The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2576 Violent, Fusion Of Fire

This slap makes the whole plane collapse o

Very upset!

With a thought, Long Fei entered the imprinted space of the Ming clan.


The first layer is the power of the underworld

"It's still two levels away, just two levels away, hahaha... There are still 20 billion experience, enough, enough o" Long Fei was excited. According to the previous level upgrade experience, these 20 billion experience is enough. He broke through the Great Emperor Realmo


"Old witch?"


"The entire secret realm will be destroyed in one move. How strong is this f*ck, how much is it?" Long Fei was shocked, and the system prompt sounded immediately.

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' to obtain the 'power of the underworld'. Is it fusion o?"

Long Fei's eyes narrowed, looking at the 13 billion experience, and said, "What the hell, how can the 13 billion experience not be upgraded?"



"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading to fifth rank!"

The imprint of the Ming clan on Long Fei's left arm was also completely branded. A tattoo of the underworld was extremely ancient, and it seemed that every place was moving gently.

Later betrayed and disappeared into the void o

Long Fei scolded angrily. He still thought that killing this super BOSS would be able to upgrade the breakthrough Zhenwu Great Emperor Realm, but... it's still a first-levelo

Long Fei desperately wants to cultivate the power...

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Minglei'"

Look at the experience slot o

at this moment o

"What's the fusion?"

The more you get to the peak Realm, the slightest sense of perception is extremely huge, not to mention that it is still a first-level Realm!

Long Fei's body sank, and he wanted to die, because... the experience of breaking through the Great Emperor of true martial arts requires 50 billion!

Don't wait for Long Fei to finish speaking o

"True Martial Great Emperor Realm!"


The upgrade beep doesn't sound anymore o

"Your uncle's system, you're going to play daddy to death!"



The power to kill Aquaman in seconds

"Be sure to break through!"


It's like a shackle, tightly binding him o

At the same time, the sky sword in her body was summoned by some kind of power, and it broke out of her body directly.

Yi Yourong's Master is Zhenwu Great Emperor Realmo

The old monster of the Zhao family is the Great Emperor Realmo

The blood tank on the top of the head bottomed out instantly o

Has been hiding in the original unformed plane o

"I rely on!"

This secret technique is very powerful even in the Hongmeng world.

He's like a different person


The slap fell, and she let out a shrill scream o


Why did such a thick and unfamiliar power suddenly erupt from the right hand? He was also confused, and at that moment the suppressed anger in his heart suddenly burst out.

"Wait for daddy to clean his ass and blow you up one by one!"

and o

The fire is gone

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for leveling up, the current level is the seventh rank of true martial arts!"

The fire has appeared!

also at this time

The last first-level, 50 billion!

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the 'Mystic Snake Technique, the power of transformation and evolution (resurrection from severe injuries, can change appearance)' is cultivation?"

The system beep sounded again o

"True Martial Great Emperor!"

The system beep sounded again o

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is the ninth grade of true martial arts!"


"Break the tenth level in a row!"



"Can't play anymore!"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' to obtain the 'Power of the Nether Serpent'? Is it fusion?"


Each piece is a super artifact-level existence o

This is the second layer of power in the mark of the underworld.

and o


"daddy can't play o"

This f*ck... With Long Fei's current level, even if he kills all the Demonic Beasts on the Zhenwu Continent, he probably won't be able to level up.

When the anger was vented and the slap fell, Long Fei's heart instantly recovered, looking at his right hand, "What kind of power is this, me,?"

The whole secret realm is going to explode

"Ding!" The system sounded a beep again, and Long Fei said, "Is this the beep for an upgrade? How many levels can you upgrade with more than 60 billion experience?"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei'..."

"God bless o"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for leveling up, the current level is the eighth rank of Zhenwu!"

Going out is a shit.

It used to be the first beast of the underworld.

Ferocious power o


"The power of the prehistoric eruption?"

The slap-slapped snake didn't even have the consciousness to resist, and was shivering all the time, and his body also knelt on the ground with a thud.

The experience suddenly mutated with a swish

It's just... this time, Xingtian just broke the sky, and Long Fei discovered the secret realmo

"Now you don't need to upgrade, you can do everything o"

However, he doesn't have time to figure out these o

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading to the sixth rank!"

Long Fei's heart tightened, he suppressed his excitement, and said, "Come, come, the BOSS is going to explode!"

The second floor is the fire!


50 billion experience!



The system beeps frantically

At this moment... the system suddenly sounded a prompt o

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei', the imprint of the Ming family on the left arm of the player fused with the power of the snake, the power of the underworld, and the fire of the sky!"


Long Fei doesn't even know who he is

Long Fei asked and said, "What if the fusion is successful? Can you give me 37 billion experience? System, don't think that you can make up for me..."

In particular, the power of the "secret snake technique" is the technique of shedding and resurrecting snakes, just like the ghost snake was nailed to the ground by the sword spirit of the sky and suddenly resurrected.

He is only a ninth-rank true martial artist now. He seems to be first-level, but the strength of the Cultivation Base is 108,000 miles apart. Will he be crushed when he goes out? Still can't save Yi Yourong?

"Teacher Cang bless you!"

Long Fei was slightly shocked, knowing that he didn't say anything about fusion at all, that is to say, these three forces automatically entered the space of the imprint of the underworld and merged.

"I can't let daddy kill another snake, right? Okay, then daddy will kill another one, if you can bring him back to life." Long Fei was very angry.

Long Fei's heart tensed, and he immediately checked the system


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Demon Snake' to gain 66666666666 experience, 6000000 True Qi points, 100 mad energy points o"

"Automatic fusion?"

Long Fei boiled instantly.


Long Fei doesn't understand o

One step to the sky, rushing out of the dark crack...

It was replaced by the dark purple fire, quietly shining in the space of the underworld.

Appeared again!

The mind also changed suddenly

That power is completely indescribable

snake o

The snake is about to explode

Long Fei was shocked, his blood was tumbling, every capillary on his body was burning, and his eyes flashed brightly, "Zhao Haitian, Zhao Wuji, the old monster of the Zhao family?"

Long Fei is upset o

A difference of more than 30 billion experience!

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for the successful fusion, the power of the imprint of the underworld is activated, and the second layer of power is obtained, underworld fire!"

It's like falling into the abyss all of a sudden

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