The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1939 Fuck Him The Main Temple

The so-called power of faith is not pure power o

but a spiritual force

Collected little by little, into the river of faith, into the sea o

This power does not come from awe o

But from the heart to respect, look up, worship o

this is the real god

If you want to resist the crushing of the dome, you must unite with all the people on Devil Island.

Whether civilians or Practitioners, as long as they work together, they will be able to break through the shackles of the dome.

Long Fei's heart sank

turn o

He looked at Yan Nantian and the others

Yan Nantian and the others looked at him the same way.

Long Fei said: "I have a way, but I have to unite the billions of Spirit Power in the entire Devil Island."

"Shen Crane!"

"You go and rule all the Demonic Beastso on Devil Island"

"Their power is essential!"

"Yan Nantian, go to the Temple of Destiny and let those who believe in the God of Destiny wake up."

"Lan Ya, go back to Tianyan City and unite with the people from the ten major cities."

"Tian Jue, the speed of Tian rushing to them is slow, you send them there o"

Long Fei quickly said o

Seeing Long Fei's serious expression, Yan Nantian was also excited, and said, "I'm afraid those people in the Temple of Destiny will never believe in the God of Destiny again."

Lan Ya nodded and said, "I'll go right away"


The dome is suddenly falling again o

"Hurry up!"

"Move all!"

Long Fei urged, and the flying crane immediately spread its wings and moved, almost flying close to the ground, constantly whining, Tian Jue, Tian Chong also took Yan Nantian, Lan Ya flew out and disappeared instantly.


It's just that people from these places are united, it's not enough o

Devil Island is so huge that billions of creatures must unite o

immediately o

Long Fei asked, "Where is Devil Island the highest right now?"

The sweeping monk said: "I'm afraid this is the highest o"

Long Fei said: "Understood!"

Long Fei flew to the highest point in one step, and the top of his head almost reached the dome, "Om!"

The powerful divine power in the body suddenly exploded

The power of Ziyang Shengong exploded o

The power burst of the hand of Tathagata o

Devil's wings also burst out from Long Fei's back, the black feathers are like steel, Long Fei will

Release your own power, release it, release it again, release it to the strongest point o

Double fist sunk


A force ejected from Long Fei's body, "Boom!"



In all directions, in a radius of billions of kilometers, there is a roar, a loud noise o

Long Fei's voice was also heavy, and said: "My name is Long Fei, and I will say the sinner that the god of destiny said in the mouth. You may not believe me, but please believe in your own eyes and your fate."

"Devil Island, Land Forsaken by God"

"From the moment we appeared here, we were abandoned from the moment we were born. The cultivation Spiritual Qi on Devil Island is not as powerful as the battlefield of the ancient gods."

"We are locked in this place forever"

"This is a cage, never step out of it"

"The god we believe in, the god we revere has never appeared, and now he appears and he stands there coldly, smiling and watching us being crushed by the dome one by one, Deatho"

"This is God?"

"Is this the God we fear?"

"If you want me to say he's a piece of shit!"

Long Fei's voice is violent

Use all the power to spread sound and cover the entire Devil Island o

All people looked up at the sky and looked at the direction the sound was coming from o

stop silently

Some people yelled at the beginning, but slowly everyone quieted down o

Destiny God smiled coldly: "Long Fei, what's the use of you talking about this now? Can you save the world? If you can save these ants, then you save o"

"You can't even save yourself, what will you use to save them?"


"You're just an ant with a tougher life, what can you change?"

"You can't change anything, understand?"

Destiny is very disdain o

Long Fei said, "Have you heard? We are ants in the eyes of the gods. How could they ever treat us like humans? They are gods aloof, how could they care about our lives?"

"In that case!"

"What's the use of such a god?"

The voice fell o

Almost the entire Devil Island is roaring o

"It's useless!"

"It's useless!"

"What's the use of them?"

"Fuck him the main temple o"

Anger is ignited o

When a person is angry, the fear in their hearts

will gradually decrease o

Anger can make people impulsive and make people forget all fears

Long Fei said again: "Yes, it's useless to ask them. In this land abandoned by the gods on Devil Island, it's useless for us to rely on anyone, we can only rely on ourselves."

"What is God?"

"It's just the Ying Family from the last ancient battlefield. Breaking through the prison, we can also enter the ancient battlefield, and we can also become gods."

Wang Tai's blood boiled when he heard it, and said, "Brother Fei, what can I do to break the taboo?"

dome down

The crushing force is getting stronger and stronger

Entering the battlefield of the ancient gods?

You can't even break through the dome, how can you get out?

dying soon!

Overlord Hua looked at Long Fei and said, "What should I do?"

Bai Lian also asked: 'How to do it? you say! ’

not only they o

Countless people on Devil Island are asking loudly, even the elderly and children are asking Long Fei, "What should I do?"

Devil Island is a prison o

Whether you were banished here or born here, you have no freedom o

they want to get out of here

Every Practitioner wants to enter the battlefield of the ancient gods and wants to change this damn world o

at this time o

Tian Jue came over and said, "The Temple of Destiny has already been prepared. Now you only need to give an order."

Everyone doesn't want to die

When their faith collapses, they will find another faith. Long Fei makes them see hope, so they will believe in Long Fei.

Tianchong also heard a voice, saying: "The ten cities are ready."


A sharp voice sounded o

The life-threatening scholar immediately said, "All beasts are ready."

in an instant o

Long Fei raised his eyes heavily, looking at the dome, looking at the icy God of Destiny above the dome, Long Fei roared heavily, "We have to break through the dome o"

"we may die o"

"But, for the next generation, for everything on Devil Island, what about death?"

"come o"

"Break through with me!"

The voice fell o

Long Fei moved his hands, slammed directly on the barrier of the dome, and let out a deep roar, "My life is up to me, and no one can control our life and death!"

At the moment when his power was fully activated, and his hands touched the barrier, Long Fei's whole body was like a million volts, extremely uncomfortable, but his heart did not flinch.


keep roaring o

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