The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1891 Devil Island Is Over

Chapter 1891 Devil Island is over

Explosive fist, as long as you hit the target, you can instantly kill everything o

The power of the main god on the statue is the source of the dome's power. As long as the statue is knocked down, the dome will naturally shatter, and even... the barrier that seals Devil Island will be shattered along with it.

In this way, there will be no more confinement on Devil Island.


Long Fei roared, and the strength of his whole body gathered in one place.

Close your eyes o

With a deep roar, "Blast God Fist!"

Move both fists o

The left and right fists bombarded the two statues, and ten streams of light were released from the fists, in pairs of five or five, condensed into two super-powerful blasting powers to blast the sky.

Long Fei looked at the two streams of light, whether he could hit him and wondered.

but o

As long as he can hit it, he believes that the statue will be destroyed.


"must hit o"

Long Fei's heart secretly prayed





The power of the blasting fist exploded in mid-air, hitting the dome barrier.

did not penetrate

Long Fei's heart tightened, "Can't the attack go out?"

Isn't the blasting fist to lock whoever can kill whoever?

"why not?"

"Your uncle's system!"

Cursing a few times in his heart, if there was such a good dome barrier, his mother would probably have gone out when he was here, and there would be no future ascension at all.

Long Fei is also mentally prepared

It's just... unacceptable for a while o

However o

At the moment when the dome was hit by the explosion of the gods, the dome barrier suddenly pressed down again, and the speed of the descent became faster, and Long Fei's body in mid-air exploded again.


It hit the sea heavily, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out.

Long Fei's teeth clenched loudly!

If the people on Devil Island didn't sense the pressing force in the sky at first, then this time... all the people on Devil Island sensed o

not only human

The same goes for the Demonic Beasts in the mountains, roaring, roaring, and running around like a cataclysm is about to happen.

"what's up?"

"Why does the earth tremble?"

"The sky is down?"

"What exactly happened?"



"The ground is sinking, hurry up and avoid o"

On the street, a subsidence suddenly appeared, and a huge deep pit appeared.

in the mountains

Volcanic eruption, smoke billows o

seaside o

Huge waves hundreds of meters high came crashing

The natural disaster was staged at this moment, and the entire Devil Island was plunged into endless turmoil o

"Elder, what happened?"

"The whole Devil Island is shaking o"

"It's never been like this, what's going on?"

The army of the Temple of Destiny that rushed to the Heavenly Remnant Sect was also affected in various ways. The sky was pressed down, the earth shook, and the air was filled with the same breath.

Jiu Tian frowned, and secretly said in his heart: "Could it be that the powerhouse that the God of Destiny said is here? Is it the effect of the powerhouse's appearance?"

"That's not right o"

"It's easy for the people sent by the God of Destiny to enter Devil Island, and they won't make such a big move at all. Who is that?"

Dove Tianmo looks at the sky o

His current Cultivation Base clearly feels that there is a huge force sinking in the sky, like a layer of sky is pressing down.

immediately o

Jiu Tianmo moved slightly and said, "You stand by where you are, and I will come when I go."

Venus pinnacle Realm's power explodes o


Jiu Tianmo leaps to the sky

"I want to see what power is in the sky." Jiu Tianmo was disdainful. When he flew to the edge of the dome barrier, his mind was shocked, "A barrier?"

"what is this?"

Jiu Tianmo was suspended at an altitude of 10,000 meters, feeling the pressure of the barrier bit by bit, his eyes sullen, "I don't care what you are, Devil Island is mine."

The voice fell o

Jiu Tianmo moved his palms and slashed heavily.


The superpower of destiny was released, and the moment it slammed on the dome, Jiu Tianmo smiled proudly, "Now I am unmatched on Devil Island!"

I haven't finished speaking in a hurry yet

A force bounced back from above the dome and hit him.


Jiu Tianmo's body fell vertically down o

He hit the ground heavily, his body cracked and smashed into a puddle of meat.

Blood shot all over the place

Everyone around is dumbfounded

"Big Elder!"

"Big Elder!"

He died before he left the apprenticeship, and before he arrived at the Heavenly Remnant Sect, Jiu Tianmo was beaten into a puddle of flesh?

But o

in this moment o

Hatotenmo's body reassembled and revived o

He used to feel this feeling very cool, but when his body was assembled, the severe pain made him unbearable, and he understood Death's fear even more in his heart.

"Elder, what happened just now?"

Several elders gathered around o

Jiu Tianmo's face was pale, and he looked at the sky with both eyes, and said, "Devil Island... is going to be destroyed!"


"Devil Island is going to be destroyed?"

"Could it be that the God of Destiny wants to take us away?"

"Devil Island is not as large as the battlefield of the ancient gods, but it is larger than any lower plane. How could it be destroyed?"


Jiu Tianmo personally sensed the power in the dome, and when the dome dropped one point, Devil Island was one point closer to destruction.

He didn't explain much

because o

Once he says what he knows, the Temple of Destiny will probably panic.

suddenly o

Jiu Tianmo said: "You wait for me here, I will go to the secret hall to ask the Lord of Destiny, and he will definitely give us the answer o"

He's so scared in his heart

If Devil Island is destroyed, even if he can be resurrected infinitely, it will be useless, and he will disappear.

Without waiting for the elders to react, Jiu Tianmo immediately turned into a streamer and returned to the Temple of Destiny.

leaving dozens of stunned Eldero


main temple o

"Who activated Devil Island's self-destruction device?"

"The strange energy on Devil Island is getting stronger and stronger. What is going on above?"

"Why is there still the power of the Holy Buddha Realm?"

"Who is there on this island?"

"Lord Destiny, shouldn't you explain why the Temple of Destiny was set up on Devil Island, and why there are people whose life wheel is stripped and infinitely resurrected?"

The dome barrier on Devil Island was activated, and the gods in the main temple sensed it for the first time.

Although it is a land abandoned by God

However, Devil Island is a very special existence o

Destiny smiled slightly and said, "Isn't it good that the self-destruction device on Devil Island is activated? Don't you all want Devil Island to be destroyed? It's alright now, we don't have to do it ourselves."

"Let them fend for themselves o"

"It's their own choice o"


Destiny God laughed, but his heart was extremely excited, "Billions of creatures, billions of souls, my soul bank can be filled!"

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