The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2479 Mad Killing, Mad Slashing

"Don't break it!"

"Long Fei, this is the demon-suppressing barrier of the demon-suppressing clan, and no one can break it."

"The more you resist, the stronger the pressure will be on the barrier, don't break it, I'll go find Devil Emperor Uncle..." Princess Shayue became worried.


at this moment o

Long Fei made a seal with one hand, and there was a little light in the void, like little black tadpoles swimming in the sun.

Just a few seconds o

The enchantment above the Meng family is covered with countless black tadpoles.

a moment o

Long Fei's eyes were fierce, and he said in a deep voice, "Broken!"


a roar o

Enchantment Shatter o

Also at this moment, Long Fei's pace moved, and at the moment when everyone was shocked, the giant sword moved, the sky was on fire, and the flaming sword was about to slash.


in one go o

It's almost time for no one to respond


Blood spurts!


The head fell to the ground, the eyes were staring, and the pupils were dilated, as if seeing the most terrifying picture in the world, the Death picture o

Everyone at the gate was stunned

Princess Shayue opened her mouth in the shape of an egg and looked at Long Fei with a dull gaze.

everything is too fast

After three full seconds, the other four people reacted.

Watching Elder Yu's head roll down to their feet, his anger surged, his eyes fixed on Long Fei, "Boy, you dare to kill?"


"I think you are tired of living"


Long Fei's figure moves again

The Giant Que Sword slashes again!


Another head fell

The blood spurted wildly, and half of the body stood on the spot, shaking for a few seconds before it slowly landed on the ground.

Long Fei raised his eyes, stared at the remaining three, and said, "One more word!"

The three people's eyes tightened, their bodies trembled, and they were shocked by Long Fei's gloomy sentence, and their hearts were even more chilled, and they couldn't say a word.

suddenly o

Long Fei roared violently, "Call the daddy again!"

full of breath o

The Cultivation Base of the three of them was higher than that of Long Fei, but they were crushed by the strong killing intent released by Long Fei, and they retreated slightly for a few steps.

Long Fei said coldly, "It's not called, is it?"

"very good!"

"The three of you hit my brother with that hand?"

Princess Shayue's eyes tightened and she whispered, "Long Fei o"

The deformed Vajra also stepped forward and said, "Boss, I'm fine."

Long Fei ignored it and shouted, "Speak!"

A man said: "Boy, you have already killed two, what else do you want?"

Long Fei said: "I don't want to, I just want to know my brother who beat you with that hand?"

"Depend on!"

"Boy, this is the Demon Race's territory, it's not your turn to go wild..."

Don't wait for him to finish o


Long Fei moved again

The blood spurted wildly, the head fell to the ground

Long Fei said coldly, "Can you say it now?"

The scalp of the remaining two people is numb, and they have never seen a lunatic like Long Fei. They are completely unreasonable, and...the first move is to kill, and they will not give you the slightest chance.

Actually o

If it weren't for being bound by the barrier, Long Fei would have killed him the day Vajra was beaten.

endured so long

Long Fei's anger did not disappear

He can't tolerate people around him being bullied

and o

He also knows the character of deformed Vajra, it doesn't matter if you scold him, but you can't say that Long Fei is not at all, otherwise he will try his best to o

Deformation Vajra can go all out, so is Long Fei naturally.

because o

They are brothers!

The other two were trembling, and even forgot to escape.

One person trembled as if he stretched out his left hand and said, "I,, I,, I,, I'm wrong, please, please forgive me..."

"Now you know what's wrong?"

"Why did you go early?"

Long Fei takes a step forward

The man trembled even more, knelt down and said, "I beg your pardon."

Long Fei said, "Aren't you demons very tough? You say that we humans are cowardly, and facing Death, aren't you the same?"

turn o

Long Fei looked at the deformed Vajra and said, "Apologize to him!"

The man immediately said: "I'm sorry o"

Shapeshifting Vajra said: "Go away"

He didn't want to add trouble to Long Fei

turn o

Long Fei made another move, beheading the other person!

For him, it is enough to pull hatred alone!

These five people should all be damned, but Long Fei needs someone to call and lead out the Boss, so that he can kill more.

Long Fei will not give up if he wants experience.

This is a matter of principle!

The man scrambled and escaped, frightened to the point of shit. When it comes to really facing Death, few people can stand up hard.

Long Fei's breath stopped, and he said, "I've been holding back for several days!"

Transformed Vajra got excited and said, "Boss, the way you broke the formation just now was too awesome. Is it the result of cultivation in the past few days?"

Princess Shayue also came up o

She is a demon, although what Long Fei said despised every demon, but... she loves Long Fei, no matter what Long Fei does, she will love everything about Long Fei.

Princess Shayue said: "This is the first time someone broke the Demon Suppression Barrier. This alone can cause a sensation in the entire Demon Race, but... if you can break the Demon Suppression Barrier, I'm afraid the Demon Suppression Race will not let you go. o”

because o

too much threat

Although the demon-suppressing barrier is not the most powerful formation of the demon-suppressing clan

but o

Long Fei's breaking through the formation is a hidden danger to the Suppressing Demons. They will never allow a human to break their formation!

Long Fei said: "Don't let me go? Then they have to have that capital too!"

"Arrogance requires capital. That's what the guy from the Demon Clan said, right? I'll let him see Daddy's capital today." Long Fei is very ambitious.

This sentence really annoyed him.

Arrogance requires capital o

See who has the stronger capital today!

Princess Shayue said: "Although your formation power is very strong, but... the ten-story magic tower is not only a formation competition, but also a stronger competition."

"Long Fei, we still have a chance, we..."

She wants to say let Long Fei leave o

After all, the ten-story magic tower was too strong, she didn't want to see Long Fei die in it.

Long Fei also knew what she wanted to say, and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely destroy the ten-story magic tower."

Princess Shayue's eyes were anxious, and then she said, "I know I can't persuade you."

"This is a spiritual treasure I made for you, you take it with you"

talking room o

Princess Shayue took out something like a miniature door o

Regardless of whether Long Fei accepted it or not, he shoved it into his hand and said, "This thing can only be used once, and you can use it when you can't support it. It can save your life."

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, grateful in his heart, and did not look at its attributes. Just having this heart was enough to move Long Fei, and said, "Thank you!"

immediately o

Long Fei asked, "Do you know Demon Mountain?"

Princess Shayue said: "That is the holy mountain of our demons, let me take you there."


"What did you say?"

"The three elders of Yu Renfeng were killed?"

"Just by that human kid?"

"The magic-suppressing barrier has also been broken?"

"Damn it, kill my clan, destroy my formation, I will make you regret coming to this world," the elder of the demon town was furious, "Notify the elders of the other nine clans, an emergency meeting!"

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