The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1477 Shocking The Great Perfection Realm

A sword fell o .


With a flash of light, Feng Tian almost made a sound, and tried his best to resist, but... he couldn't resist it at all. The gap between him and Long Fei Cultivation Base was too great.

The body is instantly cut and divided into two o

The head rolled down to Long Fei's feet, his eyes were full of horror, but his expression still had a stiff smile. Long Fei stepped on it and said coldly, "Laugh slowly in The Underworld!"

Of the more than 70 appraised disciples, only three survived.

Long Fei, Ye Jingyun, Nangong Yan!

All of them... all killed!

And these people are all people who laugh at Long Fei. If they like to laugh, then laugh enough in The Underworld.

Long Fei looked at the night sky and said in a low voice: "No one can stop me, Zhan Wushuang, you are strong now, but... I will definitely become stronger than you o"

"I swear by Long Fei!"


With a thought of Long Fei, the Heavenly King War Beast was summoned, and he said solemnly, "Now, your slaughter begins."


Ice Thunderbird also released o

Huo Qilin also stood in front of Long Fei o

Long Fei said: "Let me go and attract all the evil Demonic Beasts in the mountains, I will attack the Great Perfection Realm!"


Two mythical beasts rushed out o

Long Fei's current Cultivation Base is eighth-level, two levels away from the Great Perfection Realm. Only through breakthrough can he gain stronger power, and...

more important point

Great Perfection Realm's Cultivation Base turned out to be connected to the tower of the gods, and he could cultivate divine power!

true power o

The power of the Shura body o

The divine power of Yangshen's natal artifact

These two forces have always been restricted by Long Fei's Cultivation Base and cannot be fully activated. As long as Long Fei masters the divine power, these two forces will explode!

Dzogchen Realm is important o

Besides o

The cultivation and tempering of the physical body must be improved.

Long Fei has too many things to improve now, he thought he was fully prepared, but... not yet!

In the next confrontation with Wushuang, Long Fei will definitely not be like this!


The Heavenly King Hammer in the hands of the Heavenly King War Beast smashed a large piece of towering trees to shreds, the sawdust splashed all over the place, and let out a roar, the breath of the body diffused and covered the entire mountain range, with a deep roar, "All of them. Die for me!"

This is a direct challenge to the Demonic Beasts in the entire mountain range.

Long Fei was crushed

Moreover, he was crushed under the magical power of Integrated Union, and the king of war beasts was also extremely unhappy. He also became serious, and he also had to break through the limit of power.

For thousands of years, he has been eating and waiting for death in the chaos world, without any hope, without any ideas, but now it is different o

Long Fei ignites the dusty hope in his heart

Let him see that one day in the future, he can return to the battlefield of the ancient gods o

Long Fei is everything to him

Whoever dares to move Long Fei will be his enemy, and he will kill him!

it's that simple

Long Fei is his hope o



Deep in the mountains, countless troll Demonic Beasts growl, growl in rage

After just a few seconds, the Demonic Beasts were all mad, roaring, and the entire mountain was shaking, with thunderous footsteps, as if thousands of troops were rushing up.

dusty sky

The Heavenly King War Beast grinned, the Heavenly King Hammer in his hand moved slightly, smiled disdainfully, and said, "Come on!"

At this time o

Long Fei also took a step forward, using the Great Sword of Destruction in one hand and sinking his fists, glanced at the Heavenly King War Beast, and said, "Let's see who killed the most?"

The Heavenly King War Beast smiled and said, "Boss, you can't compare to mine."

Long Fei said, "What if you lose?"

The Heavenly King War Beast was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, and said, "If I lose, you can burst my chrysanthemum."

The voice fell o

The Heavenly King War Beast propped up his legs, and his huge body jumped up directly, flying out like a heavy truck, and then exploded on the ground with a loud bang.

One more support, the body jumps again o

A few times in a row, he rushed directly to the top of a mountain, and let out a roar, "Daddy is here, little minions, all come up to me o"

on top of the mountain

The king of war beasts carry the king's hammer on their shoulders, and their eyes are like torches, sweeping everything o

Just like the king over the world

What is the king of heaven?

This is... Heavenly King War Beast!

Long Fei smiled and said slightly: "Enough!"

"I should work harder too"

The figure rushed out like a ghost

If you want to compare the domineering power of the Heavenly King War Beast, Long Fei is a little more feminine, but if you compare the killing intent, the fighting intent, the strong killing intent on Long Fei's body is much stronger than that of the Heavenly King War Beast.


into the woods

Demonic Beasts with hair like steel needles rushed up, Long Fei's fist moved, his energy was vented, and he slammed down with a heavy punch, "Blood moon burst!"

"One punch, kill!"


The Demonic Beasts was blasted out with one punch, and the joints were all shattered under the thick skin, and there was no reaction at all.


The system beep sounds o

"The first one!" Long Fei smiled slightly.

Immediately, his body sank, and another Demonic Beasts roared again. At the same time, Long Fei did not defend at all, cultivation Cultivation Technique, and also cultivated his body.

The best way to cultivate the flesh is to fight against o

Let heavier and fiercer attacks temper the body, and let the potential in the body fully explode.

Long Fei in the Demonic Beasts group is like a god of death


"Come all o"

Long Fei's eyes were blood red, he roared, his fists bombarded o

Experience is surging!

The energy value is soaring o

From dawn to day to night o

day and night time o

Long Fei didn't stop. His whole body was covered in blood, the blood of Demonic Beasts, and his own blood. Under the light of the waning moon, his blood-colored armor radiated this red light.

eerie o


Another Demonic Beasts fell o


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing Demonic Beasts and getting 90,000 experience points, 8,000 spiritual source points, and 1 energy point o"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for obtaining the bloodline of the demon"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for upgrading, the current level is ninth-level!"


There was a loud roar in the body, and the ninth-level power of Chenjie poured into the body. It was very strong. Long Fei could clearly feel that the power became stronger.


Long Fei's health and spiritual source recovered instantly, and he was revived again. He rushed into the Demonic Beasts group even more fiercely, killing him.



The morning of the third day

Demonic Beasts are all over the place

Rivers of blood flowed in the valleys, and the sky was dyed red.

Long Fei is standing on the top of a mountain

at the moment o

The King of War Beast has returned to the pet space due to time constraints o

Long Fei looked at the Demonic Beasts in front of him, at the last trace of his health, then at the experience gauge, grinned slightly, and said, "Come on! My Great Perfection Realm!"

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