The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1619 Boss Upgrade

Chapter 1619 boss upgrade



o sounded one after another in the void

An ancestor of the Zhan family looked horrified, "Senior Brother he...Senior Brother he..."

"Could it be!"

"He fused the monster in the dragon tomb?"


Long Fei felt the atmosphere around him, and smiled slightly: "Long Yin, it seems that Jiuyou Zhanjia really has a dragon soul."

at the same time o

Long Fei crazy filling energy o


"The energy is filled, the current number of energy layers is 69 layers o"


"The energy is filled, the current number of energy layers is 70 layers o"



He also wants to try the power of that mysterious world, that power is too overbearing o


a loud noise o

The depths of the valley collapsed suddenly, a large mountain sank as a whole, and then erupted, the mountains and rocks flew all over the sky, and a huge body rushed out from the depths of the ground.


The Zhanjia Valley is constantly collapsing, and the entire mountain is trembling.

Also at this moment, the originally incomparably rich world Spiritual Qi was drained in an instant, and all merged into that figure.

"What monster?"

Long Fei's eyes tightened, "Could it be that this is the strongest boss of the Zhan family?"

Zhan Hu's escape just now made Long Fei very upset. All the ancient Myriad Spirit suits flew away. This time, if there is another ferocious boss, Long Fei will never miss it.


A purple light exploded o

A figure fell in front of Long Fei

"Purple light boss?"

Long Fei was nervous and excited, but when he saw Zhan Hu clearly, he became even more excited, "Wow, it's you?"


"How did you transform?"

"The purple armor on your body is good, and your hair has also turned purple. Not bad, you actually learned to transform." Long Fei was secretly surprised, and muttered in his heart, "I didn't expect the boss to be able to level up too?"

break through!

The current Zhanhu is completely different from the previous Zhanhu.

His breath has also become completely different o

Ancestor Yanhuang frowned and reminded softly, "Long Fei, be careful, this guy is different from just now."

The colorful dragon said slightly: "He is not wearing armor, but dragon scales."

"Zilong's dragon scales!"

Long Fei's heart sank and said, "Shenlong, are you sure?"

The skin is covered with dragon scales, which should be unique to the dragon race. Zhanhu cannot have the blood of the dragon race.

The colorful dragon nodded and said: "I'm sure, he should have fused the dragon spirit of Zilong."

"Can't let him insult the dragon clan o"

Long Fei grinned and said, "Understood!"

"It turned out to be just a waste in a dragon's skin."


"The energy is filled, and the current number of energy layers is 100!"

The system beeps a beep

Long Fei looked at the monster-like Zhanhu and said with a slight smile: "I didn't kill you just now, now... daddy will definitely blow you up!"


"Long Fei!"


The voice of speaking has changed, it has become very low o

The sound is full of explosive power o

The voice fell o

Zhan Hu stepped out, "Om!"

A purple light flashed under his feet, and the light bounced out slowly like a wave.

Long Fei grinned o

in an instant o

The figure of Zhanhu disappeared, and Long Fei's brows tensed.


Long Fei's throat was suddenly caught, Zhan Hu's figure appeared, and the purple power instantly lifted him into the air and slammed him...

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