The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1911 Chef Wang

Chapter 1911 Chef Wang

Whoever finds the Son first will have the absolute initiative.


Can control the entire holy Buddha realm o

Although who is the Son of God to choose, but behind the scenes they are looking for the Son of God

Long eyebrows are looking for o

Other Elders are also looking for o

The host is also sending someone to look for o

I want to be the first to find the Son of God

There are many more messengers from the Paradise Palace in the Western Buddhist City, but... a few days have passed, and no one has found the legendary Holy Son.

The matter of the selection of the Holy Son becomes particularly important.

Everyone is waiting for o

"The date for the selection has been set o"

"It will be held in the Great Hall of Bliss, the western Buddhist city in three days, and the first round will be a comparison of Buddhism Cultivator"


a time o

The whole Buddhist city is boiling for it

Every Buddhist wants to try it, because becoming a holy son is a matter of supreme honor and a dream.

The key is,

All people don't know who the Son is o

that means o

Anyone can become the Holy Son, and the threshold for this selection is relatively low, as long as anyone can participate o

This also seems the helplessness of Paradise Palace.

They can only select in this way, not to miss anyone o

Western Buddha City is crowded with people o

Teahouses and hotels are all talking about the selection of the Holy Son this time. The latest and fastest update

"Who do you say will be the Son of God?"

"It's hard to say, but... I heard that this time there will be three holy children in the thunder of the three holy children."

"The prosperous world of the three holy children has never appeared. If the three holy children are born, the evil spirits will have nothing to hide."

"I heard that a young man appeared in Donglin Town. He has never cried since he was born. He has a Buddha seal on his body. This time the popular candidate o”

"I've heard that too, but that kid Wu Xiu is too weak, this time the selection is not only the Buddha Cultivator selection, but also the martial arts selection. There is a young man in Nanyuan Town who is called powerful, with divine power and a Buddha seal on his body. Born with the blessing of the Lord Buddha, I heard that he hugged Nanyuan Town alone."


various discussion voices

The gate of Buddha City

Although the Western Buddha City is not as majestic as the first Buddha City, it is surrounded by a light of peace and it should be the last pure land of the holy Buddha world.

in front of the gate

Long Fei raised his head slightly, looked at the two giant Buddhas, and looked into the distance.

At this time, a few people ran past him, "Come on, the last day for the selection of the Holy Son is to sign up, if you don't hurry up, it will be too late o"

"I must be the Holy Son" a man in rags rushed into the city like a mad o

not only him

There are all kinds of people, farmers, merchants, ladies, children, women all have o

Long Fei had never seen such a grand selection, and he thought to himself, "Do you all want to be a saint?"

Long Fei also quickened his pace o

There are 100 registration points in the Buddha City, and it is full of water almost every day.

Can't squeeze in

Long Fei wasted his boss's strength before he squeezed to the registration place, and said, "I want to sign up o"

"what is it call?"

Before Long Fei could speak, a man next to him who was still holding a cooking spoon in his hand pressed his nose and said, "Me? My name is Chef Wang."

followed by o

The pen is down, "Chef Wang o"

"All right!"

"This is your ID card, when you read your name, you can go in and select o"

Handing a bamboo stick-like identity card to Long Fei's hand, he shouted, "Next!"

That chef Wang wanted to sign up again.

Unexpectedly, the restaurant owner in the distance shouted, "Cook Wang, come back to me, there are guests o"

Chef Wang was a little reluctant, but he was even more afraid that the boss would deduct his salary, and grinned: "Maybe I am the legendary Holy Son o"

Reluctantly squeeze out the crowd

Long Fei held the identity board and looked at the words "Chef Wang" written on it, a little didn't know whether to laugh or cryo

Too many people signed up

No one cares what your name is because... no matter what your name is, no one will remember your name as long as you are not the Son of God

If you become a Son, no one will remember your name o

because o

Others will only know that your name is Holy Son!

suddenly o

The crowd rioted, "Get out of the way, get out of the way, let me die, do you hear me?"

Not far away, a dozen strong men made their way through the crowd.

The strength of the strong man is not weak o

Hundreds of people squeezed around, they all stood still, Cultivation Base was not low o

In the distance, a young man dressed in purple and gold Kasaya, with his bald head tucked, walked slowly.

With a ray of light o

Everyone was surprised

"The Buddha of Luoyue Town?"

"It's really him!"

"There is still Buddha light on my body."

At this moment, many people knelt down and worshipped.

A disciple of the Buddha is a precious identity. The disciple selected by the Buddha is actually a disciple selected by an eminent monk, but he has some Buddhist Cultivator studies that are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The Buddha's eyes were a little cold, and he didn't even look at the people around him. He walked forward and folded his hands slightly: "Fozi, Lin Yuano"

Write down your name and pass it up with both hands

Lin Yuan took it and walked away slowly. For some people who knelt down and worshipped him, their eyes were still cold, and they didn't even look at them.

Long Fei smiled in his heart: "Buddha?"

"I really don't know where there is a bit of Buddha-likeness. Such a cold and stupid idiot still wants to become a holy son, and his brain is squeezed by the door?" A man beside Long Fei scolded disdainfully, "Don't let me meet such a little white face. Arrived, or he punched him to see the Lord Buddha."

Long Fei glanced at the man beside him.

burly body

It's a bit like Piccolo in Dragon Pearl, but with a different skin color and no horns on his head.

He glanced at Long Fei and said, "What are you looking at? Even a cook like you, I can punch you to see Lord Buddha."

crazy, violent

finish o

he strode away

Long Fei sneered slightly and smiled slightly.

Just when he wanted to leave, his eyes suddenly tightened.

at this moment o

The man who left also stopped abruptly.

far away

A woman in white, walking on tiptoes, stepping out a Lotus flower with every step, as if her body is floating on the ground.

not only that o

The appearance of the woman is also a holy face o

With a shallow smile, smile to everyone around you

Compared with the Buddha Zi Lin Yuan just now, she is the real Buddha.

Lin Yuan's face changed slightly.

The dozen or so strong men beside him immediately understood, and they rushed over directly.

Long Fei's eyebrows tightened, and he couldn't help reminding him, "Be careful!"

At the same time, Long Fei also stepped out.

at this time o

The man who looked like the Great Demon King Bick suddenly moved, "Boom!"

The clothes on the upper body exploded directly, blocking the eight strong men heavily.

The other eight strong men collided from the other side, Long Fei's brows moved, the breath burst out from his body, and he wanted to rush up with a strong force.


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