The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1771 Impulsivity Is The Devil

Xia Chuyuan's meaning is obvious, he will not be able to help Long Fei in the future.

Killing the control in the Tian Can Sect and punishing the first disciple Fang Tianhan, Long Fei has already made many people unhappy, and many people will target him.

Next is the beginning of the ordeal

Not only Long Fei, but those who follow Long Fei will be implicated to some extent.


The moment you walk out of the prison

Long Fei turned his head and looked away, but did not see Lu Qin and Mu Bing, "I hope they can hold it!"

turn o

A disciple came up, glanced at Long Fei coldly, and said, "Come with me, be named Junior Brother!"

nominal o

That is to say, remember a name in Tian Can Sect. Whether you can become a disciple of Tian Can Sect depends on own good fortuneo

Long Fei doesn't care about titles

I walked behind the disciple, crossed the path, and walked around the woods, walking for about an hour before stopping.

The disciple pointed to a thatched cottage not far away that had almost collapsed in half, and said, "Well, you will live there from now on."


Long Fei was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "Is this the treatment of a nominal disciple?"

The disciple said contemptuously: "What? Do you still want us to prepare a mansion for you? Boy, what is your identity? If you have a place to live, you will burn incense, and you still dislike it? If you have the ability, don't live there. Leave the Heavenly Remnant Sect o"


Very disdainful to say

Don't put Long Fei at all To put in one's eyeso

also o

He is a formal disciple, Long Fei is just a nominal disciple, and he is also a nominal disciple whose Talent has been abolished. In this era when the strong are respected, who respects the weak?

Long Fei said, "I'll just live there."

The thatched house in front of me is still abandoned, let alone people, not even cats and dogs, and it may collapse at any time.

Moreover, the yard is overgrown with weeds. This place is simply an abandoned place. It should be an Elder who deliberately made things difficult for him.

The disciple snorted coldly and said, "Come to the Outer Sect department to report at 7:00 in the morning from tomorrow, and you can leave at 7:00 in the afternoon, of course, the premise is that you have completed the assigned tasks, if you dare to be lazy, or dare to contradict Elder, if Senior Brother, then you are ready to be punished o"

Long Fei said: "Thank you, brother for reminding me, brother, go well, go all the way o"

He didn't put Long Fei to put in one's eyes, and Long Fei didn't put him to put in one's eyes, just such a low-level disciple, he didn't have much experience in killing him.

Looking at the small yard overgrown with weeds in front of him, Long Fei gave a wry smile, "f*ck, I can't imagine it's more difficult than when I was in Tianwu Continent."

"It's ok!"

"It's not hard for me to be difficult. I think I was also a little expert at work back then."

Take out an exploded weapon from the Interspatial Ring and use it directly in front of the sickle, "Take care of the weeds first."

While mowing the weeds, Long Fei was also thinking about his future plans.

"Ma Fenglei should be the limit of the blasting fist. If it is stronger, the blasting fist will be completely suppressed and cannot be used."

"Grade is a reason o"

"In addition, the Explosive God Fist itself is also..."

suddenly o

Long Fei thought that Burst God Fist can also be upgraded, this skill also has a God-level experience slot, open the system to check it slightly.

When the system was turned on, the fusion of 'Leiqie' and 'Zhenzhen Fruit' continued, Long Fei couldn't help complaining, "Damn, it's been a long time, the fusion hasn't been completed yet, what kind of ghost are you trying to fuse? what?"

Then ignore it

Long Fei looked at the 'Blast God Fist' skill and murmured: "Only the swallowing skill can improve the level of the Blast God Fist. The swallowing skill... is still a skill that must be cultivated."


"Try first!"

Long Fei stopped mowing the grass and sat on the ground, opened the column of own Cultivation Technique, "The Great Perfection and Violent Steps, the Mirror of Myriad Void, the Prajna Sword Technique, the Fist of the Wild Beast..."

"Try o with Prajna Sword Technique first"


"System prompt: Do you want to swallow Prajna Sword Technique?"


The Prajna Sword Technique disappeared from the Cultivation Technique column, and then the system sounded again.


"Explosive Boxing Experience aa100 points o"


"Although Prajna Sword Technique hasn't cultivated to the Great Perfection Realm, it's still a pretty good skill, and it only adds 100 experience points? It's too embarrassing, isn't it?"

Long Fei immediately wanted to stop o

but o

Looking at the experience slot on Explosive God Fist, he had the urge to upgrade it, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Go ahead!"

"Raptor pace!"


"Explosive Fist experience aa500 points!"

"your sister!"

"Daddy is a skill of the Great Perfection. It only adds 500 points. Why don't you die?" Long Fei's heart sank, completely stunned.


"From seeing how awesome you are"

impulsive o

Long Fei is impulsive

Roll up my sleeves, I can't control it anymore

"Killing Sword Technique Devour!"


"Explosive Fist experience aa80 points!"

"The Fist of All Beasts Devours!"


"Explosive Boxing Experience aa800 points o"


One after another skills disappear o

A little bit of experience increases, and this kind of fusion is like an addiction. The more fusion Long Fei is, the more impulsive he will be, and he can't stop at all. In just a few minutes, o

Long Fei's skills were completely exhausted.

The entire skill bar has no skills at all o

Except for the still merging Leiqie and Zhenzhen fruit, Long Fei has no skills.


Suddenly, his head was hot, and he was even more violent when he couldn't control it.


"System prompt: Do you want to fuse Eight Immortals?"


"daddy gave up o"


"Explosive Fist experience aa500000 points!"

"Oops f*ck!"

"It's only 500,000 points, but..."

suddenly o

Long Fei calmed down, like a basin of ice water poured from the top of his head, and instantly calmed down, his whole person looked at the prompt in the system, his eyes became dull, and he murmured: "Eight Immortals, Eight Immortals, just played once and was blown away. I fused, I,, I,,,..."

"Brother System, can you come back?"

"I was wrong!"

"I regret it, go back once, please o"

The system did not respond o

Long Fei really wanted to give himself a slap in the face, so he immediately wiped out Eight Immortals on impulse, "Impulse is the devil, luckily the Goddess Scroll is still there, otherwise it would be a big loss."

complain o

But when I look at the experience bar of Explosive God Fist, it has reached the edge of upgrading, and the experience value reaches 95%. If you add a few more skills, you should be able to upgrade.

Long Fei felt a little better at the loss of Eight Immortals when he thought that the Explosive Fist would be upgraded soon.

"I'm sorry!"

"Next time I meet again, I will definitely control my own emotions." Long Fei secretly apologized, watching the little bit of experience left in Blast Fist upgrade, he muttered in his heart, "I have to find a way to learn more Cultivation Technique. OK o"

"Where are the Cultivation Techniques?"

"There should be a Tibetan martial arts pavilion in the Heavenly Remnant Sect, right?"


"If I could go inside..."

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