The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3197 Mutual Use

The reason why the old devil is angry is because the devil should be fearless, even if his soul is gone, he should face it calmly, but the Devil Monarch of the Western Regions is afraid.

Such a person should not be a Devil Cultivator!

Lose the old devil's face.


Who in the world can be fearless?

No matter who is afraid, it is normal for Devil Monarch to be afraid of the bombardment of robbery, the power of divine scourge, and the Devil Monarch in the Western Regions.

Long Fei said, "How can I help you? I'm not a Devil Cultivator."

Devil Monarch in the Western Regions smiled slightly and said, "I know everything that happened in Xianyuanzong. You can control the robbery, so don't hide it."

Long Fei began to understand, and secretly said in his heart, "So it is."

The old demon was even more furious, "Useless things, give me the Demon Gate Losing face."

Long Fei said, "The last time I was able to control the calamity, I can't guarantee whether I can control your calamity, but if you can really help me reach the top, I will do my best."

Long Fei still doesn't know what kind of person the Devil Monarch is in the Western Regions.

What if this guy has another purpose?

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions also said readily, "Okay, anyway, my Demon Sect has no interest in entering Lingtian Pavilion. I will help you reach the top, and you will help me with Transcend Tribulation."


Devil Monarch of the Western Regions looked at Long Fei seriously, and said, "We are even a gentleman's agreement. After I help you reach the top, you won't regret it, right?"

Long Fei said, "Do you think I am that kind of person?"

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions smiled and said, "I believe you!"

Long Fei muttered in his heart, "I really don't believe you."

He killed several Devil Venerables of the Demon Sect, can Devil Monarch help him like this?

It's not that Long Fei can't trust him, it's that he can't trust anyone!

Long Fei asked, "How do you want to help me, is the disciple of the Demon Sect fighting in my place?"

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions said, "You don't need to worry about this, I can't guarantee anything else, even if Wan Haizong, Destiny Sect, and Shen Haizong deal with you, I have a way to send you to the semi-finals, and then it's up to you to own. "

Top four!

It is very difficult for the thousand sects of the Western Regions to enter the semifinals.

The best in the records of Xianyuanzong's past dynasties is the top four.

The quarterfinals are enough.

It is enough to prove the current status and strength of Xianyuanzong.

If the Devil Monarch of the Western Regions can help Long Fei do this, he must invest a lot of manpower and material resources into it.

Long Fei said, "Okay!"

"Then I'll see your performance tomorrow!"

Devil Monarch in the Western Regions said, "Just wait and see."

Long Fei said, "Then I'll go back first."


Huo Qilin turned his head and flew towards the direction of destiny city. When he flew into the Realm of destiny city, Long Fei deliberately stopped and looked into the distance.

His eyes just looked at the mountain where Tsing Yi was.

Long Fei murmured, "Heavenly Clan!"

The fists clenched tightly.

Tsing Yi glanced coldly, "It's still so strong, I haven't made progress!"


He lifted the jug and poured it into his mouth. His eyes were melancholy, but his movements were very ecstasy. The wine flowed down his collarbone, his chest was wet, and a lot of spring light was drawn...


After Long Fei left.

There are two more Demon Elders around Devil Monarch in the Western Regions.

"Devil Monarch, do you really believe him?"

"He killed several of our elders, and he also robbed the dragon sword. This kind of person is not to be trusted."

"that is!"

Devil Monarch smiled lightly and said, "I didn't say trust him, we just used each other."

"He thought I was relying on his Transcend Tribulation, but...why have I ever feared the robbery?"

An elder said, "Then you?"

Devil Monarch said, "Wan Haizong!"

The eyes of the two Elders narrowed.

Wan Haizong's changes in a month, killing, cruel, countless casualties, blood flow, and evil deeds, it can be said that in the Western Regions, it has completely seized the limelight of the Demon Sect.

Mozong was also overwhelmed by Wan Haizong.

Compared with Wan Haizong, his Demon Sect has actually become a decent Sect. If this continues, Wan Haizong will become a Western Demon Sect, and his Demon Sect will have no place.

Wan Haizong must be eliminated!

There must be only one demon in the Western Regions, and that is the Demon Sect he controls!

Devil Monarch looked at the direction where Long Fei disappeared, "He will be a very good partner, just wait and see, this kid will definitely shine in this time."

"We deal with other Sects, he will deal with Wan Haizong!"


Devil Monarch of the Western Regions laughed heavily.


Another place.

In a dilapidated temple in Destiny City.

Several beggars curled up in the corner.

There are two others.

One is Sloppy Daoist, Sect Leader of Vajra.

The other is the big man Li Yuanba.

Li Yuanba didn't mind this kind of residence. He also knew that the Vajra Sect Leader would not be able to get on the stage, but... he had to borrow the identity of the Vajra Sect to enter the Hall of Fame.


It is only possible to find the boss by entering the Qunying venue.

Li Yuanba murmured, "Will the boss be here?"

"Search all over the Eight Regions, if I can't find it again, then I..." Li Yuanba raised his eyes slightly and looked at the sky.

Where is the sky?

Celestial Clan, Divine Palace!

It is also the Heavenly Domain in the Nine Domains of Hongmeng.

The Eight Domains have all been found, and only Tianyu is left.

I can't find it here, he will really kill the Heavenly Palace.

The sloppy Daoist looked at Li Yuanba, how he liked it, like a big baby, his eyes were shining, "As long as I can enter the top 500, then my Vajra sect will soar, if I can enter the top 100... Tsk tsk...I can't control it anymore."

"Top 100, top 100 Sects in the Western Regions, this..."


Excited to laugh out loud.

Several old beggars sneered, "Are you crazy?"

"There must be something wrong with this person's brain. He is sneering there, a lunatic, a fool, look at that stupid big man, he is shirtless in such a cold day, hey..."


Li Yuanba turned to look at the sloppy Daoist and said, "Sect Leader, can I really find someone?"

Sloppy Daoist said impatiently, "You've asked eight thousand times, don't worry, as long as he's at the Qunying venue, you'll be able to find him."

"Don't worry, I can still lie to you?"


"You have to give me the top 100."

"Oh." Li Yuanba said naively.

Sloppy Daoist tightened his eyes and said, "Oh, what do you mean?"

"I don't care so much. If you can't even do this, then you are not qualified to be a disciple of the Vajra sect, and you are not qualified to be my direct disciple..."

He chattered.

Li Yuanba didn't pay attention to it at all. One of the things he is most worried about now is that he is worried that Long Fei's appearance has changed!

He found countless people with the same name and surname, but none of them were the ones he was looking for.

He was a little anxious.

in a hurry! If he can't find it again... Li Yuanba clenched his fist secretly, looked at the sky and made up his mind, "Boss, no matter where you are, I will definitely find you!"

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