The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1470 Heavenly King Blast

The momentum is sharper, the power is more fierce

When the Heavenly King War Beast cooperates with the Heavenly King Hammer, the scene... slammed, it can't stop it at all.

Hit with a hammer


Cai Tiannan didn't have time to react, so he could only scream in fright, "Ah,,,,"


With a bang, it was like stepping on a cockroach to death, blood burst out, and the body turned into a puddle of flesh, and the whole world seemed to be quiet.

The four law enforcement elders stopped o

The surrounding gods made the strong men take a few steps back.

Those watching the show and eating melons were pale and dared not look directly at Long Fei.

this moment o

Long Fei crushes everything!

The Heavenly King's War Hammer in the hands of the Heavenly King War Beast moved, put it back on his shoulders, and coldly sneered, "I am arrogant with me? You are not qualified enough."

very arrogant o


The Beastmaster of Tongtian just crushed it, making Cai Tiannan go to hell, but the Beast of the Heavenly King has a very serious killing intent. If you disagree, you will be killed, and you still have no temper.

That's it!


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing Cai Tiannan to gain 2,800,000 experience points, 200,000 Lingyuan points, and 10 energy points"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting the ancient artifact Tianyi Sword"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for obtaining the ancient bloodline"

"Congratulations to player Long Fei for getting..."

The system beeps continuously


"The ancient artifact Tian Yijian has been absorbed!"

"The energy is filled, and the current energy is seventy-one layers!"

The ancient artifact can raise ten layers of energy, from the sixty-first layer to the seventy-first layer, and... More importantly, the energy of the golden hoop rod has not been fully filled.

The second-order power of the main artifact still hasn't exploded.

"Seventy-first floor!" Long Fei was extremely excited, "What power will it be? What power does Sun Wukong have?"

really excited o

Am looking forward to!

At this time o

An elder in the Law Enforcement Hall, his voice sank, and he shouted slightly: "Long Fei, kill the elder, without forgiveness..."

Long Fei said directly: "Don't stop talking about it, you should know why he died. If you don't agree, you can come up now."

The Heavenly King's Hammer in the hands of the Heavenly King's War Beast fell heavily and landed on the ground.


With a loud bang, the Heavenly King War Beast said solemnly, "Who doesn't accept it? I'll beat him until he does."

One person and one beast, the momentum is soaring

What about the law enforcement hall of Tongshentian Tower?


Just get down

The four elders of the Law Enforcement Hall had a grim expression on their faces, and said solemnly, "Long Fei, this is the Heavenly Pagoda, how dare you be so arrogant..."

Before he could finish speaking, Long Fei interrupted again: "Don't be fooling around with daddy, okay? If you want to fight, fight, if you don't dare to fight, call someone who dares to fight."

"Besides, go back and tell Zhan Wushuang, the 80th floor is a piece of shit, don't let the daddy in, otherwise, his shit will explode in minutes!"

Long Fei is not stupid

Cai Tiannan is obviously Zhan Wushuang's dog

the same o

Long Fei is not afraid

The 80th floor is really cool, but so what?

The energy filling of the seventy-first floor, who can stop it?

Law Enforcement Elder's face was even more ugly. He glanced at the heavenly king beast beside Long Fei, his eyebrows sank, and said, "Long Fei, you are too arrogant."

"If I can't suppress you today, what is the majesty of my law enforcement hall?"

Long Fei's aura directly forced them to gasp for breath.

The Law Enforcement Hall, what a lofty existence?

When have you ever been insulted like this, and you are still an assessment disciple, which makes them even more unhappy.

Long Fei sneered contemptuously and said, "I'm sorry, daddy has been so arrogant since he was a child, you bite me? Come on up!"


one step out

An Elder slammed, and the power from all over his body exploded. With a flash of golden light, he slashed at Long Fei with his palm.

Long Fei does not move

The hammer of the king of war beasts moved o


swept out, just like playing golf, a draw in the past,


The Law Enforcement Elder was directly pulled out and turned into a ray of light in the sky. The whole person disappeared completely. This power...

The Heavenly King War Beast coldly smiled and said, "Try to move my boss again!"


"No reason!"

"Long Fei, kill the angel, kill the two elders, and now kill the law enforcement elder, you must die today" the law enforcement elder became furious.

Long Fei is too arrogant

The elders of the Law Enforcement Hall dare to move

What is this called?

It's called courting death!

Feng Tian and the others laughed proudly on the side, "This kid is really tired of living. Anyone who dares to kill is simply lawless."

"It's better o"

"Feng Shao, he will definitely explain it here today."


"deserved o"

"I've never seen such a mad person, I deserve it if I die."


Against the Law Enforcement Hall?

This is a real challenge to the Heavenly Pagoda. This is not an ordinary thing. If Long Fei dares to do this, the strong people of the Heavenly Pagoda will definitely be angry.

In this way o

Death is absolute!

Nangong Yan wanted to stop it, but it was too late. She was very anxious.

Things are developing more and more beyond her expectations o

Totally in control o


Another Law Enforcement Hall Elder was blasted out, and the Heavenly King War Beast coldly sneered, "I'm vulnerable, you still want to touch my boss?"


Another Elder was crushed o

Four Law Enforcement Elders and only one left o

Long Fei moved his finger lightly and said, "Go ahead!"

"Long Fei!"

"You have caused a big trouble o" then the law enforcement elder said solemnly o

Long Fei sneered and said, "What's the big deal? It's not a big deal for me, isn't it going to kill me? Come on then o"

"Don't come, right?"

"The Heavenly King War Beast!"


The Heavenly King War Beast suddenly moved and rushed out in one step. The Heavenly King Warhammer in his hand slammed, the sky exploded, and a series of lightning crackling superimposed on the warhammer.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Hit with a hammer

also at the same time

The sky sank suddenly, and a force covered the sky, he drank heavily, and said, "Dog thing, stop me!"


Tianwei crushes general o

The scene is like a layer of sky suddenly pressing down, this feeling is like the sky is collapsing.

can't stand o

Long Fei's feet were trembling, he had never endured this kind of coercion, but... Long Fei glanced at the Heavenly King War Beast and shouted angrily, "Kill me!!"

If you don't agree, do it

If you are upset, you will kill!

Roll over the daddy?

daddy is even more upset o

Demigod coercion, powerful and unparalleled

The person who fell in the sky is none other than Yan Tianluo, the great elder of the Heavenly Pagoda!

Demigod Realm!

Strong to terrifying existence o

Hearing Long Fei's voice, Yan Tianluo was even more angry, "Presumptuous!!"

drink o

Thunder was furious, and a force bombarded directly from the top of Long Fei's head. At this moment... Long Fei's body couldn't bear it, "Activate the resurrection ring o"

The rhythm to be killed in seconds

Life is going crazy

At this time, Long Fei still did not leave the hotel, shouting: "Kill!"

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