The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2053 Dragon Subduing

Top 10 Books from Heaven in Hongmeng World

Heaven, Earth, Stars, Chen, People, Beasts, Demons, Gods, Dao, and Buddhas are all extremely special existences, some have owners, and some are scattered all over the Universe.

Each book has a strong power o

In the great world of Hongmeng, whoever can get a book from heaven can become the super overlord of one party.

legend o

The ten heavenly books together will form an ancient giant painting with heaven-defying treasures hidden in the painting, and the owner can become Hongmeng Supreme!

Books from heaven are scattered all over the place, and to find them requires not only chance, but also luck.

Long Fei got two books by luck.

Sleeping Beauty smiled excitedly: "That's right, full marks, hee hee!"


"without any reward o"

Long Fei was shocked, "Sure enough o"

"What kind of book is in there?"

Sleeping Beauty said: "I don't know this yet, I can only guarantee that there is a book from heaven, but it's unclear what attribute it is."

Long Fei said: "Open it and see if you don't know o"

In turn, Long Fei was stunned again, and said, "A strong person like the Heretic God can't open it, this black box is definitely not ordinary."

Sleeping Beauty said: "It's not difficult to open it, it just needs one thing o"

Long Fei immediately asked, "What?"

Sleeping Beauty said: "The blood of the dragon, the blood of the dragon is extremely corrosive, it can open any trap box o"

"The blood of the dragon?" The dragon in the dragon coffin cultivation world immediately appeared in Long Fei's mind. The blood of the dragon mentioned by Sleeping Beauty should be his.

Sleeping Beauty said: "You don't have to worry that the blood of the giant dragon will corrode the Book of Heaven. The Book of Heaven is an existence that cannot be destroyed by any force. As long as you get the blood of the giant dragon, you can open this black box. The reason why the evil god can't open it is because he I don't know what box this is, what's hidden in it o"

It is also a chance to obtain it from outside the domain.

easy to get o

In the eyes of the evil god, it is just a strange box, and there is nothing special o

How would you know that it contains one of the ten heavenly books in the great world of Hongmeng, if you know it, if you kill him, you will not give it to Long Fei.

Long Fei said: "I know o"

immediately o

Sleeping Beauty stretched out a slack and said, "Master, if the ten heavenly books can be merged together, an ancient giant painting will appear, and there is a peerless treasure hidden in it. Whoever can get it can become the strongest Supreme in the Hongmeng world. This is the most attractive place in the top ten heavenly books, so you must hide your heavenly books, and don't let people find them o"

"Okay o"

"I'm sleepy, master, I'm going to sleep o"

After speaking, Sleeping Beauty fell down softly and fell asleep, without any prelude at all, and instantly entered deep sleep mode.

Long Fei sighed inwardly, "There is such a peerless treasure hidden in the top ten heavenly books? Hehe... I seem to see the peerless treasure waiting for me o"

Long Fei's thoughts move

Enter the dragon coffin cultivation mode o


Long Fei shouted, he needs the blood of the giant dragon, he needs to know what kind of celestial book is in the box.


With a dragon roar, Long Fei's eardrums will burst open.

The huge dragon body was revealed, just like a giant, occupying the entire sky, two eyes shining with golden light stared at Long Fei, and said coldly: "What do you want me to do?"

Long Fei showed a pleasing smile and said, "Can you give me a drop of your blood?"

"You want my dragon's blood?" The dragon was stunned for a moment.

Long Fei said: "Yes, one drop will do."

The dragon is so huge, a drop of blood is a drop in the bucket for him.

I should agree


Just after Long Fei finished speaking, the giant squinted his eyes and snorted coldly, "No o"

There is no room for manoeuvre o

"Depend on!"

"It's just a drop of blood, do you need to be so stingy? It's not for your blood, it's not for your life, it's just a drop of blood." Long Fei said unhappily.

The dragon glared at him and said, "I'm just stingy, I just can't do it, why?"

"Bite me o"

Long Fei: "I..."

If he could bite, Long Fei would really go up and bite him, at least he could get a drop of dragon blood, but... looking at the scales on the dragon's body that are bigger than him, think about it.

Don't bite off your own teeth by then.

The giant dragon saw that the dragon was flying withered and said, "I want the blood of my giant dragon, and you can clear the first stage of the rest of your cultivation mode."

Wuxiu's steel armored beast mode has been blasted o

but o

pill refining, refining, carving array...

All of these things are in waste mode.

Long Fei said: "As long as I give these breakthroughs, you will give me the blood of the dragon?"

Dragon Road: "Right o"

Long Fei gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you wait for me, daddy is so crazy that even he is afraid o"

It is not ordinary for these auxiliary occupations to make breakthroughs. It is not ordinary to make magic pills, create divine weapons, and carve out divine formations.

Moreover, the god level in the cultivation mode is completely different from the god level in the ancient world.

Higher, harder to refine o

But o

Long Fei never gives in. Since he said such a thing, he will go all out.

Never admit defeat!

With a thought, leave the cultivation space o

The giant dragon murmured to himself: "Long Fei, you must be fully prepared, the Great World of Hongmeng is completely different from this kind of Minor World."

"I will make you an almighty being o"

"Only in this way can you gain a foothold in the world of Hongmeng"

Everything he does is not for Long Fei's present, but for Long Fei's future

What is a drop of dragon blood?

Even if Long Fei wants his faucet, he doesn't care.

What he needs is Long Fei's more assiduous practice. Although Long Fei has already worked hard, it is not enough. It is far from enough to gain a foothold in the world of Hongmeng.

Everything he has now is like rubbish


"I'm so pissed off!" Long Fei gasped heavily, very upset, "Isn't it just a drop of blood, so stingy, fuck!"

Ziyue looked at Long Fei's angry look and asked, "What's wrong?"

Long Fei shook his head, "It's nothing o"

this time o

Suddenly, Tianling stopped and said, "Boss, there is a broken temple in front of you."

Long Fei raised his eyebrows, Divine Sense moved slightly, and said, "There is murderous aura."

"Everyone be careful o"

Long Fei put the matter of the blood of the giant dragon aside first, and went into a state of alert with all his heart. Even the evil god said that the Jiyuan Mountains were extremely dangerous. It can be seen that this place is really not an ordinary danger.

The dry man said: "I'll explore the way first"

turn o

The dry shark's body sank, went directly to the bottom of the ground, and disappeared.

Li Yuanba said: "I'll follow you to see o"

In the broken temple

Zhan Wushuang's phantom stared coldly at a monk, and said coldly, "Hand over the person."

The monk grinned and said, "This thing doesn't belong to you."


Zhan Wushuang Xuying snorted coldly, "Eighth Vajra, subduing the dragon, right?"

"Go ghosts o"

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