The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1698 We Will Be Back

The world is The Weak are Prey to the Strongo

For the sake of being the head of the family, brothers kill each other, even the orphans are not spared o

This kind of thing is very common o

Lan Zhen originally wanted to kill Lan Ya outside, and then let her father die, so that he could become the head of the Lan family logically.

But Lan Ya escaped three times

he had to change strategy o

Replace the spirit horn that Lan Ya sent back to a sinister spirit beast. After her father took it, a strong backlasho appeared immediately.

incomparable pain

In the end, I couldn't bear it, and I died of pain!

And all of this is Lan Ya's 'pot'!

unimaginable o

Reality is so cruel, so cruel that you can't imagine o

Lan Ya was put on death row, she was like dead, leaning in a dark corner without saying a word, with despair in her eyes.

The mind is blank

The father who loved her most died, and she became the murderer o


Why exactly?


at this time o

Blue House Council o

An elder said: "The Lan family can't be without an owner for a day, not to mention that the owner of the family just passed away and needs someone to preside over the Lan family. After three days, it will be the day of the funeral. At that time, many distinguished guests will definitely come back to offer condolences, and a new owner has to be selected. "

The nine elders in the Elder Pavilion also nodded slightly and said, "Just right, most of the elders are here. Let's elect the new head of the house today."

"The big elder is not there"

"The two elders are wandering around the world, and they are not here, or else I will find them first, and then choose the head of the family?" an elder said slightly.

The voice fell o

An elder immediately snorted and said, "Elder, what did the second elder do for the Lan family? Even if they choose the head of the family, they are not eligible to run for o"

"I propose, three Eldero"

"The three elders did their best for the Lan family. During the time when the owner of the family was seriously injured, if he hadn't been in control of the overall situation, the Lan family would have been in crisis long ago."

"That's right, the contribution of the three elders to the Lan family is the greatest among the elders."

"I agree with o too"

"I agree too!"

Two-thirds of the Elders in the hall favor o

The nine elders of the Elder Pavilion called for their opinions.

immediately o

The headed Elder said: "In order to cope with the things that the Lan family may face next, the Elder Pavilion unanimously decided that Lan Zhen will be the temporary head of the family first."

"Wait for the elder, the second elder to come back and run again"

"Lan Zhen, do you have any objection?"

With a smile on his face, Lan Zhen said slightly: "Disciple has no objection."

Actually o

His heart is full of anger, and his fists are clenched under his sleeves. He can't wait to kill the nine elders one by one. He has worked hard for so long, but in the end, he has been exchanged for a temporary patriarch!

he is upset

very upset o

Back in the yard, Lan Zhen split a pear-flower wood table into pieces, "A bunch of old people are simply tired of living, and they just let me temporarily act as the head of the family?"



He thought that if he overturned everything, he would be able to successfully become the head of the family.


Lan Zhen's eyes were hideous, and he asked in a low voice, "Lan Xiong, Lan Xiao, where did they find them?"

Lan Xiong Lan Jia Da Eldero

He is also the elder brother of the previous owner.

Lan Xiao Er Elder is the Little Brothero of the previous owner

It is also a hidden danger in his heart.

He was able to control the Lan family so much because the two were not at home, and also because he sent Lan Ya out to find all the disciples of the second elder, to intercept and kill them.

Otherwise, his game of chess may not be able to make it to today.

Lan Mo replied cautiously: "Report to the Patriarch... I haven't found it yet!"


Lan Zhen turned around and slapped him down.


Lan Mo was instantly overturned to the ground, revealing the color of pain, but did not dare to make a painful cry.

Lan Zhen glared at him angrily and said, "I can't do anything well o"

Lan Mo knelt on the ground to hold back the pain, and said, "I'm sorry, the owner of the family please punish o"

"Does punishment work?"

"Do you think your life is very valuable? You are just a dog. Is it useful to punish your dog?" Lan Zhen shouted angrily.

Lan Mo knelt on the ground and didn't dare to speak, but his eyes tightened and his fists clenched.

Lan Zhen snorted coldly, kicked it up again, and said, "Why don't you find it for me soon?"

Lan Mo was kicked to the ground, got up, and said, "I'll go right away"


"Dog thing o" Lan Zhen's anger in his heart has not been vented at all, and the decision of the Elder Pavilion makes him particularly unhappy o

Just after Lan Mo exited, another confidant of Lan Zhen ran in and said, "Report to the Patriarch, that kid has entered the city."


Lan Zhen asked slightly o

The man said, "It's the kid Lan Mo said."


Lan Zhen was not impressed, because that was just an excuse for Lan Mo's failure, but now he was on top of his anger, he snorted indifferently, and said, "Send a few people over to do it for him, and let him know that he offended me. 's fate!"

"As ordered!"


"Why haven't you come out yet?"

"What the hell happened?"

blue mansion gate

Lei Jiu and the others did not leave, they kept waiting.

I didn't wait for the order to go in, and I didn't wait for Lan Ya o

The more Lei Jiu thought about it, the more wrong it became.

immediately o

he rushed up

in an instant o

The four guards shot at the same time, directly held him up and blasted him out, drank, and said, "Lei Jiu, you don't want to toast, don't eat and drink fine."

"What are you?"

"It's just a piece of trash from the Lei family. If you dare to run wild in the Lan family, don't blame us for being rude."


"Just a waste like you still trying to marry someone from our Lan family?"

"Don't urinate and follow your own virtues, I don't know what the sky is high and the earth is thick o"

Tai Hai refused to accept it, snorted and said, "What are you guys? It's just a watchdog."

The four Lan family guards got angry and rushed forward to kill Tai Hai.

this time o

Long Fei took a step up, pulled Tai Hai and slammed back.

Tai Hai falls out of their attack range o

At the same time o

Lan Mo walked out from the gate of Lan's house, saw Long Fei at first sight, and his heart sank slightly, "What happened?"

A guard immediately lowered his head and reported, "Report to the Elder, they want to force their way into the Blue Mansion."

Lei Jiu got up, not caring about the dirt on his body, and immediately said: "What happened to the Lan family, what about Lan Ya? What did you guys do to Lan Ya?"

Lan Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, he looked at Long Fei.

Long Fei is also looking at him.

In Lan Mo's eyes, Long Fei felt a familiar aura.

at the same time o

A thought entered Long Fei's mind, "Wait for me in the woods outside the city!"

Long Fei was taken aback

Pretending that nothing happened, he said to Lei Jiu, "Leave here first."

"Brother Fei, Lan Ya..." Lei Jiu was very worried.

Long Fei glanced at Lan Mansion and said slightly: "Don't worry, we will be back!"


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