The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2166 Silly Woman Jojo

"Can I speak?"

"I rely on!"

"Can I actually speak?"

The ancient soul was beating wildly, he didn't even know he could speak.

The excitement is beyond words

Qiaoqiao also smiled lightly, looking at this elf-like little naughty, and couldn't help saying: "Not only can you speak, but your voice is also very nice."

Like a soft soft girl o

The ancient soul is even more happy: "Really? Hee hee... I am the ancient soul, and my voice must be nice."

suddenly o

The voice of the ancient soul froze

Jojo looked at him and said, "What's wrong? Did something happen to Young Master?"

The ancient soul murmured: "Boss Long Fei is my master, but... I can't speak to him, but you... Sister Qiaoqiao, why can I speak to you?"


"There seems to be something very special about you that attracts me, what is that?"

ancient soul o


It is also the tinder of the ancient world.

He was sealed here by the Mage of Jialuo Realm for many years. It doesn't even know many things about itself, and it doesn't even know how to stimulate its own power.

It's the weakest and lowest level right now o

but o

When he followed Long Fei, he chose Long Fei as the master, but he couldn't communicate with Long Fei. If Qiao Qiao hadn't held Long Fei's hand just now, he would have been attracted by a strange force, he would not have known that he was Can communicate with humans, and can also speak with humans o

Qiao Qiao was also stunned for a moment. Similarly, there was an aura of power in the ancient Yisoul that attracted her, as if she and the ancient Yisoul were one body, but she didn't think much about it. This is the Magic of Long Fei Young Master. Treasures, this alone is enough, said: "What is there on me, the only thing that is different from Young Master is that I am a girl o"


Yuan Gu Yihun became puzzled and muttered to himself, "But I can't communicate with other girls either."

Qiaoqiao said, "Don't think about it, what's the situation with Young Master now?"

Ancient Yisoul is Young Master's Magic Treasures, no matter what, she will never want Ancient Yisoul.

Ancient Yihun also retracted his thoughts and said, "He's fine, but..."

The voice fell slightly

Qiaoqiao was anxious and said, "But what?"

The ancient soul said: "The boss consumes himself too much. The last time he survived because someone changed his life. This time, he was in a coma for several days."

"In the past few days, his Cultivation Base is completely gone, like a cripple whose skill has been abolished. If he uses that trick again, I'm afraid he will become a cripple."

"I must not let him use the power of Blood Essence again o"

The voice of the ancient soul is very heavy o

He can clearly sense the changes in Long Fei's body.

At the same time o

He also knew the pain Long Fei was enduring, that kind of pain... I guess... no one can bear it.

Tears poured out of Qiaoqiao, covering her mouth, trying her best not to cry, recalling that when he was in Tianwu Continent, his Cultivation Base was abolished, and now... he may still face such a situation.

Her heart aches

Qiao Qiao knew in her heart that it was impossible for Long Fei not to use the power of Blood Essence.

She knows Long Fei's character too well

immediately o

Qiaoqiao asked seriously: "Is there a way to relieve the pain on him, or directly transfer the pain on him to someone else and replace it with someone?"

The ancient soul said: "No one can bear the pain he has endured, that kind of pain is too uncomfortable o"

The guardian of the dragon coffin, is the dragon awesome?


In front of the backlash of the ancient power, he can only turn into ashes, and... even so, he couldn't bear all the pain of Long Fei.

The super dragon can't bear it, who else can bear it in these 100,000 planes?

Jojo asked, "Just tell me if there is such a way?"

The ancient soul said: "Yes, yes, but even if there is no one can bear it, and if it can't bear it, it may hurt the boss himself."

Once you can't stand it

The power of the backlash will be multiplied and superimposed on Long Fei's body. In that case, it will not become a waste of Cultivation Base, but it is very likely to die.

However o

Qiao Qiao clenched her hands lightly, then released it, and said, "I can bear it."

"you help me!"

The ancient soul froze slightly and said, "Sister Qiao Qiao, you can't do it."

in this world o

In Qiao Qiao's heart, Long Fei is his only one

She looked at Long Fei's pain, and she would rather bear Long Fei's pain, even if it increased tenfold, it didn't matter.

she's such a fool

Jojo said: "You help me, as long as you help me, next time I will tell Young Master to let you stay by my side o"


Yuangu Yihun hesitated, he really wanted to stay by Qiaoqiao's side, the feeling of family made him very comfortable o

Seeing his hesitation, Qiaoqiao said aggressively, "If you don't agree, forget it."

talking room o

Jojo got up immediately and was about to leave the room o

The ancient soul quickly said: "Okay, okay, okay, I'll help you, but if you say okay, I'll help you, just tell the boss to let me stay by your side?"

Jojo smiled and said, "Um o"

The ancient soul giggled and said, "I need a drop of your Blood Essence..."


half an hour later

The red light in the room shook, causing everyone outside the room to be slightly worried o

then o

Everything in the room is back to normal o

Qiao Qiao's Blood Essence is in a corner of Long Fei's body, she smiled like a flower, and secretly said: "Young Master, now I'm in your body, hee hee..."

I feel like I gave everything to Long Fei.

happy like a young womano

Qiao Qiao is easy to be satisfied, even a word of concern from Long Fei can make her feel sweet.

Now that a drop of her Blood Essence stays in Long Fei's body, she feels like the whole world

blushing o

A smile is like a peach blossom in spring

Looking at Long Fei's resolute face, the immaturity in Tianwu Continent is gone, his face is more mature, and his body exudes a manly atmosphere.

One hundred thousand planes

From Tianwu Continent to the Ancient God Battle Plane o

Long Fei grew from a teenage boy to a big man o

Qiao Qiao looked at him, gathered up her courage, leaned forward slightly, and then... pecked Long Fei's face lightly, her big eyes flickered at Long Fei.

immediately o

Cheeks are red

blushing o

Long Fei's brows moved slightly.

Qiao Qiao's body shrank suddenly, just like a kid who was caught stealing candy and eating, she shrank her neck slightly, not daring to raise her eyes.

stop for half a minute

After confirming that Long Fei hadn't woken up, Qiao Qiao's heart slowly relaxed, she turned to look at the quiet Long Fei, the corner of Qiao Qiao's mouth was slightly hooked, revealing two shallow dimples, and she laughed softly: "Young Master, Qiao Qiao knows herself Thinking too much, but... Jojo is still willing to do everything for Young Master o"


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