The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2102 The Catastrophe Is Still There, Long Fei Is Not Dead

ever o

The ancient legion tried many times o

But every time it ends in failure

They can't cross the defense line of the Jiyuan Mountains o

Like the upgraded white apes, they can't leave the polar region, and their grievances will not be able to bear it, but... this time, they won't be able to.

They have a power they never had before

With this power, they are not subject to any limitations o

Sweep the Jiyuan Mountains o

Invading the entire ancient plane of war, he wants to make this plane freeze, all under their control, to punish the person who once betrayed them, and they want to make the ancient plane become the land of Death o

The Jiyuan Mountains are just the first stop!

The ancient giants will not spare any human o

The White Ape King struggled to support, although he temporarily resisted the ancient giant god, but... he couldn't support it for too long, and he couldn't resist the polar storm.

half an hour later


The white ape king was covered in blood, and turned into a blood-colored white ape king. His body collapsed heavily and fell to the ground.

The ancient giant stepped on his head and said with a cold smile: "You guys also want to protect the polar regions? You also want to suppress us? Your ancestors didn't even have the qualifications to make me a mount."


"Bastards who are beyond their means!"

Press your feet hard, and suddenly explode o


The head of the White Ape King was stepped into the mud o

The ancient giant god Coldly laughed loudly and said, "Die slowly, hahaha..."

laughing off o

The ancient giant has disappeared

White Ape King opened his eyes angrily, looking to one side, the snow was flying and scattered on his body, he gradually felt his body becoming cold, and the chill was hitting him.

His heart is broken

broken heart o

Even the souls are beginning to separate o

He is dying!

He didn't fulfill his ancestor's last wish, he didn't stop the ancient giant gods, but... the ancient giants couldn't leave the polar regions like them, but why are they able to leave now, and the longer the white ape clan left, the weaker their strength?

Who is helping the ancient giants?

Now he has no time to think about it o

he's dying

will die soon

Now I only hope that his clansmen can live a little longer, I only hope that Long Fei's brothers can survive, and I hope that the little time I bought for them can help them o

"Whoo, whoa, whoa..."

His breathing is getting heavier

His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and he couldn't hold on any longer. His body was already stiff and completely numb, just as he was about to close his eyelids...

A figure appeared in his field of vision o


On the south side of the Jiyuan Mountains, in a bunker

"What did you say?"

"Boss he..."

Subduing the dragon's body sank, his heart tingling o

Everyone in the entire bunker was stunned.

Ziyue shook her head and said, "No, no, no accident will happen to Long Fei. He has gone through so many hardships and nothing has happened, and it is impossible now."

Tianling said fiercely: "I don't believe o either"

Li Yuan tyrannized: "I don't believe it either, but... the White Ape King is back, and the boss is now..."

Ziyue ran out, "I'm going to find him, I can definitely find him o"

Run out of the bunker when you're done

Tianling's eyes moved, and he quickly stopped Ziyue, saying: "You can't go out, the polar storm has come to the south, and anyone who goes out will be frozen to death."

"I don't care o"

"I want to find Long Fei, he must still be alive" Ziyue couldn't care less, from the time she saw Long Fei, she felt that this man was unusual.

must find her

at this time o

All the women of the Demon Fox Clan stood up in unison and said, "We're going too!"

"We're going too!"

The ancient elephant tribe, the fierce tiger tribe, and the demon wolf tribe all fought together.

Long Fei is their demon emperor

No matter what, even if you die, you have to find the body

Subduing Long looked at Li Yuanba, and Li Yuanba frowned.

Go out at this time, everyone will die o

They have seen the icy degree of the polar storm. Even the upgraded white apes of Life in the polar region can't bear it, and the bodies of these monsters can't bear it even more.

Go out and die!

The key now is whether Long Fei is alive and well?

suddenly o

Li Yuanba murmured: "Uncle Long once said that the boss had a catastrophe, and this catastrophe was on the battlefield, not in the Jiyuan Mountains."

"That is to say, the boss will never have an accident before entering the battle for hegemony."


"It must be like this o"

immediately o

Li Yuanba let out a roar and said, "No one is allowed to go out. Don't worry, the boss is definitely not dead, and he definitely won't die this time."

Everyone is stunned

Li Yuanba's deterrent power is very strong o

Subduing Long listened to Li Yuanba's words, put his hands together, and said slightly, "Amitābha..."

don't say o


Long Fei is really so hard

Sit down at the Lotus Position of the Dragon Subduing, and silently recite the scriptures, which is considered a blessing for Long Fei.

The predicted catastrophe has not yet appeared o

Before this, although Long Fei would encounter some difficulties, he would always step over it.

The White Ape King cannot be sure that Long Fei is dead.

Li Yuanba was worried, but he had to appease the Ten Thousand Demon Tribe. If they went out, none of the Ten Thousand Demon Tribe would definitely die.

Now they can only hide in the bunker and wait!

Waiting for Long Fei's return!

While waiting, Li Yuanba and Tianling quickly recovered their bodies.

They have the power of immortality in their bodies. In addition to immortality, this power also has a powerful self-healing ability.

Allows their body to repair quickly o

In less than half an hour, their wounds healed and scabbed over

The power in the body is restored a lot o

"If the bunker can't bear it, the three of us have to shoulder the task." Li Yuanba, Tianling, and Dragon Subduing exchanged ideas.

Tianling said: "That guy will move in space, our Tianzhu strength can't deal with it o"

Their cultivation of Tianzhu's power is not strong enough.

As long as the space is shifted, it is extremely attacking o

Li Yuanba said: "I will release the power of the Tianzhu in the form of Vajra's body. At that time, even if the power of the three Tianzhu can't kill them, they can still hit them hard, at least so that they can no longer release the power of the polar storm."

The two nodded slightly

Tianling murmured: "I hope the boss will come back soon!"

Li Yuanba also secretly said in his heart: "Boss, come back quickly!"

The gravel on the bunker keeps falling

constant freezing

There is no fire in the bunker

The polar storm is still destroying everything madly

Bunker defense won't last long o

The elder mother-in-law of the demon fox clan murmured: "The original fox valley should start to move violently, and the plow of the earth should appear."

"Long Fei!"

"You should show up soon, right?"

"Everyone is waiting for you!"

"King's return……"

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