The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1398 Crazy Soaring

Long Fei cannot enter Tongshen Tiantao

Zhan Wushuang would never let him in, because he didn't want Xuanyuan Li'er to know that Long Fei was still alive.

I don't want Long Fei to affect her

so o

He will use all his relationships to slam Long Fei ruthlessly!



"proficiency 10 points o"


"Congratulations to player Long Fei's pill refining skill level upgrade, the current level is third-level!"


"First-level in half an hour, isn't that too fast?" Long Fei clicked his tongue to himself, looking at the sleeping beauty leaning on his shoulders, he didn't understand.

What is omnipotence?

What is the god of the elements?

Long Fei couldn't understand Sleeping Beauty more and more, and even sometimes there was a feeling in Long Fei's heart that Sleeping Beauty was the ancient god.

because o

No one has seen it, and no one knows the gender of the ancient god, what if she is really a woman?

Just because she was leaning beside her, Long Fei's pill refining proficiency increased from 1 point each time to 10 points each time now. I have to say that this woman is really mysterious and sharp.

and o

The pill refining technique she talked about was like a book from heaven, and Long Fei didn't understand a word.

It's not that she is talking nonsense, it's that Long Fei's level is not enough o



"proficiency 10 points o"


"proficiency 10 points o"


"proficiency 10 points o"


Long Fei continued to cultivate, and his proficiency in pill refining continued to improve. This time Long Fei was very serious. Long Fei did not take it seriously in the previous two assessments.

Now that someone is targeting him and someone wants to stop him, then Long Fei will naturally not let him go.

and o

He guessed who was stopping him o

Battle unparalleled!

He is the person with the best results since the Tongshentian Tower assessment.

Respected by countless elders, even by the tower owner of the Heavenly Pagoda

People who are destined to be sent to the battlefield of the ancient gods. Such people may bring supreme glory to the Heavenly Pagoda of Chaos Realm, and they can also get more rewards.

so o

All those who hinder Zhan Wushuang are their enemies.

"The more you hinder daddy, the more daddy will fuck you one by one"

"Zhan Wushuang!"

"I wasn't your opponent before, but now... the daddy is here!" Long Fei was ruthless in his heart, and continued the cultivation pill refining technique.

three days in a row

Long Fei is frantically improving the pill refining technique. At the same time, he is also combining his own insights. Then he slowly understands Sleeping Beauty's instructions. Each time he understands her instructions clearly, Long Fei's cultivation pill refining technique will be faster.

In the evening, I exchanged experiences with Nangong Yan and Ye Jingyun, and solved their doubts for both of them.


Song Kuang is also constantly cultivating. In his room, there is a hall master of the Pill Hall of the Tongshentian Pagoda, and he is also the strongest pill refining in the Tongshentian Pagoda.

He is also the most peak pill refining master in the entire Chaos World.

With his guidance, Song Kuang is also making rapid progress. The speed and skill of pill refining and the quality of Medicine Pill are all improving.

"Long Fei!"

"Just wait and groan under my feet, hahaha..." Song Kuang laughed wildly, this time he was 100% sure of winning Long Fei.

"Don't take it lightly"

"You better not screw up the Wushuang Young Master, otherwise..." the hall master said lightly.

Song Kuang immediately said, "I will definitely let Long Fei get out of here."

The hall master said lightly: "This is the best o"

He is also full of confidence. The Song family is a family of pill refining, and Song Kuang has a very unique understanding of pill refining, and many skills can be mastered.

It can be said that in the future, it will definitely be the pinnacle of pill refining in the chaos world.

"By the way, what's going on with Long Fei these days?"

Song Kuang said: "Building cars behind closed doors"

"With his level of pill refining, even if you give him another 100 years, he won't be able to surpass me, my lord, you can rest assured, I will definitely be able to beat him."


"I will be assessed tomorrow"

"How is your equipment?" Long Fei asked.

Ye Jingyun smiled and said, "Young Master Long, don't worry, I didn't dare to say it before, but now I have absolutely no problem."

Nangong Yan said: "I have no problem o"

They are pill refining rookieo

but o

These three days of Longfei's guidance on their pill refining have undergone earth-shaking changes, just like a caterpillar transformed into a monarch butterfly.

Nangong Yan said, "How about you?"

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "I should be alright."

Nangong Yan hesitated to speak

Long Fei said, "Just ask what you want to ask."

Nangong Yan said: "Shouyuan Dan..."

Ye Jingyun also looked at Long Fei, he had also heard about Shouyuan Dan, the rumor came from Long Fei's hand.

Long Fei said: "That's not what I made."

Nangong Yan didn't ask more, just let out a soft o


Silent night o

In the early morning of the next day, the martial arts field was full of people early, and everyone was full of energy.

"This time we won the madness and decided o"

"The Song family is a family of pill refining, and Kuang Shao's pill refining technique has reached the level of a Grandmaster. Who can compare with him? Long Fei? Hmph, I'm not saying, he doesn't even have the qualifications to give Kuang Shao shoes."

"Does he know what pill refining is?"


Ye Jingyun followed Long Fei to the martial arts field. Hearing these remarks, he felt unhappy and said, "These people are so fucking cheap!"

"Ignore o"

"Wait a minute and use pill refining to slap them hard." Long Fei didn't care about their remarks at all, because he was disdainful.

immediately o

A monk said: "Three days of cultivation, I hope you can all make progress, bring out the results of your three days of cultivation, and show your strongest side."

"let's start!"

"Today's assessment Medicine Pill is a magic pill."

"Spiritual herbs, you can choose at will, or you can use your own, but...the premise must be to refine the spirit-gathering pill," a monk emphasized.

Ye Jingyun said, "Young Master Long, what Spiritual herbs do you want, I'll get them for you"

Long Fei said: "Just take a few plants."

"in addition!"

"Here are two earth spirit flowers. With your current pill refining level, you should be able to master them."

"Earth Spirit Flower?"

"Or two?"

Both of them were shocked, Ye Jingyun said excitedly: "Hahaha... Let's see how arrogant he Song Kuang is this time."

Song Kuang didn't go up to choose Spiritual herbso either

and o

He has long known what Medicine Pill is refining today, and he has been refining the Spirit Judging Pill for the past three days. It can be said that he can still make the top-quality Spirit Pill with his eyes closed.

For Spiritual herbs?

He's already ready

All in all high quality Spiritual herbso

Song Kuang looked at Long Fei in the crowd, and the corner of his mouth twitched. He smiled coldly, "Boy, let's see how I humiliate you today."

in a few minutes o

A monk said: "Pill refining begins!"

immediately o

All the disciples sat on the ground and began to pill refiningo

less than half a minute

Song Kuang was the first to stand up and said, "The refining is complete."

as fast as flying

Song Kuang glanced at Long Fei, then looked at Nangong Yan and said, "Nangong Yan, we have a bet. If I win, you will be my woman."

"Don't worry, I will definitely make you feel good. It's your honor to be my Song Kuang's sex, slave, and plaything."

"Long Fei, your woman is about to become my plaything, how do you feel? Hahaha..."

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