The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2057 Big Sister Head, He Wants To Single Out With You

Original Fox Valley

A very hidden valley o

The surrounding jungle is dense, and there is no way to step into the valley o

There is only one ancient tree in the valley, the other is the rocky cliff of Vajra, which cannot be crossed by birds or climbed by monkeys.

This is a natural dangerous place

Long Fei was carried from the jungle into the valley by four stunning women.

The moment you step into the valley

From the tree holes of the branches of the ancient trees, one after another flew out like fairies in white. The difference between them and fairies is that their breaths are slightly different.

Monster Qio



"Grab the man who controls the power of the law o"

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of fox women gathered around, all with stunning looks, each with their own characteristics, either coquettish, charming, or enchanting.

Looking at the women around, this is the town of gentleness!

It's a place where men want to come in

"I rely on!"

"Are all the beauties in the world here?"

"Is this the daughter country?"


"If who can have so many beautiful wives, then wouldn't they have to die for sex?" Long Fei's heart swayed.


Seeing them swallowing and drooling, Long Fei's heart froze again. They were not hungry, but wanted to eat Long Fei's meat and drink his blood.

"What a good girl, why eat people?" Long Fei was puzzled.

this time o

A woman said, "The patriarch is here."

suddenly o

All the women took a few steps back, showing serious expressions o

Long Fei was shocked, "Ordinary disciples are so beautiful, is the patriarch the most beautiful among them?"

From the huge tree hole under the ancient tree, an old woman came out o

With old wrinkles on his face, age spots on his hands, with a cane, and gray hair, he looks like an old woman o

Same with these women...

The old woman is also wearing revealing clothes, wrapping her chest, but that chest...

"I rely on!"

"Spicy eyes!" Although Long Fei didn't open his eyes, his eyes of consciousness were open, and he could clearly see the old woman's appearance.

But o

There were two identical women beside the old woman, but Long Fei was shocked, "Twins?"

The fox twins of Wu Mandala City

After being escorted out by Ziyue, there is no whereabouts. Long Fei is in a coma and can't find it. I didn't expect them to come here.

"Patriarch, it's this human o"

"How should we eat him?"

"He has the power of law. If we can integrate his power, we don't have to fear other tribes."

"Patriarch, eat him!"

"Eat him!"

For a time, all the fox women shouted in unison, "Eat him, eat him..."

The old woman stepped forward and glanced at Long Fei.

this time o

The twins also found Long Fei and immediately said, "Master?"

The two were so excited that they ran up to help Long Fei up, "Master O"

"it's him"

The two girls are excited

The audience is also silent

A woman said: "The servility has not changed, and it is still called the master, hum!"

"Is it an addiction to being a slave?"

All showing a look of contempt o

The old woman's voice sank, coughed softly, and said, "Bai Ling, is he the man who saved you?"

Bai Ling was the twin's name and said, "Well, mother-in-law, he was the one who saved us."

"Since it's kind to you, then..." The old lady was about to speak.

Someone immediately said: "Patriarch, this man has cultivated the power of the law, we can't let it go, even if we let him go, he will be caught by other tribes in the Jiyuan Mountains. Eating it can also enhance your power o”


"you can't eat him"

"He saved us, he is our benefactor, isn't our demon fox family repaying our kindness?" Bai Ling and the two guarded Long Fei.

"That's why he is kind to you, not us"

"and o"

"You two have been in human time for so long, are you still a fox clan?"

"that is!"

"You two don't deserve to be foxes at all, they are just tools played by humans, slaves."

The women are contemptuous

They hate human beings, and they hate their own people being turned into slaves.

Now that he was caught, he should make the entire fox clan despise him as a tool of human beings.

so o

When they escaped here, they were very unwelcome o

If it weren't for the maintenance of the old woman, the two of them would not be able to enter this original fox valley.

The twin girls couldn't stop their tears and were always discriminated against. They didn't want to be slaves or tools, but they had no choice at all.

"Patriarch, you don't have to order, know the situation of our tribe. We must eat this man, and we must obtain the power in his body."

A fox woman with huge breasts said o

A large number of women immediately echoed around.

They looked at Long Fei like a wolf staring at a lamb after a few days of starvation.

Twin women hold Long Fei and hold on to it

The old woman wants to maintain it, but once she blocks this situation, the demon fox clan will have civil strife, and they will need the power in Long Fei's body.

If they can control the power of a law, the fox clan will no longer have to fear anyone in the Jiyuan Mountains.

Eyes slightly closed

Many demon fox women saw greedy smiles o


"Mother-in-law, he saved our o"

The twin women are still by Long Fei's side. In addition to thanking Long Fei in their hearts, they also fell in love with Long Fei, because Long Fei regarded them as human beings.

"Pull them away from me!"

"If they don't obey, then give them some color to see o"


Just when the women of the demon fox tribe were about to pounce, Long Fei stretched out his hands slightly, as if he had just woken up, looked at the fox women around him, and said, "Wow, there are so many beautiful women, I won't be dreaming. Bar?"

Many fox women were stunned for a moment

All on alert, o

"Why did the power of charm fail?"


The faces of the four women who caught Long Fei changed slightly

The power of charm is indeed strong

But... what kind of woman has Long Fei never seen before? And what kind of poison did he not get hit by? The power of charm is not enough to see o

Long Fei stared at the woman with big breasts and said, "I seem to hear you want to eat me?"

"come come come o"

"Let's find a place alone, I'll let you eat enough." Long Fei laughed evilly. It doesn't matter if you deal with him, but don't touch the people around him.

The twins' move touched his heart o

You can't bully them!

Long Fei's words surprised many women.

One of the women said, "Big sister, he wants to one-on-one with you"



Long Fei laughed evilly, "I like this rude way o"

Chapter 4, thank you for your support!

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