The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2189 Don't Die, Long Fei's Madness

"It's all fucking crazy!"

"All lunatics!"

young man step back

Seven Lights Blood Moon Tribulation Appears

Seven Luminaries Blood Prison was broken through o

Long Fei desperately inspired soul blood

Eight Vajra is even more desperate to bear the soul blood backlasho

Every move is so crazy, only a lunatic dares to do this, and only a lunatic dares to take action against the people of the Celestial Clan.

The young man's heart seems to have reached the limit, and he dare not stay any longer o

I never thought about the ancient inheritance of Long Fei's body.

He can't wait to disappear immediately, leave and escape from the 100,000 planes.

It's all so crazy, it's so crazy that he can't take it o

He is leaving!


Someone disagrees!

Long Fei!

The Eight Vajra transferred the backlash of the soul blood in his body, the eight people's bodies are still violently violent, their Cultivation Base is shrinking, their strength, their flesh and everything is collapsing o

If this is their destiny


They used this switch to exchange their lives for Long Fei's life. What are they going to do?

Then you must kill the boss!

At this point, Long Fei has been unable to stop the eight Vajra.

Brother's life is more important than his life

Jojo's life is more important than his life

After paying so much, now the boss is leaving?

No matter how good-tempered Long Fei was, he couldn't bear it, and he couldn't bear his temper even more, "Want to leave? Have you asked Daddy?"


A loud bang landed directly in front of the young man.

The man's eyes sank and said, "Long Fei, what do you want to do?"

"I'm leaving now, I'm no longer interested in your life, and... you can't live, even if the eight Vajra endured the power of the soul blood backlash for you, but you only have a phantom left, and your body is still there. In the Seven Luminaries Blood Moon, if you forcibly break through the Seven Luminaries Blood Moon Tribulation, your soul will not be able to withstand it.”

"You die, it's just a matter of time o"

"You still want to stop me now, don't you?"

Long Fei said solemnly: "So many people died, if you don't die, then they will all die in vain, if I don't kill you, then I will live in vain."

"kill me?"


The young man snorted coldly and said coldly, "You didn't kill me with ten drops of soul blood just now, what are you using to kill me now?"

"What I have is the blood of the Celestial Clan o"

"Do you know what the bloodline of the Celestial Clan means in this lower plane?"

"Don't die!"

"I advise you to get out of my way." The young man was reluctant to stay, even if he knew that Long Fei wouldn't live much longer, he didn't want to stay.

He doesn't want to absorb the ancient power of inheritance from a madman


The blood of the Celestial Clan, an immortal existence!

this is willing o

This is why Long Fei crushed him, but couldn't kill his willingness

Because of the ancient bloodline

Also because of the ancient times of the plane level, no matter how powerful Long Fei burst out, he would not die.

didn't move him at all.

However o

Long Fei is persistent, he has paid so much, his brother died, his relatives died, and in the end he still did not kill the boss, this reason is not angry.


Long Fei said with a gloomy smile: "It was just now, and it is now. If you can't kill it just now, it doesn't mean you can't kill it now."

The young man sneered and said, "Kill me? What will you kill?"

"Do you still have any power?"

"You can't kill me with the power of soul blood, do you have more power to kill me?"

very disdain

The young man smiled and said, "I advise you to get out of the way. If you stop me again, I will kill you myself."

this time o

Hong Tu's eyes sank, and he immediately knelt forward and said, "Sir, Long Fei must die, otherwise, otherwise... or we will all die."

"You, you, didn't you promise me to make me the outer discipline of the Celestial Clan?"

"Please kill Long Fei, please o"

If Long Fei doesn't die, then he will die

Now the 100,000 planes are in chaos, the laws are in chaos, the power of the laws under his control is all broken, and he is no longer the main god.

Even if Long Fei doesn't kill him, once others realize the power of the law first, he will be killed too.

so o

Long Fei must die, and he will also go to Hongmeng World with him.

The young man didn't even look at Hong Tu. In his eyes, Hong Tu was like a waste. How could he take a waste away and help a waste?

Seeing that the man did not speak, Hong Tu knelt up again and said, "Sir, I beg you."

The surrounding law gods also knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

The young man sneered: "You bastards don't even have the qualifications to ask me, what does your life and death have to do with me?"

"Go away for me"

talking room o

The man glared at both eyes and directly crushed Hong Tu.

then o

With a thought, a golden light radiated from the body.

Falling down from the sky

His body also slowly floated up.

this moment o

Long Fei's voice was heavy, and he roared heavily: "I never want to leave here!"


Leaping into the sky with one step, landing directly in the air to block the man's way

The man's face turned hideous, and he said solemnly, "You are really tired of living!"

"court death!"

The power on the body suddenly exploded

Hongtu got excited, "Kill him, kill him, kill him quickly o"

As soon as Long Fei died, he would sit back and relax o


In mid-air, under the golden light of the sky, Long Fei's huge phantom moved, and a loud roar spread out, and then...

Drop by drop of Blood Essence flew out o

Densely packed!

So much that it covers Long Fei's body.


It's all soul blood

Thousands of drops, tens of thousands of drops of soul blood!

Every drop is a deep black o

The power inside is extremely powerful


Totally crazy!

Long Fei really don't want to die

The young man's face suddenly turned pale, and his body was shaking, "You,,, you,, you..."

I can't say the second word for a long time.

never o

Even in the world of Hongmeng, no one dared to release soul blood like this, even if Emperor Xuan and Emperor Ming didn't dare to release so much soul blood during the war.

How crazy is this?

The young man looked at the soul blood covering Long Fei's phantom. His scalp was numb and his whole body was shaking.

In my mind, fear rose to my heart o

Long Fei's phantom became huge again, and then his eyes widened, his pupils widened sharply, "Come on!!!"


A drop of Blood Essence falls o

printed on him


Another drop of soul blood fell on his body.

just a few seconds

Tens of thousands of soul blood were imprinted on his phantom body, and his whole body was also branded with soul blood, and Long Fei's phantom also turned into a crimsono

Like Devil!

this moment……

All worlds are trembling, and the Celestial Clan is shaking!

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