The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1427 Icefield Serpent

Tongshen Tian Pagoda is a service organization of God o

Provide fresh blood to the battlefield of the ancient gods

Once the disciple they provided has obtained outstanding records and merits, then this disciple may be rewarded with divine status and aspire to the divine position.

the same o

They can also get more rewards of God's gifts o

For thousands of years o

Zhan Wushuang is the one with the best talent in the Chaos World, and most likely to create meritorious deeds on the battlefield of the ancient gods.

For Tongshentian Tower, he is a treasure!

Almost more than half of the elders in the Tongshentian Tower are optimistic about him. In addition to his prominent status, Jiuyou Zhanjia is a dragon among people.

Do your best to train him

And all his things will be dealt with as long as he speaks

Just like the secret realm exit of the ice and snow plain this time.

Destroy the secret realm in front of a monk


A monk was beaten to death

Don't give any reason at all, a hundred people can't match Zhan Wushuang alone.

Inside the tower of the gods

Wang Shishi was suppressed, and his face was not qualified to speak.

The three elders were suppressed, and he has no real power at all now

A monk has become disabled, and deprived of the position of the elder for this assessment, he has become a cripple.

and o

It's as if these things never happened!

no explanation given

Just a word, everything has to give way to Zhan Wushuang, it is so domineering and barbaric!

This is the means o

Let those who are optimistic about Long Fei give up once and for all!

have to say o

Zhan Wushuang is very smart. He knows how to take advantage of his own advantages and use his own power. Either he doesn't make a move, he will destroy the world once he makes a move, and he will never give you another chance to turn around.

At the same time o

The Beast City, the army of The Underworld assembled, and the water surrounding the Beast City was blocked! !


In the snow plain

Long Fei, Nangong Yan, and Ye Jingyun walked together and did not follow another group of people.

"Young Master Long, you can't see the edge at all."

"Where is there any ice and snow city?" Ye Jingyun said slightly.

The goose feather snow that can't be stopped at all, the whole land is white, there is no end in sight, and no presence of any breath can be sensed.

It's like a forgotten world

Long Fei was also puzzled, "Is there an ice and snow city?"

The system will not go wrong

The ice and snow city must be on this ice and snow plain o

Nangong Yan said slightly: "Long Fei, if the snow keeps falling, even a city built on a high mountain will be covered by heavy snow."

Ye Jingyun was stunned for a moment and said, "Yes, will it be frozen under the snow?"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "Let's talk when Binglei comes back."

Ice Thunder God Bird is not afraid of cold, he was released by Long Fei to look for Ice and Snow City, if it can't be found, then Long Fei and the three will not be able to do it.

"Ice and Snow City?"

"I do know about the Ice and Snow Festival, this Ice and Snow City..." Long Fei muttered in his heart, the task of Tears of the Goddess is SSSS-level super difficulty, and it is impossible to complete it so easily.

Long Fei also knows this.

Now I can only wait for the ice thunder to come back o

In addition o

There is also a killer hidden in the ice and snow plain, Long Fei must be careful to deal with o

His current spiritual source has been used up again.

half an hour later

The ice thunder bird fell and said: "No, there is no city, can I make a mistake? I have flown tens of thousands of kilometers, and I haven't seen a single o"

"Don't say anything about the city o"

Long Fei frowned.

Ye Jingyun smacked his tongue secretly: "I haven't found it for tens of thousands of kilometers? Damn, if we were to look for it, I'm afraid my body would freeze, right?"

Nangong Yan looked at Long Fei and said, "Why do you have to look for Ice and Snow City? Is there something important?"

Long Fei didn't answer, but asked, "Is there anything special, or a special place?"

The system publishes tasks, it must not be wrong o

It's just hard to find

The Ice Thunder God Bird thought for a while, and said, "There is a place that is relatively high. I went down to take a look. It seems to be a mountain bag. This is the only special place. There is nothing else."

"A mountain bag?"

Long Fei pondered for a moment and said, "Take us there."

Long Fei jumped up

Ye Jingyun said: "Long Shao, what's so beautiful about a mountain bag? Let's find a place to avoid the heavy snow, and we will freeze to death here."

Nangong Yan jumped up, "Are you going?"

Ye Jingyun immediately said, "Go!"

ten minutes later

The ice thunder bird fell and said, "I'm going back to the pet space o"

War beasts have a time limit o

Long Fei didn't stop him, the ice thunder bird entered Long Fei's Interspatial Ring.

Long Fei looked at the mountain bag and said slightly: "This should be the backbone of the mountain."

Sleeping Beauty didn't know when she woke up, she smiled and said, "Master, don't you have a Longyang essence on you?"

"You just activate its power o"


Long Fei was slightly taken aback and said, "Is it useful?"

Sleeping Beauty smiled and said, "You'll know if you try it."

Long Fei did it without hesitation, holding Long Yang Jing Yuan in his hand, a warm current was released, and a strong breath was also released.

Longyang Jingyuan

The Power of Earth Sun in Chaos World

Abundant heat o

Ye Jingyun was stunned for a moment, and said: "Longyang Jingyuan can heat up, why didn't I think of it?"

“So comfortable o”

Long Fei looked at Longyang Jingyuan carefully, he could clearly sense the change of Longyang Jingyuan, and he felt something moving under the ground.

"Have you found anything?" Long Fei asked.

Ye Jingyun looked comfortable and said, "What's wrong?"

Nangong Yan also shook her head o


"Am I the only one who feels it?" Long Fei muttered, feeling that something was approaching them underground, and this feeling became stronger and stronger.

suddenly o

Before Long Fei could react, "Boom!"

With a loud bang, a monster like a snake rushed out of the snow, two ice crystal-like eyes staring at Long Fei, Long Fei's eyes trembled slightly.

Nangong Yan and Ye Jingyun looked confused, "Is this a god horse?"

huge o

With a dazzling white power arrogance o

It's like a divine beast, glittering with gold, the characteristics of a super boss o

Long Fei shouted and said, "Be careful!"

The giant ice snake stared at Long Yang Jingyuan in Long Fei's hand, and turned over.


Get under the snow, moving frantically

The three of them don't have any spiritual support right now, so they can only stare blankly, unable to do anything.

The giant ice serpents were turning frantically under their feet, like a grinding disc.

suddenly o

Long Fei's eyes sank, and he shouted, "Oops!"


Before they could finish speaking, the snow under their feet suddenly sank and fell directly into a huge ice hole, and the moment they fell, the giant ice snake opened its bloody mouth and chased after them.

"Young Master Long, we're finished!"

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