The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1717 Holy Spirit Pearl

Chapter 1717 Holy Spirit Pearl

Of course, the things of the goddess must be the latest and fastest update

The Holy Spirit Angel is so powerful, what he gives is not simple.

Can you not?

Instead, the Holy Spirit Angel flipped his right hand, and there was an extra bead on his palm, with a cautious look, and said, "This is the Holy Spirit Bead o"

Long Fei looked at the bead with tight eyes, "There is golden light."

suddenly o

Long Fei is excited

The Holy Spirit Angel said: "This is a greeting ceremony for you, and it is also a ceremony for apprenticeship. You must keep it well, and you must not lose it, understand?"

Long Fei immediately said: "Understand, understand!"

When the Holy Spirit Pearl was in hand, Long Fei did not check its properties, but asked first, "What is the use of this bead?"

"Call me a master!" The Holy Spirit Angel's eyes turned cold, making it look like I was a master.

Helpless, Long Fei had no choice but to say, "Master o"

"That's good." The Holy Spirit Angel giggled and continued, "Holy Spirit Pearl, having a Holy Spirit space can help you improve the speed of cultivation, whether it is cultivation, cultivation technique, or even your perception, luck, and charm. It can be improved, all in all, it is an all-purpose bead, you must keep it well o”

"Holy Spirit Space?"

Long Fei said: "Understood o"

For cultivation skills, Long Fei needs o

In the absence of abnormal value, his skills are in the initial stage, and they have to be trained with a little bit of proficiency, which is very difficult.

It is bound to kill Sword Technique, and now the proficiency is only 10 points. If you want to maximize the power of Cultivation Technique, you must improve its proficiency.

That is the level!

This Holy Spirit Bead just makes him cultivate Cultivation Techniqueo quickly


"Can you improve your understanding and luck?" Long Fei secretly said in his heart, "Is it so awesome?"

"Let me try!"

After walking out of the goddess space of the angel of the Holy Spirit, Long Fei entered the Holy Spirit space with a thought. The space is not large, the size of a basketball court.

Long Fei's thoughts move

"Killing Sword Technique!"



"proficiency 10 points o"

The system sounded a beep, and Long Fei tensed inwardly, "Damn, ten times the speed?"

"It's too scary, isn't it?"

Immediately, Long Fei displayed the Killing Sword Technique, and then went to release other skills. Just like the Killing Sword Technique, he increased his proficiency by 10 points.

Equivalent to ten times the speed o

After these attempts, Long Fei murmured again: "Isn't it able to increase comprehension and luck? Why didn't I sense it?"

View own personal attributes o

There is no change in the comprehension column, and the luck value is the same.

"Could it be that the Holy Spirit Goddess is lying to me?" Long Fei murmured in his heart, shook his head, and said, "It shouldn't be, there is no need for her to lie to me."

"Never mind o"

"Cultivation Cultivation Techniqueo first" Long Fei didn't think too much about it, he swallowed the two 'Spirit Pills', his divine power was compensated, and Long Fei quickly cultivated.

One move, one move o

Every time Long Fei is not just cultivation, every time he is thinking about how to increase the power of this move and make it stronger.


"Aptly 10"


"proficiency 10"


"Practice more, I won't be able to beat her next time." Long Fei was unconvinced, "Daddy swears that he will ride you on his crotch, let you cry, and let you beg for mercy!"


Before you know it, the sun rises

start a new day o

Challenge time comes again o

Without any hesitation, Long Fei entered the Holy Spirit Angel space again and said, "I want to challenge o"

The Holy Spirit Angel said: "You want it, I don't like masochistic apprentices."

"bring it on!"

Long Fei drank an o


In three competitions, and three more insta-kills, Long Fei had absolutely no room to resist.

not an opponent at all

The power disparity is not an ordinary big o

The Holy Spirit Angel laughed loudly, "You should practice more, I'm so weak, you must know that I'm the weakest one in the goddess spectrum, you still want to beat these sisters even if I can't beat me?"

"All right!"

"I'll practice again!"

Long Fei was hit again, and once again entered the Holy Spirit space to cultivate desperately.


"Grandma, why didn't Sect Leader come out all day and night?" Mu Bing stood at the door of the secret room and asked.

Since the old woman came out of the secret room, she has been here, never leaving, she is worried about what Long Fei needs.

The old woman snorted and said, "Sect Leader's affairs can't be dealt with o"

Mu Bing stuck out his little tongue and said, "Grandma, several senior sisters have objections. Sect Leader wants Cultivation Base but not Cultivation Base, and wants strength but lacks strength, and is a man, they are not convinced o"


The old woman snorted and said, "Who said that?"

at this time o

Eight female disciples came up, and the one headed said directly: "I said o"

confident o

The old woman looked up, her eyes sank slightly, and said, "Lu Qin, do you want to rebel?"

The goddess sect had only a dozen or so old wives in total, and eight disciples came all at once. Why didn't they rebel and force the palace?

Lu Qin said: "The disciple doesn't dare, the disciple just refuses to accept it."

The old woman asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Qin shouted: "I don't care if he is someone the old master told us to wait for, but... his Cultivation Base is only a five-star Realm. Can this garbage Cultivation Base be our Sect Leader?"

"and o"

"His behavior, what he did to Mu Bing was a complete lecherous thief, can such a person with corrupt conduct be our Sect Leader?"

"Let's run away from all this, the goddess sect are all women. Is it reasonable for you to let a man be our Sect Leader?"

"Who among the fourteen disciples of the Goddess Sect will obey him?"

"What ability does he have to be our Sect Leader?"

"What qualifications does he have to enter the Sect Leader's secret room for cultivation?"

Lu Qin asks every sentence o

just dissatisfied

The current Goddess Sect has been forced underground by other forces. If another man is to be a Sect Leader, it will be a five-star Cultivation Base. People will definitely laugh at it.

The old woman looked slightly angry and shouted, "What can you do if you don't agree?"

understand o

She is just defending Long Fei, it is useless for anyone who refuses to accept it.

Lu Qin's face changed slightly and said, "Grandma, we respect you, and I know that we are not your opponents together, but for the sake of the Goddess Sect, I still want to say, if you insist on asking a man to be our Sect Leader If so, I... choose to leave o"

The voice fell o

Mu Bing's face changed, looking at the old woman

The old woman's eyes also darkened.

this time o

The seven disciples behind Lu Qin also said, "We also choose to leave!"

Really come to force the palace o

at this time o

The door of the secret room opened, and Long Fei came out. He heard what he said just now, and said slightly: "How do you want to accept it?"

Lu Qin looked at Long Fei and said bluntly, "Beat me!"

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