The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2152 Longzu's Choice

so fierce? !

Looking at Long Fei's shocked expression, Tang Renjie said a little embarrassedly: "Actually, I'm just talking about playing, I'm not going to reshape the body."

"There is no such power in this world, unless the soul itself is very strong and will continue to cultivate, but this kind of soul is very rare."

"You want to resurrect them all, it's impossible o"

"They've all been dead for a long, long time, and it's impossible to use any kind of flesh to reshape the ** that can be resurrected."

"The best way is to..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Long Fei pointed at Qiao Qiao and said, "She is the one who rebuilt her body and resurrected."

Tang Renjie was stunned for a moment, looked at Qiao Qiao seriously, a hint of shock flashed in his eyes, and whispered: "Phoenix body?"

There are few things that can shock him in one hundred thousand planes

Also from the beginning, apart from Long Fei, he didn't check Qiao Qiao carefully.

Now when he found out that Qiaoqiao's physique was different from people's, his heart trembled secretly.

Qiaoqiao also followed: "Yes, I was resurrected by Zhan Wushuang with a special Cultivation Technique."

Tang Renjie said: "Your physique is a bit special. You are the body of Phoenix and possess the power of Nirvana, so you can be resurrected, but these souls cannot o"

"The best way is to bring them into The Underworld and re-samsarao"

"Of course o"

"If their souls can cultivate themselves, maybe they can re-cultivation in The Underworld. It depends on their own good fortune."

indeed o

When they die, they die, when their souls are pulled away by the god of fate, they are already dead o

Long Fei also knew in his heart o

When he saw Jojo, he thought that all souls could be reshaped in the flesh, but it doesn't seem to be the case now o

Jojo was reshaped by Zhan Wushuang because he possessed the power of Nirvana's rebirth.

Tang Renjie pondered for a while, then said: "Every plane has the laws of each plane, of course not every law is perfect, there are loopholes to find o"

Long Fei's eyes tightened and he said, "Speak human words."

Tang Renjie grinned and said, "There are also loopholes in the Death Law of the Hundred Thousand Planes, such as... Nine Cycles Tian Ling Hua o"

"Also known as the Flower of Resurrection"

"It's a loophole in Death's law. If you can find it, maybe you can save one or two back."

Nine Cycles Celestial Flower!

Long Fei is no stranger to this name.

but o

Li Yuanba told him that this kind of flower can be said to be a rare treasure, which is basically impossible to find.

Long Fei looked at Tang Renjie and said, "Do you know where this kind of flower is found?"

Tang Renjie shrugged, shook his head and said, "I don't know, but this kind of flower is known as a loophole in Death's Law. How can ordinary people find it?"

"Maybe... people in The Underworld know o"

Long Fei's eyes tightened

The people in The Underworld... I'm afraid the Eight Vajra will know better o

or o

his father!

With a certain mind, Long Fei moved his mind and released the laws of his soul, saying, "You are free, you can choose Samsara, no one will control you anymore, and no one will absorb energy from your soul."

a time o

Hundreds of millions of souls rushed out, extremely excited.

They're all saying o


"Thank you sir!"

"Thank you!"

Long Fei's soul law can hear their voices o

Many of these souls have been imprisoned by the God of Destiny for tens of thousands of years. For 100,000 years, they were in darkness and never thought that they would be able to re-enter Samsarao

For Long Fei's great kindness, they kept it in their hearts and entered The Underworld Samsara with this kindness, imprinting Long Fei on their souls.

This is for Long Fei

It is a piece of immeasurable merit.

His soul will also evolve and transform

followed by o

Long Fei said again: "I am Long Fei, a member of the Long family, Liu Luoxi, Qian Qian, Nangong Yan... Long Zu, your souls have all come to my side, and I will find a way to reshape your bodies. "

immediately o

One after another soul appeared in front of Long Fei


"Boss, you have become so strong now o" Azure Dragon ancestor said with a smile o

Ancestor Heilong also had a look of excitement, and said, "Boss, you are so powerful and domineering."

Eight golden dragons followed suit: "The boss is mighty"

immediately o

The ancestor of Azure Dragon said with a faint smile: "Boss, our mission is over, we are no longer qualified to stay by your side o"

Ancestor Heilong also smiled and said, "Boss, it is our honor to be your younger brother, hahaha..."


"It's something to show off in my life o"

Long Fei was nervous and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Don't be stupid, I will definitely find a way to reshape your body o"

The ancestor of Azure Dragon said: "Boss, we should leave, we entered the Upper God Realm from the outer domain, and we came here with the things that the Dragon Palace guards. At that time, we didn't know our mission, and we didn't know we had to guard Who is it, now we know o"

"Boss, we are so proud of you o"

soul move o

Step into The Underworld entrance o

Fourteen Dragon Ancestor has helped him too much o

They are just like Long Fei's brothers.


They didn't want to be a burden on Long Fei, so they chose to enter The Underworldo

led by Azure Dragon

The fourteen dragon ancestors stepped into The Underworld one by one, and Long Fei kept shouting, "You stop for me, stop for me, I have a way to revive you o"

"Stop for me o"

The ancestor of Azure Dragon turned his head to look at Long Fei and said with a smile: "Boss, separation means reunion, then... we will definitely become stronger o"

"Boss, goodbye!"


Azure Dragon ancestors enter The Underworld Samsarao

Long Zu followed one by one...

However o

It's just a start o

The people of the Long family, Long Fei's grandfather, Long Lunzi, is the same. With a kind smile, he is happier than anyone to see Long Fei's current achievements.

No one wants to be a burden to Long Fei

Samsara is the best choice o

Long Fei said: "No, no, can you stop?"

The little white wolf's soul moved slightly and said, "Boss, I'll be your mount in the next life, hehe... But don't worry, I will definitely make a big move, and I won't make a fart, hehe o"

Binghuo said: "Boss, I will follow you in the next life, because you are too cool, hahaha..."

Beamon War Beast o

various war beasts

Select all to enter The Underworld Samsarao

and o

Liu Luoxi and the others are the same

They are all Long Fei's women, and they understand more that resurrection will only become a burden to Long Fei, and they don't want to be a burden.

Long Fei burst into tears

Inexplicable pain in my heart

it hurts, it hurts

Watching the souls enter Samsara, they used to be their own relatives, brothers, all because he was not strong enough to protect him.

Long Fei clenched his fists, clenched, clenched again...

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