The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3183 Do You Want To Die

Never been provoked like this.

He has never been provoked like this by a human being.

This bad breath, he can't help it!

Huo Qilin was smoking above his head, his blood-red eyes widened, staring at Long Fei fiercely, and said, "You will not end well if you do it? Daddy's hand will not end well either."

"You try it, try it!"

Not angry.

He was furious. If Long Fei hadn't rescued him, he would have jumped up.

Long Fei ignored him at all and said, "You really want me to do it?"

Huo Qilin said, "Are you going to do anything? If you don't do it, I can do it."


Long Fei flipped his right hand, "Om!"


A mass of golden light suddenly suspended in the palm of his hand.

Huo Qilin sighed secretly, "Divine power?"

"Depend on!"

"I'm afraid of you because of divine power?"

"You have divine power, so does daddy." The arrogance on Qilin's body also changed suddenly, and the red scales on his body surged wave after wave, "Divine power!"


The same surging power, staring at Long Fei with both eyes, said, "Come on!"

Long Fei said slightly, "Not coming out yet?"

Huo Qilin was in a hurry, "Daddy is always here."


Long Fei moved his left hand, "Ashura Road!"

Another mass of power was released.

Huo Qilin's heart sank again, looking at the second divine power in Long Fei's hand, he was about to clench his teeth, and a roar came from his body, "Boom..."

"You have a second power, and so do I."



The flames burned, and the surrounding space seemed to be destroyed.

Long Fei murmured, "It seems that you are not afraid of these two forces?"

Huo Qilin replied, "Daddy has never been afraid of anyone."

Long Fei's two strengths were withdrawn.

Huo Qilin also stopped, his body was a little unbearable, he coughed several times, forcibly calmed down, and stared at Long Fei without moving, just when he wanted to ask.

Long Fei released another force, "Beast Dao!"

This time...

Hearing the word 'beast', Huo Qilin went into a frenzy and roared heavily, completely disregarding all that, and rushed towards Long Fei.

"You are a beast!"

"Daddy is a beast!"

"Divine beast, do you understand?"


The flames howled.

At this moment, the Sword intent also flew along with the fire Qilin.


Its target is not Long Fei, but Fire Qilin, who just released the divine power. Sword intent absorbs the divine power on the statue, and so does Fire Qilin.

Sensing the divine power on Huo Qilin, the Sword intent immediately wanted to devour Huo Qilin.

"Finally moved, right!" Long Fei's mouth curled slightly,

Huo Qilin thought that Long Fei was mocking him, and his anger burned even more, "Ah...ah..."

Roar like thunder.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The constant explosion in the Sword intent space.

The incomparably powerful Sword intent began to move recklessly, Long Fei's eyebrows tightened, and the power of the True Spirit released from his body was suddenly controlled.

"Make it for me!"

A surge of power.

The power of the true spirit suddenly froze.

The Sword intent in the power of the true spirit also froze instantly, but... this time was very short, Long Fei couldn't control it for long, and with a flick of his body, he flew out directly.

The power of the master on the right arm was released and grabbed directly on the top of Huo Qilin's head.

Huo Qilin thought that Long Fei was going to attack him, "Shenwei!"

There is no reservation, "I will not let you hammer me again."

"Roar!" With a roar, he opened his mouth and swallowed Long Fei directly.


All of a sudden.

Fire Qilin's body suddenly disappeared.

Illusion Art!

Long Fei's Great Master's armguard grabbed abruptly, grabbed a mass of strength heavily, and slammed it on the ground, "Boom... boom..."

hit the ground,



The freezing of the true spirit ended, and at the same time, it fell down like countless long swords shattered.

Huo Qilin reappeared and landed next to Long Fei, saying, "Have you caught it?"

Long Fei's arm was firmly pressed to the ground, and he said with a slight smile, "Well done!"

Huo Qilin said, "It goes without saying that I have practiced my acting skills."

"Ha ha……"

The purpose of the two singing and making harmony is to distract the Sword Intent and let it dodge. If it keeps dodging in this Sword Intent world, Long Fei will not even want to catch it.

Long Fei said heavily, "Now I'll give you two paths, either surrender to me, or I'll destroy your soul."

Fire Qilin froze slightly.


At this moment, Long Fei's right arm suddenly stabbed incomparably, and the tiger's mouth split open.


With a loud bang, Long Fei's whole body was shaken and flew out.

Qi and blood rolled under his chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Sword intent anti-shock.

The power was so strong that Long Fei couldn't hold it at all. Not only that, the power directly shocked him.



The piercing humming sounds frantically gathered, and finally... gathered into a phantom sword.

There are two words vaguely engraved on the sword body, Shenwei!

is the Sword intent.

It is the soul of the sword.

The Fountain of Life suddenly said, "Boss, this is the soul of the sword, which can be used to forge the sword of God of War!"

Reforged the Sword of God of War.

This is Long Fei's SS-level mission.

Being reminded by the Fountain of Life, Long Fei immediately called the mission, "Since this is the case, let's not let it go!"


This Sword Intent is too strong, it is not difficult to conquer it.

Power overwhelm simply doesn't work.

Just demonstrated this.

Huo Qilin said slightly, "Hey, he's mad now, I can't figure it out now, it's up to you, my bet with you is still valid, you can conquer him, I'm willing to be your mount."

"If you can't get over it..."

"Then none of us can afford it."

It is clear.

Fire Qilin felt the power released from the Shadow Sword, a power so huge that he feared.



If the Jianming just now was still buzzing, then it is now the kind of thunderous roar, which shows that he is also angry.

"Are you still angry?"

"Daddy is even more angry!"

Long Fei made a heavy noise, and his mind flew, "It's just a Sword Intent, what force is used to crush it?"


Long Fei thought of what the Fountain of Life said just now, "Can you use it to recast the sword of God of War?"

"Casting a sword?"



"Just integrate the Sword intent into the body of the sword. This should be the power to crush it, right?"

"But this is a Sword Intent. If you want to integrate it into the body of the sword, I am afraid that the fire of the refining tool will not work at all, not even the colorful fire of the Tianji Pavilion!"

"How to do?"

"Is there any flame higher than the fire of the refiner?"


"It doesn't seem to be able to refine the tool, and there is no material right now." Suddenly, Long Fei's eyes flashed brightly, looking at the fire Qilin said excitedly, "Do you want to die?"

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