The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2936 There Is A Problem With This Sword

"Hit me, hit me hard!"

"The waste of Donghuang City dares to come to Xianyuan City? Look for abuse."

Wu Tianlong said fiercely.

Others may be a little more afraid. After all, everyone in the world has everyone. What if he accidentally offends the clan of a strong man?


There has not been a strong person born in the wasteland of East Imperial City for a hundred years, and there is no strong person in Xianyuan City or even Xianyuanzong.

Then what is there to be afraid of?

"Sample, being arrogant in front of daddy, your construction is courting death." Wu Tianlong looked at Long Fei with a sneer, then looked at Lan Mei and said, "I'm going to make an appointment for the two of you today."

talking room.

Several minions gathered around.

He quickly surrounded Long Fei, opened his teeth and danced his claws, shook a wooden stick in his hand, and stared at Long Fei with a contemptuous sneer.

"Boy, are you hitting the wall yourself, or do you want us to do it?"

"Let's be smart and kneel down obediently, otherwise, your end will be even worse."


"Don't ask, who is the boss in this piece."


Long Fei glanced lightly and smiled.

"Still laughing?"

"Brothers, kill him!"

"Dog thing, dare to laugh."


Several minions rushed up directly. Their Cultivation Bases were all Soul Gang Realm, but Dulong Fei was a few levels higher, and Wu Tianlong was also a Soul Gang Realm.

Soul Gang Realm is the opponent?

Not to mention the soul gang, if it's one-on-one now, with Long Fei's own strength, even if he is a Practitioner of the Celestial Realm, he can do it.


These guys haven't waited for Long Fei to start, "Bang, bang, bang..."

Five bursts!

Each one hits the mouth.

The voice fell, and they rolled on the ground, covering their mouths with their hands, and black smoke kept coming out of their mouths.

Tan Dapao came out and said contemptuously, "Just you scumbags dare to provoke my boss?"

Wu Tianlong's face changed suddenly, his eyes twisted, and he said, "You dare to attack my people?"

Long Fei said, "I've already started, what's wrong?"

Wu Tianlong snorted, "Do you know who the daddy is? You dare to..."

Before he could finish speaking, Long Fei's body suddenly disappeared.


A loud slap came out.

The two front teeth flew out, Wu Tianlong's whole body rotated 360 degrees in the air, and fell heavily to the ground, his mouth full of blood.

The five-finger marks on the cheeks are like five grooves imprinted on the face, not ordinary pain.

Wu Tianlong couldn't even scream in pain, because the more he screamed, the more painful his face would be.

Before he could get up from the ground, Long Fei stepped on it, "Daddy hates hearing the word 'trash' the most, don't let me hear it again, otherwise it won't be as simple as a slap."

The words fell.

With a heavy kick, Wu Tianlong flew out ten meters.

"Let's go!"

"Go and see what Immortal Fate City is." Long Fei smiled lightly, he was in a good mood today, he didn't kill the killer, and... Soul Gang Realm Practitioner has no experience for him now.

To know.

He now needs about 200 million experience points to advance to the first-level, and a Practitioner of Soul Astral Realm only has a few hundred experience points, not even enough to plug his teeth.


Long Fei would not be merciful if these people were rude again.

"Let's go!"

"Go shopping."

The two girls were happy.

After a long time, Wu Tianlong got up from the ground.

"Boy, wait and see."

"The daddy took ten times the means to get it back."

"You wait for me!"

Wu Tianlong was overwhelmed with pain and walked home limping one step at a time.


"this is delicious!"

"This looks so beautiful."

"Wow, Sister Lan Mei, come and see, this bracelet is so beautiful."

Long Fei was very depressed.

It was very uncomfortable. He would rather go to the deep mountains and wilderness to kill the Demonic Beasts without sleep for three days and three nights in a row, rather than go shopping with the two of them. It was really tiring.

Not only was it tiring, but I didn’t buy anything after shopping for a long time.

It's just killing.

Long Fei really didn't understand, what were these women thinking?

He said it looked good, and after a while of haggling, in the end... I still didn't buy it. If he was the owner of the store, he would have the heart to kill.

Tan Dabao also said helplessly, "Women are devils."

"Boss, don't drag me when you go shopping with your sister-in-law. I saw several Fengyue places on the street just now. I glanced at them. The level of the girls is quite high. I want to play." Tan Dapao said excitedly.

Long Fei said, "Really?"

Tan Dapao said, "You don't know how I look at people? There are 80% of the girls who stand outside to solicit guests. Isn't everyone in there beautiful?"

When talking, Tan Dapao was swallowing saliva.

Long Fei was also interested.


Suddenly, he felt the killing intent behind him, and immediately said, "Cannon, cannon, I didn't expect you to be such a person. Is that kind of place people can go to?"

"Can you have a chance?"

Tan Dapao was stunned.

At this moment.

Su Su put her hands on her hips and said, "Long Fei's big brother is right, you can't go to that kind of place. If I know about it, you guys will look good."

After speaking, Su Su went to pick something again.

Long Fei was in a cold sweat.

Tan Dabao was also depressed.

Xianyuan City is very prosperous. It can be said that it is much better than Xianyuan City. There are various shops and various streets.

There are places specially prepared for Practitioners.

Shangwu Street.

It is one of the most lively streets in Xianyuan City, where the shops of all sizes are dedicated to Practitioners.

"Su Su, don't you lack a weapon?"


"Let's go see this one." Lan Mei dragged Su Su into a weapons store called 'Xianwu Pavilion', a six-story building with a majestic appearance just like the Yellow Crane Tower in the previous life.

Walking in and taking a look, there are many people gathered inside, many of which are entering Xianyuan City for the first time, specially prepared for the selection competition in more than a month.

Long Fei glanced at the various mysterious soldiers on the shelf and was shocked, "Damn it, many of them are light-emitting weapons, not ordinary."

"I want this Demon Suppression Sword."

"How much?"

"Thirty-seven million Hongmeng Crystals."

"Bought it!"

Lan Mei, Su Su, and Tan Dapao secretly clicked their tongues. The price of a weapon was 37 million, and the price was not repaid, so they bought it directly.

This weapon... is outrageously expensive.

Long Fei did the same, glanced at the sword, and said slightly, "The sword is a good sword, but... the sword's edge is a little worse."


"How could I know this?" Long Fei was stunned for a moment, he blurted out, and said it naturally, very strange.

The man who bought the sword glared at Long Fei, shouted, "Boy, what did you say?"

"Is there something wrong with this sword?"

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