The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2984 Rejecting My Fate Will Be Miserable

Suddenly, the voice was loud and thick.

Everyone present was slightly shocked.

Long Fei was also stunned, "Damn, there are people with such iron heads?"

The phrase 'who else' is arrogant.

It's also Long Fei's favorite sentence, despising the audience and crushing the audience. Every time he says it, it's tried and tested, and he has never encountered such a situation before.

Who else?

And I!

It's... a little embarrassing.

Long Fei turned his eyes to look over.

I saw an old man in his 60s or 70s walking out slowly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. He looked at Long Fei with his eyes still, and said lightly, "And me."

The eyes of many elders in Xianwu Pavilion tightened, and they all showed consternation.

Yan Kong was very calm, and took the lead to walk up, respectfully, and said, "Old Tibetan!"

Judging from the astonished eyes of other elders in Xianwu Pavilion, they all knew this old man, but the appearance of the old man made them extremely shocked.

Only Yankong.

He was very calm, very calm, without the slightest surprise.


The old Tibetan was arranged by him.

It's no wonder why he didn't compete with Long Fei for the first trial weapon. If Guo Yan wins, the fire of the colorful weapon on Long Fei's body is likely to belong to Guo Yan. The pavilion owner is probably about to change hands.

But he didn't, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

turn out to be.

He had already controlled everything in his heart, and even if Guo Yan was hard on Long Fei, he would not be able to get the colorful fire.

Old Zang came out, looked at Long Fei lightly, always with a smile on his face, and said, "Little brother, your artifact refining skills are very powerful and unique. Your ability to control is far beyond the immortal level, which is rare."

All kinds of appreciation in the voice.


However, Long Fei could not hear any appreciation from his words, and his smiling eyes seemed to be hiding a knife.

Hidden swords in a smile should be someone like him.

Long Fei said directly, "I have something to say."

Zang Lao smiled slightly and said, "Your artifact refining talent is indeed very strong. If you can worship at my door, I will make your artifact refining skills to a higher level..."


A word.

Zang Lao showed a somewhat smug expression and said, "I can make it easy for you to enter the Immortal Fate Sect!"

Just finished speaking.

Yan Kong's eyes were tight, which was completely different from his plan.

The many elders of Xianwu Pavilion also sneered slightly and whispered softly.

"how so?"

"Why are you still helping him?"

"Old Zang, he is here to challenge our Xianwu Pavilion."

"Yeah, did you make a mistake?"

They don't understand.

Yan Kong also whispered, "Old Zang, shouldn't you help us defeat him?"

Zang Lao ignored it and looked straight at Long Fei.

Tan Dapao cheered, "Hahaha... You scumbags didn't expect that the helpers who came here were interested in the talent of our boss."

"I never dreamed of this result."

Long Fei was neither excited nor happy.


He knows that there are conditions and there is no free lunch in the world.

Take him easily into Xianyuanzong?

In the past two weeks, Long Fei has also learned about the assessment of Xianyuanzong. It can be said that it is extremely strict. No matter who you are, no matter what special talent you have, there is no back door to go, only assessment!

The examination is also extremely strict.

It is not an ordinary difficulty to easily enter the Immortal Fate Sect.

Long Fei said lightly, "What about the conditions?"

"Hahaha..." Zang Lao laughed softly, looked at Long Fei and said, "Smart, I like to talk to smart people. My conditions are very simple."

"The fire of your refiner!"

"Sure enough!" Long Fei sneered and refused without thinking, "Sorry, I can't give it."

There was no hesitation at all.

For now, Long Fei doesn't know the power of the fire of the weapon refiner, but he knows the power of the Heavenly Secret Token.

Not to mention entering the Immortal Fate Sect, even if he becomes the Sect Leader of the Immortal Fate Sect, he will not hand over the fire of refining, and if you want to hand over the fire of refining, you must hand over the secret token.

Once there is no Tianji token, he doesn't even know how to get to Tianji Pavilion.

Zang Lao's eyes tightened, "I think you should think about it again, because the consequences of rejecting me will be tragic, not only for you, but also for the people around you."

It was a simple sentence, but there was a coldness in the words.

Long Fei said simply, "I don't need to think about it any more, and... I am the person who hates others to threaten me the most. Generally, people who threaten me will not end well."


The same is a plain sentence.


Long Fei's words were not only cold, but also had a strong killing intent.

"Hey..." Zang Lao sneered, "Young people, you have to consider the consequences when you do things. I know that you are from Donghuang City, and I know that you killed the Wu family, and I know that you came to Xianyuan City this time to participate in Xianyuan. Zong's disciple selection, may I tell you, my identity is the chief examiner of this assessment, offending me will end... Do you understand now?"

chief examiner.

It can be said that the person who decides the fate of all candidates.

It was really unwise to offend him.


Long Fei has always been soft and not hard, and sneered in his heart, "Fake it with me? Daddy pretends more than you!"


Long Fei smiled and said, "The chief examiner is very cool."

Zang Lao smiled lightly and said, "It's good to understand."

Before he finished speaking, Long Fei said again, "So what?"

"I don't care what official he is, don't mess with me, otherwise daddy will even fuck the ancestral grave of his ancestor's eighteenth generation."

Both eyes shuddered.

Eye pupils flashed bright, motionless, staring directly at the old Tibetan.

No shyness.

Zang Lao's face darkened, his eyes were slightly savage, and his eyes were fixed on Long Fei. After a few seconds, his mouth curled coldly, revealing a sneer, "Hahaha..."

"I don't know how high the sky is!"

"You could have chosen a path to the sky in one step, but you chose a path to The Underworld."

"It's not just you, you also take the people around you to The Underworld."

Zang Lao continued, "I'll give you a chance now!"

Long Fei raised his eyes and said, "I will now give you a chance to disappear from my eyes within three seconds, otherwise you will disappear from this world forever."

"Three, two, one..."

The words fell.

Long Fei's thoughts moved.


The guarding dragon sword slashed sharply.


With a harsh sound, the sound of slashing the cloth, Zang Lao's body was directly divided into two.


There was no blood, no death, and no system beep.

Old Zang's body, which was divided into two, was still talking, "Boy, you've already annoyed me, you've completely offended me, you'll know what the consequences will be in this Xian Fate Sect's disciple trials, hahaha. …”

coldly smiled.

The figure slowly disappeared one by one...

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