The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1579 Burst Him

"Boss, I'm full!"

Swallowing rat played a series of hiccups o .

Ten godheads were swallowed by him, forcibly swallowed o

Nothing happened o

Long Fei was secretly excited in his heart.

Death Shura said gloomily: "Dragon Zhanting, I thought your soul could bring me back to the divine position, but your son is more suitable for me, hahaha..."

"Take my power? I'll take it back from your son today."

in an instant o

Shura, the god of death, made a sudden movement and spread his five fingers apart. The five slender and long fingers were like needles, and each one of them flashed a cold light.

Spooky, scary!

With the power of Shura, the god of death, he stabbed Long Fei in the head and said, "Long Fei, dedicate all your power to me, hahaha..."

Just at this moment

Long Fei laughed contemptuously and said, "Dedicate to your sister o"

"Swallow the rat, eat it for me!"


A crisp sound o

The god of death Shura sneered and said, "The swallowing mouse? Is that the little mouse? He does have some strength, but what role can the swallowing mouse do?"

"Not to mention that he can be summoned by you, even if he is summoned by you, it can..."

Before Shura could finish speaking, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he sank.

Because his body was covered by a black shadow o

His eyes turned slightly, and a huge swallowing rat was standing behind him.

The swallowing mouse said slightly: "What did you just say? What if I summoned it?"

strong power o

Swallowing the sky rat cultivation to a certain level, Realm can really swallow the sky

Long Fei looked at Shura, the god of death, with a sneer, and said, "Tell me, go on, what can you do to him? What can you do to me?"

"lurking in my body, want to get my power?"


"Now for daddy!"

Long Fei roared, his heart was furious, he had never suspected King Shura, but he never thought that he would actually be lurking in his own body to observe everything, actually want to take his house, and know that his system exists, such a person must not let him Live, absolutely not!

The system is the inverse scale of Long Fei.

No one can know!

Death Shura stared at Long Fei and said, "Long Fei, this is Shura Great Hall, this is the world I control, here... I am the ruler."

"Don't say it is a swallowing mouse, even if it is..."

Long Fei waved his hand and said, "If you can do it, don't bbw, daddy doesn't want to talk nonsense with you."


I dream a lot at night, I can't give Shura any chance o

The god of death Shura let out a cry, suddenly changed speed, and said, "As long as I get your mysterious power, everything you have is mine."

"Colorful Dragon"

"Heaven Court, The Underworld two bases o"

"And your eight Vajra, women, all mine!"

desperate o

As long as he absorbs the system power in Long Fei's mind, he can instantly control the swallowing mouse, and he doesn't need to worry at all.


Just when Shura's five fingers and Long Fei's head were still a few centimeters apart, a click was heard, and then...then...there was no more o

One bite was eaten by the swallowing squirrel!

Chicken flavor, crunch and crisp o

"Crack, click..."

There was a series of crisp sounds in the mouth of the swallowing mouse, and the swallowing mouse said with a comfortable face: "Boss, this tastes really good, and... it also contains a strong power o"

"Damn it!"


Not to mention how refreshing it is to eat, it's like holding the oil in both hands, and nibbling on the leg of lamb with a scorching fragrance.

Long Fei said: "Don't just focus on eating, the power in my body will also be swallowed up!"

Too dangerous!

If the system is discovered, he will be treated as a guinea pig, and will be hunted down by everyone, because...they will think that this is a shortcut to cultivation o

No one likes that boring meditation cultivationo

If killing and killing monsters can break through, everyone wants to take this shortcut, and they will think that this is the most comfortable path to breakthrough, but...

Only Long Fei knows how difficult it is!

Swallowing the rat said: "Boss, don't worry!"

The swallowing rat is not just as simple as swallowing Shura, the god of death, but everything he has. The undead in Shura Great Hall are also devoured by him madly.

These are the ghost slaves of Shura, the god of death



"Long Fei, you can't, you can't kill me, it's me, it's me who saved you, it's me who gave you a new life, otherwise... do you think you can still stand here?"

"You've been bombed to death by Heavenly Tribulation!"

"it's me!"

"I saved you, you can't do this to me, you can't kill me o"

"When you were in the Transcend Tribulation of Tianwu Continent, you died at that time. Do you think your Transcend Tribulation was successful? No, no, but you were bombed to death by Heavenly Tribulation. Underworld sect master changed you, all your appearance will change o"

"I saved you, you can't kill me" Shura said loudly.

Long Fei was stunned.

His memory was blank for three years, and all the previous memories of this body were blank, even Xuanyuan Li'er could not remember.

can say o

Long Fei has no memory of this body at all.

He has been thinking about this question for a long time, but has never been able to get an answer. Now that Shura, the god of death, said this, he suddenly realized, and secretly said in his heart: "The Great Perfection Heavenly Tribulation... I should have succeeded in Transcend Tribulation, but why is the god of death? What is Shura going to say?"

"Have you really died once?"

"Obviously I succeeded, why am I still dying? Is there another power hidden in Heavenly Tribulation? Power against me?"

Long Fei's brain is not enough o

He has always kept things very simple o

But when Shura said this, he suddenly realized that there is no such simple thing in the world.

Death Shura said: "You are a descendant of the dragon race. The power of Heavenly Tribulation cannot let you go. I saved you, otherwise you would have died long ago."

"Long Fei, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

Long Fei's eyes sank and said, "Why do you say that the descendants of the dragon race cannot succeed in Transcend Tribulation? Why does Heavenly Tribulation target the descendants of the dragon race?"

Long Fei is a member of the Long family.

The dragon family is indeed the dragon family.

just o

Long Fei is the reincarnation of Yuanlong. He forcibly beheaded Yuanlong and became himself without any control.

but o

Unlike other disciples of the Dragon Clan, he has never transformed into a dragon!

Because his dragon blood activation rate is zero o

His grandfather Hualongguo, the disciple of the Long family, Hualongguo, but he only has so many dragon ancestors, and he has never really transformed into Longguo.

Death Shura said: "If you want to know all this, then you let me go!"

"Negotiate terms with me?" Long Fei said with killing intent in his eyes, "You're thinking too much the fuck, you've exploded him!"

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