voice, "destiny, don't forget what you promised me. If you can't win this game, then your coffin..."


"Then don't blame me for being rude!"

Hu Tianhe spoke in a deep voice.

Destiny's expression didn't change, just silently looking at the center of the venue.

At this moment.

The referee came out and said loudly, "Please Wan Haizong, the disciples of Xianyuanzong come to the stage!"

"Semi-finals, the first battle!"

"Start!" As soon as the voice fell, the audience was boiling, and everyone shouted, "Destroy the Xianyuanzong!"

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