The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2127 Big Alien

Just like what Zhan Wushuang saw, Long Fei was fleeing.

very embarrassed on the run

He has tried countless times, and these Alien Demonic Beasts are invincible and have no weaknesses at all. No matter how strong the attack is, it will only cause single-digit damage to him.

Can't find any way

Now Long Fei has only two moves without using o

One is the Eastern Emperor Bell

It is the power of darkness and the ancient soul o

At this time, the power of darkness can never be used. The power of darkness can only be used on individuals. Even if it can kill one Alien Demonic Beasts, but... what about the other hundreds?

Without divine power, Long Fei could only wait to die!

The ancient soul can't move, he must maintain the temperature on his body, once the power of the soul is released, the absolute zero degree in this polar darkness may make him freeze instantly.

As for the Eastern Emperor Bell, it is useless to give Long Fei a feeling.

These Alien Demonic Beasts are far-fetched creatures o

Long Fei felt that they were not creatures on the 100,000 planes at all. Otherwise, under the power of the Lord God, everything was ants, how could they not be killed?


They are beyond the control of one hundred thousand planes.

Unrestricted by any power of the one hundred thousand planes o

Also because of this

The power of the law is useless to them, and the power of the Lord God is useless.

All in all, two words, useless!

"Is it really impossible to get through?"

"Is there really no way to do it at the ancient entrance?" Long Fei thought as he ran, his mind was about to explode.

"There must be a way!"

"If you think of this as a game, if there is a boss level, then there must be a way to crack it. The settings of any game and level settings have their loopholes, as long as you find them, you will be able to clear the level." Long Fei Xin analyzes it

No game is perfect

There must be a loophole!

"If the loopholes are not in them, will it be somewhere else? Some institution? Somewhere?" Long Fei thought about it.

He prefers violence and doesn't like to use his brain very much, but now that he is being chased by these alien Demonic Beasts, he can't be violent at all, he can only use his brain to think o


Alien Demonic Beasts drill into the void, o

Before Long Fei could react, he suddenly appeared in front of him!


The void is twisted, and it hits it directly o

Fast as lightning

Long Fei's eyes tightened, and his body suddenly sank, "Fall!"

fall suddenly

He landed directly on the ground and said, "The ancient entrance is in the center. It must be a formation. There is a special place to live. Maybe if you go there, these alien Demonic Beasts will not chase after o"

immediately o

Long Fei landed to avoid the impact and ran in the opposite direction.

Those Alien Demonic Beasts are chasing after o

If it wasn't for Long Fei's mastery of the laws of the sky, he would be sure that now he died without even bones and scum, even if the Heavenly King Immortality Pearl was useless, he would still be dead if he was resurrected.



The wind howled, Long Fei increased his speed to the limit o

Those Alien Demonic Beasts also pushed their speed to the limit and chased after them.

The consumption of divine power is too huge, and it is even more impossible for Long Fei to use the power of darkness now.

three minutes later

Long Fei's eyes were startled, "That should be the center of the polar darkness, right?"

"Oh shit!"

"daddy just forcibly get through o"

Long Fei couldn't find a way to deal with these alien Demonic Beasts, so he could only fight to the death.

Not far from him is a huge square o

There is a ring in the center of the square, o

The ring is surrounded by grooves and rune carved in stone, densely packed like a huge array of Eight Trigrams.

This is an altar o it must also be where the entrance is opened o

This is absolutely o

As long as this altar is activated, the ancient entrance may be opened.

Of course o

All this is Long Fei's guess o

Looking at the large group of Alien Demonic Beasts around him, Long Fei roared in a deep voice, "Come on, come after me again."


Step into the altar

also at this time

Those Alien Demonic Beasts suddenly stopped and stood on the edge of the altar, afraid to go in for half a minute.

It's like a force is blocking them.


"it is as expected!"

"This is your weakness, isn't it?" Long Fei immediately laughed when he saw that they didn't dare to come in, his heart was relieved, and he finally took a breath.


"Come on, don't you like bumping daddy? Come on!"

Long Fei has a cheap expression o

Those Alien Demonic Beasts are extremely angry, showing their long fangs and want to swallow the dragon flying

but o

They dare not advance Half stepo

The altar is a Sacred place, and ancient Demonic Beasts of their level are not eligible to enter o

Long Fei kept teasing them, and he was relieved after confirming that they didn't dare to enter, "It's a goddamn embarrassment to be chased by several Demonic Beasts, this is the first time o"

Just when he felt relieved

A cold snort shot from behind him on his back o

A chill in my heart!

Long Fei cried out in his heart, "Oops!"

Carefully, his body slowly stood up, the power of darkness on his right arm moved faintly, he slowly turned around, and looked at the behemoth that was only half a meter away from him, Long Fei's heart tightened, and he said in a deep voice, "Fuck!"

Standing in front of him is a huge alien Demonic Beastso

Dozens of times bigger than the alien Demonic Beasts outside the altar, standing in front of it, Long Fei looks like a small ant

The cold breath sprayed on Long Fei's face, and Long Fei felt like he was about to freeze.

If it wasn't for the power of the ancient soul to protect him, Long Fei would be an ice sculpture now.

"It's over!"

Long Fei is crying in his heart

He began to think that the alien Demonic Beasts outside were adult Demonic Beasts, but he didn't expect them to be just cubs.

The cubs are so strong, what about this big alien?

Isn't it a strong blast?

No wonder no one can get through the ancient entrance

It is no wonder that the ancient giant gods will seek far away, not to open the ancient entrance in the polar region, but to escape from the polar region.

That's right

It's a little bit late for Long Fei to think about these feelings now.

Two huge eyes stared at Long Fei, Long Fei let out a slight breath, "f*ck, even if daddy dies, you have to pull a padded o"

This big guy is very powerful o

but o

This guy does not have a boss halo, that is to say, it is not a boss, the real boss has not come out yet o

How strong is that?

But o

Long Fei can't care about o

From the cold eyes of this big alien, Long Fei felt killing intent.

"First strike is stronger!"

Suddenly o

Long Fei stared, the dragon-shaped imprint on his right arm flashed a flash of light, and then the power of darkness was released, and he shouted, "What are you looking at?"


a loud noise o

Darkness erupts for it

Cover the big alien body, and everything on it is sealed with zero o

The power of darkness is the power of darkness. The big alien was given to Zero Seal without any effort. Long Fei raised his sleeves, and when the blade of the Lord God in his hand moved, it was a slashing, "I call you arrogant!!!"

"One more arrogance!"

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