The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2085 Super Creature

The main artifact task cannot be delayed, and Long Fei does not want to miss any of the upper artifact o

In addition o

The polar storm is getting closer, the lake on the north side of the Jiyuan Mountains, the trickle has begun to freeze, and a large number of beasts have fled to the south.

This polar storm is bigger than any other in history

As the new demon emperor, Long Fei must consider the survival of the demon clan in the Jiyuan Mountains.


This is a natural disaster, how to resist it?

He has no clue now, so he can only ask the Wan Yao tribe to speed up the construction of anti-freezing and wind-proof measures, dig holes in the ground, and quickly hoard materials.

The icy cold of the polar storm is probably unbearable even for the high-ranking gods and powerhouses, let alone the Ten Thousand Demon Tribe.

Fortunately, the Ten Thousand Demon Tribe has absolute respect for Long Fei, and everything he ordered was done quickly.

In addition to researching eighteen artifacts every day, Long Fei also enters the Sumeru ring to chat with Qiao Qiao and tell her what happened before.

It doesn't matter if it's useful or not

Long Fei said so

Of course o

Qiaoqiao is still chasing Long Fei all over the world

Xiao Yan, who was cultivating in the Sumeru ring, really couldn't stand it any longer. He was stopped by Long Fei several times when he tried to make a move.

he believes o

One day Jojo's memory will be restored, he firmly believes!

Apart from these

Long Fei still spends a large part of his time in the cultivation space of the dragon coffin. He must complete all cultivation tasks as soon as possible.

Especially the refining task!

The two shards of the main god can't be left like this, they must be embedded in the King Yama blade.


None of the weapons created by Long Fei can meet the mission requirements.


"The polar storm is coming in more and more, and the north of the Jiyuan Mountains is almost frozen." Li Yuanba walked in and said, "Boss, can't we bring the monsters out of the Jiyuan Mountains?"

Even Li Yuanba said so, one can imagine how powerful the polar storm is?

He is not afraid of heaven and earth

but o

When he stood on the top of the mountain and watched the north become a frozen world in just a few days, his heart couldn't help but tighten, the force of nature was simply too terrifying.

Can't shake the general o

Long Fei shook his head and said, "The Jiyuan Mountains are their home, no matter what happens, they will never leave here."

It's not that Long Fei didn't persuade o

but o

None of the Ten Thousand Demon Tribes have any intention of leaving.

here is their home

into the human world, they would rather stay here o

Li Yuanba sighed and said, "Is it too stubborn? After the polar storm passes, and then you can come back, do you have to wait here to die?"

“Really can’t figure it out o”

Everyone has their perseverance, just like Li Yuanba, he can use his life to resist any harm for Long Fei, this is his perseverance

this time o

Tianling also walked into the room, trembling all over his body, as if it was too cold, his teeth were chattering, and said: "Boss, no, really no, I went to the north, and the blood vessels were about to burst, and there was really no one. It can withstand it, and... not only is there cold in the frozen world to the north, but I also sensed a few dangerous breaths. Although I didn't see it, I am sure that the thing that emitted those dangerous breaths must be some kind of super creature. "

"Boss, let's get out of here o"

"Those super creatures must have come with the polar storm. Once the polar storm is here, I'm worried that this place will become their slaughterhouse o"

Tianling can't help but worry

The kind of breath he feels in the north is not weaker than the breath of any god who controls the law in the main temple.

One or two is fine

But what if there is a large group?

What will the consequences be?

The monsters in the Jiyuan Mountains are also close to the polar regions. Their bodies are very powerful, and the strong can withstand the bombardment of the law.

If so, what about the creatures that live in the polar regions?

How strong are their fleshly bodies?


Long Fei frowned and said, "How's the bunker going?"

Li Yuanba replied and said, "According to your instructions, it is built on the south side of the mountain, and food and fuel are also being prepared quickly."

"But... I'm worried that these things won't last long."

"I heard from the old man in the tribe that once the polar storm occurs, it will take at least half a year to end. This time the polar storm is so strong, I am afraid that the Jiyuan Mountains will not be able to recover within a year."

Thousands of demon tribes are numerous o

food shortage o

Not enough fuel o

You won't be able to last a year in this situation.

He is the demon king

He has to solve this problem for the demon clan o

Long Fei said slightly: "I know, I will find a way."

The Sumeru ring can hold a world, but... there are too many monsters to hold it, and even if they are allowed to enter the Sumeru ring, they may not be able to enter.

This is the most annoying

"Is there nothing that can withstand polar storms?"


"Can the polar storm be wiped out?" Long Fei pondered to himself, his previous opponents were people, or the mighty Demonic Beasts, but this is the first time he has encountered such a natural disaster.

Ziyue walked in and said, "Long Fei, the elder of the fox clan is here."

Li Yuanba immediately laughed awkwardly.

Tianling couldn't help but laugh.

Long Fei glared at them


If he wants to solve the polar storm, Long Fei must first solve the old woman of the fox clan.

Taking a deep breath, Long Feiqiang showed a smile and said, "Let her come in"

Without waiting for Ziyue to shout, the fox patriarch walked in, and she was dressed in white, with two ponytails, lipstick, and thick powder on her face...

At first glance o

Just like an old witch

Long Fei's heart is shaking

The old woman of the fox clan grabbed Long Fei's arm and said, "Let's go, let's go to see the sun and go out."

Long Fei's heart to die has o

But I can't refuse, I can only bite the bullet and follow the old lady out.



Tianling was the first to hold back and laughed out loud o

Li Yuanba also smiled and said: "The boss is the boss, big and small."

Ziyue rolled her eyes at them and said, "You guys are still laughing?"


Ziyue stomped lightly and strode away.

Although she is an old woman from the fox clan, although she knows that the old woman can't do anything to Long Fei, and that Long Fei can't do anything to her, Ziyue still has some sourness in her heart.

this is a woman


"The women of the demon fox clan are just different."

"Lord Demon Emperor, your aesthetics are different."

"Sir, do you feel your eyes are a little bit hot?"

"Mother-in-law, come on!"

"Date with the Demon Emperor, it's amazing!"

"Lord Demon Emperor, how can you be with her?"

"My heart is broken o"

Long Fei secretly said: "My heart is broken too!"

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