The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1726 Explosive God Fist Attack

Chapter 1726 Explosive fist attack

Lan Xiong, Lan Xiao stood up o

Lan Zhen's eyes tightened, and he sneered in his heart, saying, "Elder Elder, Second Elder, what do you mean? These guys are here to make trouble with the Lan family."


"Lan Mo betrayed the Lan family and is a traitor of the Lan family. If you deal with this kind of person, you should kill them. Am I wrong?"

Lan Zhen's tone was a little oppressive

It's the tone of the head of the family

Lan Xiong looked at Lan Zhen and said, "Lan Zhen, what are you in such a hurry to do? Today, one thing at a time, let's take it slow, why are you in such a hurry to kill him?"

Lan Zhen's eyes narrowed and he said, "Elder Elder, what do you mean by that? Could it be that you are in a group with a traitor? You are in a group with someone who killed dozens of Lan family guards?"

"This guy killed so many disciples of the Lan family. Could it be that you ordered it?"

The voice fell o

The entire Lan family immediately became a sensation, all whispering about o

"Could it be that the elder is controlling everything in private?"

"It's too scary, isn't it?"

"I'll just say, how could a mere outsider dare to oppose the Lan family, and don't look at the power of the Lan family, it turns out that there is a big elder behind it."

"Today we must avenge the dead Lan family disciple!"

"Yes, revenge is necessary!"


All of a sudden, after the instigation of Lan Zhen's cronies, many Lan family disciples suddenly boiled, with killing intent in their eyes.

Lan Zhen instantly turns passive into active

He took a fancy to Lan Xiong, sneered, and said to himself, "Fight with me? Just the two of you brothers, you just came back to die!"

very disdain

Now that the entire Lan family is under his control, no one will say a word for Lan Xiong and the others. As long as Lan Xiong takes the lead for Long Fei, then... he is destined to be passive, wanting to reverse the verdict for Lan Ya's father? impossible at all


Lan Zhen laughed wildly in his heart.

Seeing him so proud, Long Fei was really upset. If it was his business, he wouldn't have been able to wait that long, and he would have punched him long ago.

Say it in a second!

but o

Not at this time, everything is not clear o

Lan Ya is still the one who killed her father

Lan Zhen is still the messenger of justice. If you want to bring him down, it is useless to just kill him.

Lan Xiong's eyes tightened, and his face became ugly.

Going down, completely disrupting his plan o

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "You are right. It is indeed me who killed dozens of Lan family disciples, but they have one thing in common, they are all your Lan Zhen's cronies."

"And then o"

"Do you want to know why Lan Zhen sent so many cronies to die?"


"They are chasing Lan Moo"

"Lan Mo is also Lan Zhen's cronie, why would he be chased and killed all of a sudden?" Long Fei smiled slightly, his eyes swept away, and said, "I'm afraid only Lan Mo knows about this."

Lan Zhen sneered: "That's because he is a traitor, he betrayed the Lan family."

"Fart!" Lan Mo snorted and said, "Lan Zhen, I know everything you did. From the very beginning, you asked me to hunt down Young Master Lan Ya, and it was you who said the location of the giant Tianlu. Let the young master Lan Ya go, but you never expected that she would kill the giant Tianlu to get the spirit horn of Tianlu, but you never expected that the Wanxiong Gang would be slaughtered."

"But you didn't give up o"

"I still decided to kill the young master Lan Ya"

"So, there is the matter of the black knight mercenary group being destroyed."

"These are all instigated by you." Lan Mo said unhurriedly.

Lan Zhen showed a shocked expression and sneered: "Lan Mo, are you telling a story? I think you read a lot of novels, right? Besides, am I familiar with you?"

"I'm Lan Ya's Uncle, how can I send you to kill my niece? You must be crazy, or you're just here to frame the head of the family."

Denial o

No matter what Lan Mo says, as long as he denies it, there is no way to take him without evidence.

Lan Mo's eyes sank, and he said, "Lan Zhen, do you dare to do it or not? A despicable villain like you, if you hadn't changed the head of the family, the head of the family wouldn't have died at all."

"It's you who really killed the head of the family!"

As soon as the voice comes out o

The entire Lan Mansion was silent, and they all looked at Lan Zhen.

The nine elders in the Elder Pavilion also looked at Lan Zheno

"Presumptuous!" Lan Zhen was furious, his eyes glaring angrily.

Loud and brutal

The surrounding discussions were also suppressed.

An elder came out and shouted: "Lan Mo, you actually framed the head of the family, and you deserve to die!"

"Come on!"

"get me the o"

An Elder drank it out, and in an instant, he stepped out and stabbed Lan Mo with a sword.

Blue ink eyes narrowed

"Protect him!" Long Fei said lightly.

Lu Qin's sword moved, "Bang!"

The golden light radiated from all directions, and the move of the Lan Family Elder was instantly resolved by Lu Qin, and was bounced off by a powerful breath.

Long Fei smiled and said, "What's wrong with killing people in such a hurry? Did you step on a dog's tail?"

Lan Zhen was furious and said, "Boy, you are tired of living."

"Come on!"

"Kill me!"

Can't go on like this, Lan Zhen's heart is a little chaotic, "We must cut the mess with a quick knife!"

"Let's get rid of Long Fei first." Lan Zhen has made up his mind to kill. Long Fei and everyone must not survive, especially Lan Mo, let alone talk nonsense.

Lan Zhen said heavily: "If you frame this patriarch, you all have to die."

"You are the accomplices who killed the head of the family"

One by one, the shit pots are buttoned up.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, "The dog jumps off the wall, are you going to fight?"


Long Fei has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Lan Xiong took a step and said, "Lan Zhen, I haven't made it clear yet. What are you doing in such a hurry to kill them?"

Lan Xiao also took a step forward

Lan Zhen coldly smiled and said, "Elder Elder, Second Elder, you really belonged with them. It seems that you have nothing to do with the death of the former owner."

"Lan Zhen!!" Lan Xiong was furious.

Lan Zhen shouted coldly: "They also won o together."

"Take your sister!"

Long Fei's fist moved, and the power of the god burst out instantly. At this time, he didn't need to worry about so much. Everything would be waited for him to kill.

Don't beep, kill first and then o

in an instant o

Long Fei's footsteps moved, and a punch hit o

Directly rang blue shock o

Lan Zhen's eyes narrowed slightly, he snorted, and said, "A waste beyond his own power, how dare a six-star Cultivation Base dare to be presumptuous in front of me? Courting death!"

A palm hits it up o

"Long Fei be careful!"

"Sect Leader be careful!"

Lan Zhen's Cultivation Base is very strong, the breath released from his body completely crushes Long Fei.

Long Fei is not an opponent


The power that erupted from Long Fei's fist was different, "Blast God Fist, give me a blast!"

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