The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1896 Devil's Hand

Chapter 1896 Devil's Hand

For the Tianshu four, the Holy Buddha Realm is the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, and it is also a pure land.

But o

They left for a thousand years, what happened in this thousand years?

They have no way of knowing

Long Fei's injury was too serious and beyond what they could heal. They had promised Mu Wan'er to save Long Fei three times, and this was the second time.

Although o

The three of Tian Jue strongly opposed it, but Tianshu still wanted to take Long Fei back to the Holy Buddha Realm.

"You three stay here, stationed at Devil Temple o"

"I will try my best to come back within a month." Tianshu explained a few words.

The three of Tian Jue sighed slightly and said, "Senior brother, is it really worth it for him?"

Tianshu Dao: "As long as you do it in this world, everything is worth it, and everything has its own set o"

immediately o

Tianshu lifted Long Fei on his back, looked at his sleeping appearance, and said slightly: "I hope... you can bring hope to this world o"


A humming sound o

The powerful Buddha light on Tianshu exploded violently.


In the dark Devil Temple, the rays of light are everywhere, reflecting the entire interior of the temple, all of which are extremely ferocious Devils, showing their teeth and dancing claws, and extremely ugly.

It's like the seal is still struggling with a hammer in front of the wall.

Buddha light burst o

Tianshu stepped into the Buddha's light one step at a time, and then the figure disappeared!


Devil temple restores calm o

The three monks let out a long sigh, looked at the endless darkness, and murmured, "Senior brother, I hope your decision is correct o"

"Long Fei couldn't be saved at all"

"If you want to save him, you have to use Fogan. He is a person whose hands are full of blood. If he integrates Fogan? He is a person who is completely apostate from the Holy Buddha Realm."

"This is all second, the key is... Fogan is the treasure of the holy Buddha world, will you give it to him?"

"I am afraid!"

A few people in the sky don't hold out hope o

because o

They are very aware of the situation of those people in the holy Buddha world.

The treasure of Buddha roots will never be passed on to outsiders.

Must be Buddhist Orthodox o

and o

Fogen is also prepared for the Son, an outsider will never get o

Without Fogan, there would be no way to heal Long Fei's injury o

Tian Jue retracted his thoughts and said, "Don't worry about so much, Devil Island's fate is up, the dome will fall, and everything on Devil Island will be destroyed. We should also make some preparations."

Tian Hongdao: "I am responsible for teaching them the inheritance of kendo"

Tianchong said: "I am responsible for the inheritance of the physical body"

Tian Jue said: "Before the senior brothers come back, we want to make them into peak powerhouses, this is the only thing we can do o"


Long Fei was seriously injured and disappeared on Devil Island

no one knows o

Even the God of Fate who controls fate, he doesn't know, because Long Fei's fate is beyond his control, he can't know Long Fei's position.

The life-threatening scholar took the flying crane into the Devil Temple, knelt directly on the ground, and said, "God monk, please, give me the inheritance of the strongest swordsmanship, I will never let the young master be threatened again."

He entered the Temple of Devil again o

For the second time in a thousand years

not only him

Flying cranes also entered o

Tian Jue nodded and said, "After a thousand years of waiting, we all waited for Long Fei to appear. Now he has appeared, and the prophecy has arrived as scheduled, but it is out of control. The only thing we can do is to become stronger."

"I will teach you the inheritance of the supreme swordsmanship in the Devil Temple, and this crane, I will also let him transform."

"Come on o"


In the ethereal starry sky o

There is a star that shines especially o

Like a shining star

This is not an ordinary light, but the light of the Holy Buddha o

The entire Star looks like a huge relic, and... the Holy Buddha Realm is built on the relic.

rumor o

Before the birth of the holy Buddha world, an ancient holy Buddha fell and formed a huge relic.

The Holy Buddha Realm was born

Everything in the holy Buddha world is dominated by Buddhist power. There is no killing or desire here, just like the legendary pure land, like a paradise.

As for the Holy Buddha Realm, Long Fei heard about it when he was in Tianwu Continent.

just o

At that time, its existence was just an ethereal legend.

I never thought that one day I would actually come to the Holy Buddha Realm.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the Holy Buddha Realm, Long Fei was in a coma, but his consciousness was very clear. He muttered in his heart, "Could the bearer of the Holy Buddha Realm be Lord Tathagata?"

"If so, then I really have to break up with him."


suddenly o

Long Fei thought of a very important thing o

At the border point of Devil Island, he used the power of ‘Ziyang Heavenly Emperor’ to cut off the pair of black giant hands, and the system also sounded a prompt sound.

Prompt him to get a 'mysterious item' o

"I have another mysterious item..." Long Fei was a little excited, "Look what it is."

a thought o

Open the system to check the mysterious item

As Long Fei's thoughts fell on the mysterious object, the system sounded a prompt o


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Devil's Hand'!"


"System prompt: Fusion?"

On the system interface, a Devil's right hand is suspended on it.

bright, jet black o

like a piece of black iron

Item: Devil's Hand

grade:? ?

Attributes:? ?

Description: Devil's hand, the power of all evil, control life and death with one hand, and turn the world with one hand!

Level, attributes are all unknown state o

But its description is incomparably cool, awesome o


"System prompt: Fusion?"

The system sounded a beep again, and Long Fei stared at the jet-black Devil's hand, which was like a glove, like a special piece of equipment.

Just integrate...

One of Long Fei's hands is likely to become Devil's hand o


"System prompt: Fusion?"

The system beeps for the third time

Long Fei's thoughts tightened, "Fusion!"

"I take killing as my way, and I have become a demon, and it doesn't matter if I merge with the Devil's hand."

immediately o

Following Long Fei's order, the Devil's hand in the system suddenly disappeared.

followed by o


a loud noise o

Long Fei's right hand suddenly changed, just as Long Fei thought, Devil's hand is a special piece of equipment, instead of integrating its power, it directly replaces Long Fei's right hand.


in this moment o

Long Fei's arm suddenly trembled.

also at this time

Tianshu's figure moved and fell, "Holy Buddha Realm, here we come!"

Feel the trembling of Long Fei's arms on his back

He immediately took a look, saw Long Fei's Devil's right hand, his eyes tightened suddenly, the whole person suddenly retreated half step, and he threw the unconscious Long Fei on the ground, looking at Long Fei's arm. , "Devil,,, Devil,,"

"I brought a Devil back to the Holy Buddha Realm!"

"I, I,, what the hell did I do?"

this moment o

Tianshu's heart inexplicably raised fear...

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