The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2122 Mark Of The Underworld

a long time!

The glittering light from Long Fei's right arm disappeared.

immediately o

The whole world is back to normal

That voice sounded again o

"Ancient Inheritance!"

"Are you from the ancient world of Hongmeng?"

"You, you, you have the power of ancient inheritance?"

very excited o

It's like seeing my father, my voice is trembling, and the whole person seems to be crying.

followed by o

A phantom appeared in front of Long Fei.

A grey-haired old man

White hair mopping the floor, this age is at least a thousand o

Long Fei was slightly shocked

The white-haired old man fixed his eyes on Long Fei, and his eyes were full of excitement.

Long Fei Chrysanthemum tightened, took a half step back slightly, and said slightly: "Old man, I don't do basics"

That look is like a gay guy seeing a gay friend, his eyes are full of gay love, a thousand-year-old gay?

The white-haired old man said, "What does jiuji mean? Is it a new word popular in the ancient world?"


Long Fei was stunned for a moment and said, "Anyway, stay away from me."

"That won't work!"

"I have to be in a place where there are people to show up. If I'm too far away from you, I can't feel your popularity, so I can't show up, o" the white-haired old man said very seriously o

Long Fei's eyes narrowed, "Damn, is it possible that you want to suck my essence?"

The white-haired old man said: "That actually is not, Immortal, the soul of our underworld after death, can take shape as long as it is close to humans, and it will not cause any harm to you."

"Ming clan?"

Long Fei didn't hear it clearly at first, but this time he heard it clearly, and said, "Ming clan, what race is it in one hundred thousand planes?"

His father is the king of The Underworld o

It stands to reason...

He should be of the underworld clan.

But now the white-haired old man calls himself the Ming family, but Long Fei has never heard of it.

The white-haired old man smiled lightly and said, "It's normal that you haven't heard of it, because we don't belong to this world at all. In the final analysis, the one hundred thousand planes you just mentioned are still the world created by our underworld powerhouses. o”


Long Fei was startled, looking at the white-haired old man in disbelief.

Create a hundred thousand planes, this power is extraordinary o

at least o

It is absolutely impossible in Long Fei's cognitive world.

The white-haired old man gave a long laugh and said, "You can say that."

Long Fei said with contempt: "Since you are the creators of the world, why have you fallen to this level?"


The white-haired old man's smile disappeared immediately, as if speaking of his pain, he sighed and said, "The Ming clan is strong, even if they were once the super overlords in the great world of Hongmeng, but...after all, they are still defeated. I gave Tianzu o"

"Another Celestial Clan?"

Long Fei doesn't understand o at all

He is not interested in listening to these either. He has a problem now, how to get out from here, he still has to find the ancient entrance.

Long Fei said: "Don't talk about those, let me ask you, is there an exit here?"

The white-haired old man also wanted to tell Long Fei something about the Ming clan and the Tian clan.

These things were all billions of years ago

Seeing that Long Fei was not interested, the white-haired old man said, "The six dark formations were smashed by you, and the sealed Primordial Soul Demons left. There is no exit here."


Long Fei said: "Quickly say o"

The white-haired old man smiled lightly and said, "If you are willing to listen to me finish the story of the Ming clan and the Tian clan, I may be able to tell you another way out."

"Depend on!"

"Old man, do you like telling stories so much?" Long Fei was speechless.

The white-haired old man looked at Long Fei and said seriously, "Just think I'm telling a story, maybe I'll be able to help you someday."

then o

The white-haired old man began to talk incessantly.

Anyway, it's o

Begin to describe how his underworld is invincible, how invincible in battle, invincible in attack, how to stand at the peak of this world, and give birth to countless strong men.

The reason why the Ming clan is powerful is because of the inheritance power of the ancient world, Ming!

When they became super overlords, a new inheritance force was born in the ancient world. This inheritance force called, God!

Tianzu is also conceived and born o

The emergence of the Celestial Clan began to rise like a wreck, threatening the status of the Ming Clan in the great world of Hongmeng.

cause the two tribes to go to war

at last……

The underworld was defeated and was expelled from the great world of Hongmeng.

Long before the appearance of the Celestial Clan, the powerhouses of the Underworld Clan predicted the catastrophe of the Underworld Clan, and sent hundreds of peak powerhouses to search for the original plane, and at the same time they were also creating the plane.

The underworld was defeated and torn apart

After being expelled from the great world of Hongmeng, another part of the people came here o

Build a sect here


When this plane was created, this plane was born, and there was a powerful force in it. When they wanted to explore this force, they directly killed all their Ming disciples, and the entire Ming sect was also in one place. It was frozen in an instant and became the current polar o

None of the disciples of the Ming tribe survived

He is the only one who survived, but he can never leave. He can only use the power of the underworld to separate his own soul from the eternal guard here.

"It's over?"

Long Fei asked o

The white-haired old man smiled lightly and said, "It's over, my story is over." The old man took a fancy to Long Fei again, and said slightly, "But your story has just begun."

"What do you mean?" Long Fei asked.

The white-haired old man said, "Since the emergence of the ancient powers of the Ming and Tian Dao in the great world of Hongmeng, various inheritance powers have begun to appear to improve the entire world of Hongmeng."

"but o"

"Every power of inheritance is basically in the hands of the Celestial Clan."

"The entire Hongmeng world can also be said to be under the control of the Celestial Clan. The power you just released is the imprint of the ancient inheritance power. This power will change your life. Similarly, you will also be subject to the endless power of the Celestial Clan. the pursuit of o"


"Boy, every ancient power has its own reason for choosing its host. It chooses you, which means that you can make the world of Hongmeng more perfect."


"You are the one who subverts the Celestial Clan."

"What Celestial Clan, Ming Clan, what ancient power... Don't talk so much, tell me where the exit is now" Long Fei said impatiently.

He must go to Hongmeng World

As for the Celestials!

In short, just don't mess with him!

Not to mention the Celestial Clan, even the Celestial Royal Clan is the same! Fuck it, get pregnant!

The white-haired old man smiled lightly and said, "There is one more thing o"

Long Fei said, "Can you stop being long-winded?"

The white-haired old man said: "Hahaha... After this matter is over, I will tell you the exit o"

Long Fei said: "Hurry up!"

The white-haired old man walked around Long Fei. As he spoke, there was a flash of fluorescent light, and when his right hand moved, a burning force fell on Long Fei's left arm.


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