The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2021 The Law Of Killing

Dragon coffin cultivation world

white coat, white shadow

very strange o

It's very strange, you must know that this is the world of dragon coffin cultivation, the world of the master artifact, and it is impossible for anyone else to appear here.

However o

Just when Long Fei wanted to ask what happened to the giant dragon, the giant dragon actually disappeared.

mysterious disappeared o

Long Fei was even more puzzled, "What the hell?"

not only that o

The giant dragon disappeared, and the steel-armored beasts at the foot of the mountain were all motionless, just like the release of the immobilization technique.

Time stands still?


Although Long Fei has not mastered the law of time, he has also cultivated the power of time reset. It is not that time is still at all, but is bound by some powerful force.

Shadow man?

Long Fei raised his eyes, "Who are you?"

Bai Ying smiled lightly: "We finally met o"

Long Fei said: "What is the end? Are you waiting for me? Or did we meet before?"

Bai Ying said: "There is no o"

Long Fei said: "Then what are you waiting for? I don't owe you money, do I?"

Bai Ying smiled and said, "I'm waiting for you to have important things. As for whether you owe me money..."

Before Bai Ying could finish speaking, Long Fei immediately said, "If you want money or not, you will die."

He really has no money

Bai Ying said: "I owe you o"


"Hehe..." Long Fei laughed immediately, "You owe me money without seeing you? Are you stupid? Or do you think I'm stupid? If you have something to say, daddy is not available."

Long Fei took advantage of the geographical location to kill more than 3,700 steel armored beasts.

If it is converted into experience, it is 370 billion!

Even if he is still more than 6,000 short of the level, he will be able to get system rewards, and... the most important thing is that he has one trillion experience enough to level up, enough to fly, so that his body can completely get rid of the heart attack. God poison o

Bai Ying said: "I owe your mother's life"

The voice fell o

Long Fei was shocked, "Who are you? Why do you owe my mother's life? You are not from the world at all, right?"

Long Fei doesn't know Bai Ying

And... from what he looks like, he is someone from a relatively old age, how could such a person have something to do with his mother? Is it another plane?

How strong is Long Fei's mother?

Long Fei didn't know at all

His knowledge of his own mother may also be limited to the law of time.

then o

Mother must be a beautiful woman

He is also a member of the ancient Mu family in Hongmeng World.

that's it!

What age is Bai Qi? Hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions of young powerhouses, brothers of the Lord God who controls the one hundred thousand planes, the one hundred thousand planes is what he beat down.

How could such a person owe Mu Wan'er's life?

Bai Qi didn't believe it, but he owed Mu Wan'er's life, and it could even be said that his life was given by Mu Wan'er, and everything he had was given by Mu Wan'er.

Bai Qi didn't say much, and said, "Your mother asked me to wait for you here, I've waited until now o"

"Depend on!"

"Who exactly are you?"

"You said you owe my mother's life, but you owe it?" Long Fei was puzzled, and he was even more puzzled about his mother. How strong is this?

Bai Qi said: "My name is Bai Qi, the first generation of Night King o"

"Come on!"

Long Fei glared at him, "The first generation of Night King?"

A huge shock in my heart, like turning the sky upside down

He knows very well what the first generation of the Night King means, which means that he is a strong man who is comparable to the Lord God, and he was once a man who stood at the peak of the 100,000 planes.

killer king o

Known as the God of Killing

Although he is not ranked in the class of gods, he controls the killing laws of 100,000 planes.

This is the only fierce man who can control the law without entering the main temple.

Because this is his own unique law o

"Ferocious!" Long Fei exclaimed, his eyebrows tightened, and he said, "No, if you are the first generation of Night Kings, you should be millions of years ago, how could you do that? Knowing my mother, how can I owe my mother's life?"

It doesn't make sense at all

Bai Qi said slightly: "I can't understand about this either. It should be a powerful time-traveling Cultivation Technique. Your mother is very strong, and there is no one in the 100,000 planes that is her opponent."

"If it weren't for her, the 100,000 planes might still look like another"

The other Long Fei didn't hear clearly, but...the time traveled a few words Long Fei's heart was shocked, "This...this is impossible o"

"Even with the most powerful time law, it is impossible to travel to the past time o"

"If you can travel back to the past, wouldn't that just reverse the future? Do you still need to hide?"

Long Fei knew very well that Long Mansion and Mu Family had a huge crisis in the great world of Hongmeng.

If you really have time to travel through Cultivation Technique, who do you need to be afraid of?

Bai Qi said, "He asked me to wait for you at the Tomb of the Night King. I didn't expect you to come here."

Long Fei recovered his body. Now he is getting less and less aware of his mother. He is like a fog. How powerful is a person?

Long Fei said: "Wait for me to do?"

Bai Qi said: "Teach you the law of killing and become a killing god."

"Can the laws be taught?" Long Fei was stunned. It was the first time he heard that the laws could be taught. Isn't all the laws comprehended?

A law is not a Cultivation Technique, it is an ethereal thing that cannot be taught at all

Bai Qi said: "I used to think the same as you, but I still don't control the law of killing, and this law is also taught to me by your mother."

"I rely on!"

"In addition to the law of time, does my mother have another law of killing?" Long Fei's heart was shocked again, "Mother, how strong are you, I am happy under your shadow o"

The law of time, the law of killing...

Both are two powerful law forces o

Bai Qi smiled lightly: "As far as I know, all the laws of the 100,000 planes have nothing that your mother can't."

suddenly o

Long Fei's body sank, and the blow in his heart was as if his body was incomplete.

He thought that his mother would have the power of the law, but he didn't expect that there would be one, and now... actually have all the power of the law.

How fierce is this?

Compared with her, Long Fei suddenly felt like a swaddling baby, or the kind of baby who was born stunted.

hit too hard o

When you think you can see the whole world, you find that you can't even see the root hair.

Time and time again beyond Long Fei's imagination

Now Long Fei doesn't dare to think about it.

But o

Long Fei's heart also sank faintly, "Mother is so powerful, but there is still a huge crisis in the Mu family and Longfu, how strong is the enemy?"

This is even more unimaginable

immediately o

Long Fei clenched his fists and swore in his heart, "Hongmeng World, daddy must go and see it!"

Long Fei looked at Bai Qi and said, "Teach me the law of killing, right?"

"bring it on!"


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