The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1387 Can Breed The Main Artifact

The numbers on the exchange system, Long Fei's eyeballs almost burst out.

count over and over again o

It took Long Fei ten times to count, and his tongue was trembling, "Ten trillion, this, this, this, this is the concept? Is this the rhythm of buying the entire exchange mall?"

"Oh my God!"

Long Fei knew that the Meteorite Mine was a good thing, but... he really didn't expect it to be so good, it was too irritable.

"Huh, huh, huh..."

"My little heart!"

"It's really going to explode." Long Fei's mood was hard to calm down. The Meteorite Mine made him so excited, even more excited than when the main artifact exploded.

and o

Long Fei has a feeling that if this Meteorite Mine is refined, it is likely to become the main artifact.

immediately o

Long Fei opened the system to check the properties of the Meteorite Mine.

Item: Meteorite Mine

grade:? ?

Attributes:? ?

Description: This ore is condensed from the accumulation of fallen spirits

Description 2: It comes from the battlefield of the ancient gods, the god who fell in the last battle of the gods

Description 3: The weapons it refines can fall to the power of God

Description 4: If you use him as a natal artifact, it will be bred, and there is a certain chance of becoming the main artifact!

"I knew it!"

"I knew it!!" Long Fei saw the last item description, and his blood boiled more and more, "Who in this world has the ore that gave birth to the main artifact?"

Damn it!

Long Fei's heart was difficult to calm, and he looked at the description on the system, "This ore is condensed from the fallen gods during the last war of the gods, so to say..."

"The current main temple, those gods are the victors of the last ancient gods battlefield?"

"If that's the case, then what Han Xiao said is not bad. The battlefield of the ancient gods can really change the law and change everything."

"God of Destiny, just wash daddy's ass and wait." Long Fei clenched his fists, and the scene of being crushed by the judgment of destiny is still vivid in his mind.

Long Fei felt uncomfortable if he didn't repay his revenge.

Gotta fuck him!

What about God? Before the battle of the ancient gods, they were also human

God is also defeated!

then o

Long Fei's thoughts moved, "Able General Mo Xie..."

With the meteorite mine, Long Fei immediately wanted to build a Divine Armament. At this moment, Nangong Yan's voice came from outside the yard, "Long Fei, are you there?"

Long Fei immediately calmed down o

The Meteorite Mine is like a system, no one can do it o

Otherwise, I am afraid it will cause chaos in the entire Chaos World. If those guys in the main temple know about it, they will definitely pursue him with all their strength.

Long Fei opened the door and said, "Just about to rest."

Nangong Yan said: "The matter of the secret realm... I'm sorry, I want you to..."

Long Fei said: "Apologizing is useless, no Tathagata point actual o"

Nangong Yan was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Actually?"

Long Fei walked to Nangong Yan's side, picked her up, carried her directly into the room, threw her on the bed domineeringly, and said, "I don't care who you are, no matter what your identity is, now you only have one identity o"

"My woman!"


Clap clap, clap clap all night...

Nangong Yan leaned on Long Fei half-naked and said, "The long knife Elder is not a demon apostle, how did you do it, where did that drop of Blood Essence, and the evil Devilish Qi that entered your body go?"

she was always suspicious

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure it out, so I came to ask Long Fei.

Long Fei smiled lightly: "This is a secret o"

The demon body is his other body, a brand new body, a secret that no one knows.

It can't be said that if Long Fei kills her, he will tell her everything o

Nangong Yan smiled bitterly and said, "I knew you wouldn't say o"

She had long thought that this would be the result, and then said: "The second round of assessment is over, and the third round of assessment is pill refining. How are you preparing?"


Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and said: "The assessment of the Heavenly Pagoda is so varied? Is pill refining still among them? Could it be that we have to pill refining ourselves on the battlefield?"

Nangong Yan said: "Tongshen Tian Pagoda needs all-round talents, and... pill refining will give extra points. You must grasp it."

"Many of our batch of appraised disciples are experts in pill refining. Take Song Kuang as an example. Don't look like a playful Young Master. His Cultivation Base is not very good, but pill refining is a great Grandmaster. Yes, if you can get a high score in the pill recipe, even if you don’t pass the exam, you may become a pill refining master of the Heavenly Pagoda, and you can also cultivate divine power.”

Long Fei smiled, "Pill refining Grand Great Master?"

He secretly said in his heart: "Daddy has a pill refining the grand master of his ancestors, and he can turn over all the so-called Grand Great Masters with one hand, but... the time for the grand master is only one minute."

This is a headache o

The Stone of Loyalty can only be fused with brand new things, once it has been used it cannot be fused into permanent quality o

Taishang Laojun's pill refining is very important to Long Fei

He would never use o until a pinch

Use it to test?

too wasteful

Long Fei glanced at the own pill refining technique. It was only second-level, and it was still in the primary stage. This level could not be practiced at all. Medicine Pill o

If you want to get good results in the third round, this pill refining technique must be improved.


Nangong Yan said: "I know that there are several excellent Spiritual herbs in this mountain. If you can get these excellent Spiritual herbs, your chance of winning is much greater."

"Let's rest tomorrow, why don't we go and find these Spiritual herbs?"

Long Fei was still thinking about building the Meteorite Mine into Divine Armament, but just as he was about to refuse, the system sounded a prompt o


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for triggering the quest, looking for the best Spiritual herbso"

Quest: Find Unique Spiritual herbs

Grade: S grade

Time: three days

Rewards: 2 million experience points, 20,000 spiritual source points, 10,000 points, and a special item

Tip: Get an s rating to get a prize once!


"The mission has actually been triggered." Long Fei murmured in his heart. He hadn't done the mission for a long time. Long Fei looked at the tender Nangong Yan and said, "You want me to help you find the exquisite Spiritual herbs?"

Nangong Yan said: "If we have the best Spiritual herbs, we can have a better chance of winning"

Long Fei said: "Then it depends on how you behave o"

Nangong Yan's cheeks immediately blushed, and then drilled into her life...


another place o


a pop o

Xuanyuan Li'er cupped fist slightly and said, "Thank you Elder for pointing me."


An Elder Lotus Position sat there, smiled happily, and said, "Yes, yes, it only took me three days to defeat me, as expected of a member of the Xuanyuan clan."

"Go up!"

"Your senior brother Zhan Wushuang is waiting for you there."

On the 100th floor of the Heavenly Pagoda, Xuanyuan Li'er broke the floor again!

Every time he took a step forward, Xuanyuan Li'er thought about Long Fei, "I will definitely succeed, Long Fei big brother, I will definitely avenge you!"


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