The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2615 Black Dragon, Come Out For Me!



Space cracked.

A thin line of cracks kept tearing open.

This sword is too powerful and too windy.


Long Fei was also very excited, "I'll deal with you first, then deal with that old witch, and finally..."

BOSS kills non-stop.

It feels so good.

Long Fei stared at Zhao Haitian in the deep pit. At the same time as the Lich King made his move, the aura from his body also poured out crazily.

High alert.

Don't give Zhao Haitian any chance to escape.


Long Fei was also preventing Yi Yourong from suddenly entering the barrier and attacking.

Zhao Haitian's eyes became more and more hidden, and his pupils flashed, turning directly into two black pupils, and black arrogance continued to rise from the bottom of the pit.

His body also began to turn black.

In the depths of the ground, one after another huge breath was surging, and at the same time, one after another ferocious roar came.

A frightening voice.

An unbearable voice.

The entire palace...even the entire city of the gods began to tremble rapidly.

Demonic Beasts, whether mounted, or poultry, were all kneeling on all fours, shivering.

The smell is so scary.

And Long Fei... His eyes tightened. For some reason, the black aura and the roar from the ground always felt familiar to him.

As if heard somewhere.

Where have I seen the same.

It's like something that comes to mind right away, but just can't.

The memory seal firmly locks his memory.

"what sound?"

Long Fei's heart sank. At this time, he didn't have the heart to pay more attention to these. His attention was all on Zhao Haitian, and it was about to explode.

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

The magic flame on the Raven King moved, directly burning the magic sword, and slashing down with one sword...

Dead? !

Everyone took a deep breath.

The pupils of countless Zhao family guards shrank sharply.

The eyes of the nobles of the ten major families are also staring closely.

Zhou Yaozong's eyes flashed with energy, and he secretly said in his heart: "Kill him, kill him..."

The fall of Zhao Haitian means the fall of Zhao Chongshan, the fall of the spiritual pillar of the Zhao family, and the death of the Zhao family.

At this moment, an army of millions has entered the city, and once Zhao Chongshan falls, the gods will be taken over by him! Zhou Yaozong was very excited.

Xuanming Taizun also showed an excited look. Once Zhao Chongshan died, the world would be hers, and it was impossible for Long Fei to summon anything in a short time.

She will become a disciple of the Celestial Clan.

As long as she gets Shouyuan, she will have an early chance to rise again. It is important to find the ancient inheritance power of the Pluto, and she will become the new Pluto.

As if everything was right in front of you.

Many people are excited.

Many people are staring at the enchantment.

The magic sword fell.

Zhao Haitian's eyes narrowed, and he roared suddenly, "Ah..."

The black arrogance rushed out even more violently, and the roar from the ground became stronger.


The angel patrol narrowed his eyes slightly, the corner of his mouth twitched, and his fingers flicked.


There was a humming sound in the enchantment.

Fluorescent flickering instantly surrounded the Lich King's body, and at this moment, the angel patrolling lightly waved his fingers.


For a moment.

The Lich King is gone!

It disappeared suddenly!

Even the response did not come in a hurry, unimaginable speed.

Also at this moment.

The countdown of more than ten seconds remaining in Long Fei's mind instantly turned to '0'!

Long Fei was stunned.

The whole place was stunned.

Zhou Yaozong stood up instantly, his eyes narrowed suddenly.

So it will be like this?

The audience fell silent, and many people rubbed their eyes, unable to react at all.

"what happened?"

"What happened just now?"

"What's the matter?"

"Didn't a monster cut it down with a sword just now?"

"Why did it suddenly disappear?"

"What's the matter with the fluorescent light in the barrier? I rely on... it's a fight with gods, I can't understand it, was the power released by the prince just now? Suddenly such a huge demon will disappear, this How strong is it?"


Don't know what's going on.

Long Fei's pupils turned sharply, staring at the high-altitude angel patrol.

He is very clear.

The only people who can do this are the angel patrols.

Long Fei cursed in his heart, "Fuck!"

The angel patrol smiled lightly, and said, "The martial arts competition is about Martial Dao's power, not about summoning another world rubbish to come here."

An understatement.

What he wanted to see was the power of Long Fei's Martial Dao, not the power of summoning.

If the Lich King killed Zhao Haitian, how could he see Long Fei's potential? How to force out the latent power in his body?

"Isn't summoning a type of Martial Dao's power?" Long Fei roared.

The angel patrol said with a faint smile: "If I say no, it is no. I am in charge here. What I say is what I say, understand?"

In Zhenwu Continent, he is a god and a god.

He represents everything!

Long Fei rolled with anger. At this time, he didn't want to gossip with the angel patrol. This is a world of strong people. Strength is the law and everything.

It's useless to say more.


Long Fei has more important things to do.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Now Zhao Haitian is dying, there is only a little fur left in the blood tank on the top of his head, and he can't move now, he is simply a living target.

And Zhao Haitian himself was also very abrupt. Seeing the Lich King suddenly disappear, he laughed wildly, "Hahaha...hahaha... boy, do you want to kill me?"

"You're still a long way off!"

"Hahaha..." Zhao Haitian seemed to be laughing wildly, and the black arrogance in the deep pit became stronger and stronger.

Long Fei's eyes were cold, "You like to laugh, don't you?"

"Wait until you get to the King Yama Hall to make you laugh enough!"


Minglei fell into his hands.

Black lightning raged out.

Taizun Xuanming's eyes suddenly tightened, "Minglei? How could the divine artifact of the underworld be in his hands? Could it be that there is Lord Ming Snake in the underground tomb of Xuanyue Sect?"

"Just right!"

"Everything is a wedding dress for me."

Taizun Xuanming sneered gloomily.

at the same time.

Yi Yourong stepped into the barrier, she knew that Zhao Hai was about to die on Heavenly Horse, and it was time for her to appear.

This is all about to end.

Taizun Xuan Ming was laughing wildly in his heart, "I am the one who laughed last, hahaha..."


All Long Fei's attention was on Zhao Haitian, he didn't even know that Yi Yourong walked into the barrier.

Full sprint!

into the deep pit.

The black lightning raged on the thunder, and Long Fei said gloomily: "Daddy makes you laugh enough, die for me!"

In an instant.

Boom again and again.

Zhao Haitian's black pupils were abnormally gloomy, watching Long Fei's attack fall, he seemed to be laughing wildly, "Wuhaha..."

"Your sacrifice is here!"

"Heilong, come out for me!"


Chapter 5 delivered!

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