The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2306 I Can Do Whatever You Want

I haven't eaten or slept for three days and three nights, my eyes are black, and I have become panda eyes.

Long Fei almost went crazy

Unless it's time for life and death, he swears that he will never be so crazy about cultivation pill refining proficiency again, it's too tiring o


He just wanted to end it sooner

because o

He's really sleepy and really hungry

"Quick, quick, don't waste time o" Long Fei strode towards the ring o

Yin Changfeng sneered, "In a hurry to die? Well, then I'll fulfill you."

immediately o

Yin Changfeng looked at Yi Yourong and said, "Yourong, what I said just now is still valid. Kneel down and kowtow to me in public to apologize, and hand over the positions of Xuanyue Dark Wheel and Young Sect Leader. I will spare his life."

Yin Changfeng is full of confidence

Pill refining wins Longfei?

too easy!

Yi Yourong's heart sank, she was clueless.

It's just... Before she could speak, Long Fei turned around and scolded, "Fuck your uncle, isn't your mother better? If you don't, get daddy away."

"Apologize for your kowtow? Did you get shit in your head, or didn't you wake up?"

quiet down o

Everyone looked at Long Fei in unison, all with a look of astonishment.

"Scolding the elder?"

"Pointing at the nose and scolding, this is too arrogant, isn't it?"

"Damn, he's really crazy o"

"It's not like this is courting death o"


Great Elder?

Can't scold?

With Long Fei's character, let alone a big elder, even if a king daddy was in front of him, he would still scold his ancestors for the eighteenth generation when he was upset.

Yin Changfeng's face was gloomy, and he said solemnly, "Damn, I will definitely kill you with my own hands!"

Long Fei said: "Want to kill me? Then don't beep, hurry up and go to the Dantai for me. You should have died three days ago. If you are allowed to live to see the sun tomorrow, my word 'Long Fei' will be upside down. write o"


Yi Yourong looked at Long Fei, and she felt puzzled in her heart.


Why is Long Fei so arrogant? You must know that it is pill refining, and Yin Changfeng is the seventh-rank pill refining Great Master. How can he win? There's no winning

Yue Wanshan also wondered: "This really crazy, but is it really good? It's like pill refining."

At this time o

Xiaodie came up and whispered: "Sister Yi, it's okay, Aaron is amazing."

Thin Monkey said: "Must!"

The big man smiled and said: "That's our boss!"

Qing Niu let out a loud 'moo' o

Yi Yourong looked at Xiaodie and the others. Their injuries were very serious and they couldn't recover in a short period of time, but now they are all recovering like those who have never been injured. What's going on?

Just when Yi Yourong wanted to ask, Yin Changfeng shouted, "Bang Lei!"

"Go to Dantai!"

The sound shook o

The disciples of the Dan Pavilion shouted in unison, "Go to Dantai, go to Dantai, go to Dantai..."

Two mobile Dantai came out o

Yin Changfeng looked at Long Fei and said gloomily, "I will definitely kill you this time!"


Yin Changfeng's figure moved, jumped up one step, and landed on the high Dan platform in a blink of an eye, his eyes were fierce, and the aura on his body suddenly changed, becoming very hot.

He's a pill refining genius

The breath on his body changed when he stepped on the Dantai.

This kind of person is born for pill refining o

Sixty years old, seventh-rank pill refining Grand Great Master, not many in the entire Zhenwu Continent.

Once his breakthrough of the seventh grade is released, there will definitely be many big Sects to invite, even the Zhao family's invitation.

"Come up and lead to death!" Yin Changfeng drank o

Long Fei clasped his fists together, his joints exploded, and said contemptuously, "Who is leading the way to the death, we will find out later o"

He is about to go to Dantai

At this time, Yi Yourong walked up to Long Fei and whispered a few words in his ear.

Long Fei's eyes sank slightly, then turned to Yin Changfeng, "Damn, are you too cruel?"

immediately o

Long Fei said to Yi Yourong, "If I win this time..."

Yi Yourong showed a charming and moving smile. This smile can pull out a person's soul. It's too uncontrollable. He blew lightly at Long Fei, his voice was a little squeamish, and said: "You win, I You can do whatever you want o"


Long Fei's Adam's apple rolled, and the evil fire in his crotch was fierce. At first, he couldn't hold back Yi Yourong's charming smile, but the last sentence "I can do whatever you want" made him dream even more, turning clouds and rain on the bed. , the scene of the war for days and nights o

"That's what you said!" Long Fei seemed to have forgotten what happened last time.

suddenly o

Long Fei's eyes shone brightly, as if he had been beaten with blood, he strode up to the Dantai.

The two Dantai are ten meters apart and about eight meters high.

condescending o

There is a fighting style in the movie o

Yin Changfeng sneered, "The little disciple is over his head, compare me to pill refining, and today I will let you know what pill refining is."

Long Fei couldn't wait, and said, "Stop beeping, aren't you annoying? Hurry up and start, daddy still has important things to do, don't waste my time o"

His expression didn't make Yin Changfeng look in his eyes at all.

Totally disdain the same

This made Yin Changfeng even more upset.

But o

He is a seventh-grade pill refining Great Master, and his inner anger is surging, but he calms down after adjusting his mood slightly.

At this time o

An elder came out and said, "Spiritual herbs have been placed in front of you. Use them to refine spiritual pills. Whoever has the highest grade will win."


"You only have one chance!"

There is only one Spiritual herbs in front of them, which is only enough to make a Medicine Pill. Once there is a mistake, or a fryer or something, there is no chance.

Yin Changfeng sneered: "Boy, don't say I bully you, you can choose a few more copies of Spiritual herbs, and then wait for the fryer. Spiritual fluid spray or something will be interesting."

"Anyway, you lost today"

He just wants to make Long Fei more ugly

just o

Long Fei looked at the six or seven Spiritual herbs on the table, and the grades were not low. His eyes glowed with golden light, as if he had never seen Spiritual herbs in his life.

"I rely on!"

"Get rich!"

"So many Spiritual herbs o" Long Fei's saliva is about to flow out. After three days of refining wild vegetables and wildflowers, how can he not be excited when he suddenly sees high-level Spiritual herbs o

Yin Changfeng sneered, "Bumper o"

There were also bursts of ridicule from the audience.

"Look at him, I must have never seen such a high-level Spiritual herbso"


"Waste is waste o"

"It's lost!"

"Get down early o"


Yi Yourong looked at Long Fei and became nervous, "Will he be able to pill refining?"

Yue Wanshan's palms could not help oozing cold sweat.

Of all the people present, I am afraid that only Xiaodie is very calm, because they know in their hearts that Long Fei's pill refining is too powerful.

A Medicine Pill that doesn't look very good, but it can heal all their wounds o

Even Yin Changfeng can't do it

The host Elder's voice sank and said, "The competition begins!!!"

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