The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1376 Dark Fighting Saint

No Vajra drill, no porcelain work

Since it was said to explode, then Long Fei must have exploded his trump card.

The energy filling of the evil giant's fifteen ancient spiritual treasures, plus his two previous energies, a total of seventeen layers of energy.

This is Long Fei's highest so far.

What kind of power can be awakened?

To be honest, Long Fei doesn't know it himself, but... in the face of the boss, then it must explode! !

and o

The evil god makes Long Fei unhappy

moved his woman o

Nangong Yan has been fucked by him, that is his woman, if you touch her, it will not work!

Long Fei's thoughts entered the golden hoop, and he let out a deep drink, "Monkey, seventeen layers of energy, what power can awaken you?"


"System prompt: Do you want to activate seventeen layers of energy?"


Long Fei watched the hurricane rolling down the sky, he didn't have any hesitation.


"System prompt: player Long Fei activates the seventeenth-layer energy main artifact and obtains the power possessed by the power of the Dark Fighter for fifteen seconds!"

"Whether to enable?"

"Dark Fighting Saint?"

"Is this Sun Wukong in a demonic state?"


"I like this state!"

turn o

Long Fei's thoughts moved, and he held the golden hoop stick tightly in both hands and looked at the evil god in the sky with a soft voice, and said, "Activate!!"


The power of the Dark Fighter was activated, and the aura on Long Fei was suddenly different, and the power of primitive darkness surged out, and at this moment, the golden golden hoop rod also turned into black eroded by darkness, and the power of darkness lingered. Even the real fire of the three flavors has turned into a dark color o

Long Fei's whole body is full of dark power o

The evil god's brows tightened, "The power in you..."

The sudden change made him a little incomprehensible. The evil god belongs to darkness, and the power aura on Long Fei also belongs to darkness. They should have the same attribute.


The dark power released by Long Fei is obviously higher than the evil breath released by the evil god.

just o

The dark power on Long Fei can only be sensed by bosses at the level of the evil god, Nangong Yan, Ye Jingyun and the others could not perceive the change in Long Fei's power at all.

"Long Fei, run!"

"Young Master Long, run!"

Nangong Yan rushed out of the ruins, exclaiming o


"It should be him who ran!"


The powerful dark power surged, and the unruly and arrogant temper of Long Fei broke out. Sun Wukong, who fell into the dark, was not bound by any restraint, and he was also the most primitive. No matter what he faced, as long as he was unhappy, then just a word o

Dry! !

The figure changed, and he fell in front of the evil god in an instant, bared his teeth and sneered: "I said, I will be enough to kill you."

The voice fell o

Long Fei smashed the black gold hoop stick in his hand fiercely.

A stick that breaks the world!

The evil god smiled coldly and said proudly: "Long Fei, even if you have this kind of dark power, so what? I'm just a phantom, your power is fundamental..."

I haven't finished speaking yet


In mid-air, the evil god was blasted down directly.

Cthulhu's mind, a spiritual body, has no entity, in this case, ordinary attacks can't hit him at all.

but o

Is the power of the Dark Fighter a normal power?

A stick was knocked down

"If you say you're low forcing you to admit it, understand?"

"I'm proud of being here with me?" "Can't I hit you?"

"Daddy beat your shit out" Long Fei's body exploded suddenly, and the incomparably thick dark force crushed it heavily, like a nuclear bomb.


Power burst, forming a super shock wave, sweeping the entire secret realmo

The appraisers on the hillside in the distance were stunned, their heart skipped a beat, and they even forgot to breathe.


"Absolutely impossible, how could that kid have such a powerful force?"

"Bombed the Evil God phantom?"

"This, this, this is incredible!"

Crazy rhythm

Song Kuang's face was ugly, and he humiliated Long Fei several times, but... Now that he found out that Long Fei's birds are not birds, it is not because he is afraid of him, but because he is disdainful at all.

State of ignorance!

I'm very upset o


At this moment, a black golden hoop rod stood in the air and slammed down again.


The ground cracked, the evil god's phantom was crushed to death, and he was directly beaten by Long Fei riding on his body. It was a miserable beating.


"The evil god is amazing?"



The golden hoop stick in Long Fei's hand kept smashing down, giving the evil spirit no chance at all, and crushing him with all his might, the power of the Dark Fighting Saint is really not covered.

Strong burst!

Long Fei's heart is more and more looking forward to what kind of power will be inspired when the energy filling of the golden hoop rod is completed?

really looking forward to o

Seventeen layers of energy is the Dark Fighter

Long Fei couldn't imagine what would come down from the Damanyuan Energy Realm?

The evil god roared, "Do you know what will happen if you offend me?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "I don't know what will happen to you if I offend you, but... I know what will happen if I don't kill you, hahaha..."

"Boy, I'm the evil god, the leader of the army of darkness, it won't do you any good to fight against me," the evil god continued.

Long Fei said: "I'm sorry, I'll benefit by killing you."

The evil god is even more furious. He even wondered why he was crushed by Long Fei. How could a Practitioner in the Chaos Realm crush him?

However o

No matter what force he uses to resist, it won't work

The dark power on Long Fei is too powerful, completely higher than the evil aura on him

But o

He is the evil god!

How could the leader of the army of darkness be tortured and killed like this?

and o

The more power Long Fei burst out, the more he liked it, and laughed wildly in his heart, "Hehe... good boy, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful power."

"Good, good, good!"

"This is better!"

"Let you surrender to me, it is better to let my evil power completely control you, you will be nailed like a nail in the army of light, and then it will be used by me, hahaha..."

immediately o

The Cthulhu gave up resistance, but incorporated the Cthulhu imprint in his body into the evil aura, he was waiting for o

Waiting for the moment when Long Fei's mind relaxes!

The blood volume on the top of the evil god's head gradually bottomed out

Fifteen seconds of dark fighting saints is also getting less and less o

immediately o

Looking at the amount of blood on the head of the evil god, Long Fei burst out the strength of his whole body, and let out a deep roar, saying: "The evil god, give me a blast!!"

Bombard it with a stick

This stick is enough to kill the evil god o

But o

After he slammed the stick down, a sneer appeared on the corner of the evil god's mouth, and the huge evil aura swarmed behind Long Fei and rushed down...

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