The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2140 The Main Temple Collapsed


Nothing can stop it!

All defenses are dying ants in the face of the dark forces

The Wall of Law Shatters o

The nine-star main artifact, the Divine Shield, can't even support it for a second.

shattered, turned into dust!

At this moment, the time of one hundred thousand planes seems to stand still.

Almost everyone looks at the sky with a wide mouth

because o

At the moment when the power of the dark world broke out, the scorching sun suspended in the sky with one hundred thousand planes suddenly appeared a solar eclipse, and darkness enveloped in an instant.

Covers the entire 100,000 planes o

Also because of this moment

The eye of the void in the main temple sees only darkness o

The evil god senses darkness through the thoughts on the dark box.

endless darkness o

As if the world is only dark

Zhan Wushuang's body kept shaking, his whole body was sweating like rain, the mixture of excrement and urine burst out from the crotch, his lips were white, and his eyes were scattered.

"Don't,,, Don't,,,"

"Don't, don't don't kill me o"

"Long, Long Fei, I, I, I was wrong, don't, don't kill me, please, please..."

Zhan Wushuang's lips are trembling, he can't say anything.

He was arrogant and arrogant ten seconds ago, completely different.

Just a palm o

Destroyed everything he had

The power of one hundred and twenty-three laws, destroy it!

completely disappear from him

Heavenly Aegis, directly smashed

The power of the son of God, destroy o

The same goes for his Cultivation Base, destroy it!

All devoured by the power in the dark world o

and o

Just above Zhan Wushuang's scalp, the dark First Stage was suspended like a large guillotine. Only Long Fei gave an order and the guillotine fell.

Zhan Wushuang is about to die

Long Fei panting heavily

Consciousness is still blurred

but o

Seeing Qiao Qiao beside him, his mind was quiet again, and he took off his own coat and wrapped Qiao Qiao's body.

immediately o

Long Fei turned his eyes and stared at Zhan Wushuang.


Zhan Wushuang knelt directly on the ground and kowtowed violently: "Long Fei, I was wrong, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore, I swear from now on if I'm against you I have to die o"

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Knock down one by one

Long Fei stepped out, the breath on his body burst, and the earth roared.

The black steam is still burning like crazy

Seeing Long Fei coming, Zhan Wushuang's body trembled even more, his crotch was even more wet, and he kept saying: "Long Fei, I am the Son of God, I am the successor of the Lord God, you can't kill me, kill me, The Lord God will not let you go, I now understand the power of one hundred and twenty-three laws, shall we join forces?"


"Let me be a dog by your side. I am willing to kill everything for you in the battle for hegemony. As long as you give an order, I will immediately go to the main temple and kill all those gods."

"Dragon Fly"

"The Lord God hasn't come back yet, we enter the battle for hegemony and sweep everything, and we will immediately win these 100,000 planes."

"How about it?"

Zhan Wushuang hurriedly said o

However o

He has no power at all now

Not to mention the power of law, he doesn't even have the Cultivation Base, he is just like an ordinary person now, he has no power of martial arts at all.

Not to mention the gods in the main temple, even a 10-year-old Practitioner can kill him o

Long Fei didn't stop

still walking forward

Zhan Wushuang was about to break his head and said, "Long Fei, the soul of your woman, your family, and your brother is still in my hands. If you kill me, they will never be born again."

"You dare to kill me?"

"As long as you let me go, I will let them go, how?"

It's okay not to say this, but when it comes to this... Long Fei's body suddenly trembled. He hated others threatening him with relatives the most in his life. Although he is now unconscious, he still knows what a threat is.

The power of the dark world begins to surge...

The thunder sounded o

"Ah..." Long Fei roared, and the dark world of 108,000 miles began to spin, turning into a vortex within a few breaths.


furious o

When Zhan Wushuang saw such a situation, he didn't care about anything, and ran away.

However o

A person without Cultivation Base is like a snail crawling no matter how fast he runs.



The dark hurricane slammed down, like a black lightning swirling directly from the top of Zhan Wushuang's head.

"Ah...ah, ah,..." Zhan Wushuang roared in pain, his whole body turned black, his eyes became black holes, and he screamed: "Long Fei, you can't kill me, you can't kill me, I'm the Son of God, I'm the King of Law, you can't kill..."


The dark world of 108,000 miles poured into Zhan Wushuang's body.

Zhan Wushuang stood in the original, unable to speak, no screams, only pain.

I never thought it would end like this

Just when the dark world was all involved in Zhan Wushuang's body, light appeared in the sky, and the solar eclipse was over.

The eye of the void sees everything again o

The gods in the main temple saw that Zhan Wushuang's body was densely covered with thin black lines, and they didn't react for a while.

"What is this Cultivation Technique?"

"Haven't you seen it?"

"Could it be that Lord Godko has become stronger again?"

" must be so"

Just before they came, they burst into laughter, "Boom!"

Zhan Wushuang's body exploded

The body burst into powder

also at the same time

The explosion swept the world, and from the polar region as the center, the super shock wave of the explosion began to spread out, one ring hooked on the other, covering the entire ancient war plane.

main temple o



The roof flew off, the huge pillars broke directly, and in just a split second, the main temple collapsed.

The gods in the Great Hall, one by one

screaming in pain

"Ah, ah,,..."

"Ah, what kind of power is this?"


"My God!"


In the place under the control of 100,000 planes, the main temple could not withstand this kind of impact, and collapsed directly.

Hundreds of gods of law fell to the ground in fright, screaming in pain

never o

Didn't show up when they built the main temple

The entire 100,000 planes shook violently because of the collapse of the main temple.

A full half an hour passed o

In the eyes of the void

Long Fei's huge voice stood in the air, staring directly at the gods in the main temple, roaring heavily, "Damn, who else???"


Huge earthquake

The eye of the void cracks directly

Wanshen was too frightened to move, and his mind was almost crushed by Long Fei.

horrible! ! !


After the Eye of the Void shatters o

Long Fei's eyes closed slightly, and the whole person fell from the air, muttering: "Qiaoqiao is safe, and there is no regret in death..."

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