The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2278 Underworld Blood

No matter what, even if you die, you have to be tough!

This imprint of the Ming clan also entered the Zhenwu Continent with Long Fei.


ten minutes passed

Long Fei said again: "Mozong Great Emperor Fire King Yama?"

The sword of the sky can even smash the Heavenly Dao seal with one blow. If it is injected with the energy value of the mad god, it will definitely be more powerful.

Long Fei was a little hairy, "Is it finished?"

Long Fei was also taken aback, "What tricks are you playing?"

he really doesn't know

Nether Qilin didn't reply, his eyes were still staring at the blood that Long Fei spat out on the ground, his expression was really indescribable.


Nether Qilin stared at Long Fei again.

Nether Qilin said contemptuously, "They are all unknown people who have never heard of them. Do you know who is buried here?"

Long Fei's hair stood on end, he stepped back slightly, and said, "I don't want to do sex, let alone a beast. You'd better stay away from me."

Nether Qilin's actions made Long Fei a little confused

Nether Qilin said: "Underworld blood, you have underworld blood flowing in your body... No, you can't say that, your blood is very strange, in addition to the breath of underworld blood, there is also a powerful bloodline aura, and this bloodline aura It's like being sealed by some kind of power o"

Long Fei was a little confused, "Ming blood, Ming clan? What a mess? Daddy is not from the Ming clan, and he doesn't know what Ming blood is. What are you trying to do?"

The blood of the underworld, the unique bloodline of the people of the underworld

"Your blood contains ghost blood, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that o"

Long Fei looked at Nether Qilin, its expression changed, it was neither fierce nor excited, but a kind of ecstasy, like the ecstasy of seeing a relative.


turn o

Still shocked?



"This guy is absolutely insane o"

One thing in his heart is certain, the young man in front of him must be related to the Ming clan.

"say o"

But o

Nether Qilin stared at Long Fei, his heart sank, "He is the one chosen by the elder of the underworld, and he has the mark of the underworld?"

"Your sister, have you danced enough?" Long Fei said in a deep voice, he really didn't want to disturb the ghost Qilin, but he couldn't stand it anymore.

"What is she?" Nether Qilin sneered o

moment o

also did not wake up

Nether Qilin stopped, looked at Long Fei and said, "Why do you have Nether blood on you?"

If the mad god energy can't work, then it really can't work.

Nether Qilin suddenly stopped looking at the blood that Long Fei spat out on the ground.

"I rely on!"

just can't see through

Nether Qilin said with disdain again: "I have never heard of o"

Nether Qilin stared at Long Fei and said, "You don't know?"

Long Fei got up slowly and looked at the Cang Qiong Sword on the other side, which had been ravaged for a long time and had not deformed. He wanted to get the sword...

The cyan phantom moves o

"Tianchi Holy Maiden?"


"It's impossible for you not to know!"

"Mark of the Underworld?"


Suddenly, jumped up again o

Nether Qilin also stopped abruptly, and then his expression recovered, his eyes staring at Long Fei with curious eyes.

Move left, move right, don't move

Same as the dragon mark o

His ability to sense ghost blood is super strong, Long Fei's blood contains rare ghost blood, but it can't escape his sense at all.

Swinging from side to side, dancing in all kinds of poses as ugly as they want, Long Fei was disgusted when he saw it, "Crazy? Could it be that my blood contains the blood element of mad cow disease?"

"Are you from the Ming clan!"

Seeing him ask this, Long Fei also replied, "Tianchi Holy Maiden?"


"The enemy doesn't move, I don't move." Long Fei secretly said in his heart, staring at the ghost Qilin, "What the hell is this guy doing?"

Just dance

The change was a bit too fast, and Long Fei didn't hesitate, and said directly: "digging a grave, uh... No, I was sucked into it by the formation, and I didn't want to come here."

Eyes are also secretly changed o

"There is clearly the power of blood in his blood."

"Your blood contains incomparably powerful power. I have never seen such a powerful bloodline power, let alone a human race, even the supreme disciple of the Celestial Clan may not have such a powerful bloodline power, how could you not know? Nether Qilin secretly said in his heart: "Each bloodline has its own characteristics, and it is impossible to fuse with the second bloodline unless it is exchanged, but he, a second rank Realm of blood refining, can't bear the pain of exchange blood, so why is it?" ?"

Two hours have passed!

jump off again

I can't see if Long Fei has the imprint of the underworld.

strangely o

at this time o


one disappears past o

Long Fei's heart tightened, "Could it be that he still has the attributes of a vampire?"

That a gay o

But o


Netherworld Qilin at the back didn't seem to hear, "Dig a grave?"

Mu Ruo dumb chicken?


Nether Qilin didn't move, even his pupils didn't move, he was still staring at the blood on the ground.

Long Fei was a little impatient, "Isn't he asleep?"

"Daddy couldn't even eat beef in his previous life, how did he get mad cow disease?"

This guy really sniffed the blood on the ground lightly with his nose, then dipped a little bit with his paw, just a little bit, and put it into his mouth to suck it.

Nether Qilin itself is the beast of the underworld.

"Do you know there is a tomb here?" Nether Qilin's eyes tightened.

Nether Qilin suddenly moved o

because o

just o

Long Fei shrank, and immediately kept still.

"Depend on!"

Nether Qilin didn't say it all, the ghost blood contained in Long Fei's body is very unique, and this uniqueness can only be found in the super strong of the ghost family.


This is Long Fei's last move.

The high-level imprint of the underworld!

The memory has not awakened. For all his memories from Tianwu Continent to Chaos World and then to the world of the ancient gods, he has no idea that he once had the imprint of the underworld on his body.


"and many more!"

No matter how Nether Qilin sees o

Nether Qilin asked with great interest, "Then do you know whose grave is here?"

Long Fei said: "I don't know, I'm talking nonsense"

Nether Qilin closed his eyes and said slightly, "What are you doing here?"

"What the hell?"

This guy is obviously a beast of the grave, and he said digging graves in front of him, which is too bad, Long Fei quickly denied it

Just like an aunt who dances square dance

Staring at the blood on the ground motionless, his eyes seemed to have discovered something incredible o

Long Fei said: "Could it be the tomb of Zhenwu God of War Xu Wufu? Didn't he say he ascended? It's impossible to be buried here? If you want to be buried, it's also buried in the Promise Sect, right?"

half an hour passed

Long Fei didn't care whether Nether Qilin was mad or not, he quickly ran to the side, picked up the Sky Sword on the ground, the weapon was in his hand, Long Fei's heart relaxed a little.

"What is it?" Long Fei didn't understand.

Without giving Long Fei the slightest chance to react, he instantly fell behind him and sniffed behind him, "Huhu..."

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