The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2916 I Want To Kill Him

How Much Loyalty Is Ashe?

one star!

Nie Xiaoqian reluctantly upgraded to 2 stars because of Long Fei's release of Charisma.

What about Anilu?

This guy is terrifying, but he is completely uncontrollable, and he can go berserk and uncontrollably.

What does 100 percent loyalty mean?

with full force.

Absolutely will not betray.

How crazy is this?

If Long Fei didn't know the words, he would really think that he had an illusion!

"Itachi, one hundred percent loyalty!"


Itachi disappeared from the system interface and appeared among Long Fei's summoned characters.


At the same time.

The system beeps a beep.


"The system prompts that the seeds of Naruto World have sprouted!"


Long Fei was startled, the other seeds were still seeds, but the seeds of Naruto World had just sprouted, "Is this because of Itachi's loyalty?"

"It seems that I have to use their one-hour debut time to make them as strong as possible, increase their loyalty, and then... let the bosses in the mythical world, the anime world, and the super future time appear one by one, crushing the sky. clan!"


"Thinking about daddy's blood boils."

Long Fei was extremely excited.

The breakthrough spirit Realm brought him too much.

It's been a long time since it was so cool.

After he used the Qi of Hongmeng to kill hundreds of Venerable powerhouses, the entire Eastern Imperial City fell into silence, only the sound of the cold wind whistling in the sky was heard.

It's so arrogant!

One-shot kill.


Even Yuan Tianwang, who is at the peak of the emperor, can't do it.

Eyes entered secretly, Yuan Tianwang looked at Long Fei, his blood boiled, "Good boy!!"

"What just happened?"

"It's so fast, my eyes are dying."


"It's too fast."

"One move? Killing so many strong people, how is this,,, this,, how is it possible? Even the emperor and the strong can't do it, what power did he use just now?"



All were stunned.

The shock was indescribable, and they all looked at Long Fei like a fool.

Dean Donghuang secretly said in his heart, "It's another outbreak, I thought the Mu family was looking for him because of his pill refining talent, but it doesn't seem to be, the power just now... the power of the world of Hongmeng, he can actually use the power of heaven and earth. With this kind of power, it''s incredible, I finally understand why the Mu family wants to find him."

Dean Donghuang smiled slightly and murmured, "It's a pity, it's a pity that I have no chance to go to Xiaoyao City, otherwise... my old life might be able to live for a few more years."


"Brother Fei is mighty!"

"Brother Fei is domineering!"

"Brother Fei is awesome!"


Tan Dapao ran up excitedly, watching the scene just now, Tan Dapao's worship of Long Fei was even stronger than God.

Fu Yunshan also ran up, she only cared about Long Fei's safety and said, "Are you not injured?"

Lan Mei also ran up.

Coupled with the purple complexion, Su Su, who was already poisoned.

three people.

Two sets of Phoenix neon suits and one set of elf battle suits, the three of them stand together, giving people a sense of surprise, so beautiful.

Especially the clothes they wear.

Any man who sees them will be attracted by their beauty.

All three women like Long Fei, which makes the emperor very unhappy.

Thinking of the person Su Su said last time that he likes, that person should also be Long Fei.

The anger in the emperor's heart surged even more, "Fight with me, grab women with me!"

"Dog thing, I think you are tired of living!"

Arrogant and domineering.

Since he was a child, he could get what he wanted, and no one dared to rob him, because he was born with the blood of the Celestial Clan, and he was born as a disciple of the Celestial Clan.

He is the highest noble in the world.

Just like the Tianlong people in the world of One Piece, there is a high-level existence.

Long Fei ignored it, but looked at Su Su and said, "Are you alright?"

Su Su's face was extremely painful, and she said, "I, I'm fine."

Long Fei said, "Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to refine the antidote."

Su Su smiled lightly and said, "I believe you!"

As for Long Fei, she would believe anything she said. Even if Long Fei did not refine the antidote in the end, she would be satisfied to die by his side.

Seeing the two of them being ambiguous, the emperor was even more angry to his forehead and growled, "Damn, daddy is talking to you, you are fucking deaf, aren't you?"

Long Fei still didn't hear it, and said to Tan Dapao, "Cannon, protect them."

Tan Dabao immediately said, "Yes."

"Boss, what are you going to do?"

Long Fei raised his eyes slightly, a sharp and sinister killing intent flashed in his eyes, and said coldly, "I want to kill him!"


Killing intent.

Long Fei's cannibalistic eyes made the emperor's heart tremble slightly, and a chill was raised involuntarily.

Also at this time.

Long Fei's thoughts moved, "The Qi of Hongmeng, open it to me!"


"The system prompts that the player's body cannot withstand the release of the aura of Hongmeng twice in a short period of time. If the release force is forcibly halved, will it be released?"

Every power has its Restrictions.

Hongmeng Qi is the same.

Long Fei's level is too low, if he continuously releases his body, he can't bear it.


The power of Hongmeng Qi is continuously released, and the power will be limited.


However, Long Fei did not hesitate. From the very beginning, there was a fire in his heart. The East Imperial City was messed up like this, his friends were treated like this, and the Director of the East Emperor was seriously injured. He could endure all these. Endure, but... there is one thing he can't bear, then Su Su! !

His woman dares to move?

That is death!


Long Fei didn't even think about it, and directly released the Qi of Hongmeng.


A harsh humming sound.

This sound covered the entire Eastern Imperial City.

Everyone's heart trembled slightly.

The emperor's eyes were also secretly tight, and he sneered in contempt, "Damn, you dare to move a daddy? You fucking move a..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Huo Hong suddenly said, "Master, he,,, he,,, he's gone!"

The emperor's pupils shrank, and the emperor's combat power was fully opened...


Before he could turn on his combat power, his cheeks suddenly hurt and became hot, just like a red-hot iron fan on his face. The huge force directly caused two of his front teeth to fall off, and blood from the teeth spurted out.

A growl.

"It's you that daddy stepped on!"


A loud slap.

The emperor staggered a few steps, fell directly to the ground, his eyes were extremely annoyed, his eyes were bloodshot, he touched his cheek with one hand, turned his body like a mad beast, and said heavily, "I want..."


Another slap on the left cheek.

This time, the emperor was directly fanned out.


Everyone was stunned, and at the same time the fear in everyone's heart took over the whole mind...

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