The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1369 0 Points In The Exam

without any extra language o

Take off your clothes as soon as you get up, leaving only a thin underwear, pants o

That body...

Okay, nothing to say!

It can be said that any man will be moved when he sees it, and will evoke the most primitive o

Long Fei is a little sudden

But o

He is a man, a very normal man. When he saw such a situation, the reaction in his mind was, "Don't say anything, do it and then say o"

It's free, it's not white, it's not white!

Since you are so direct, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Long Fei's mouth, he picked up Nangong Yan and walked into the room.


Clap clap, clap clap, clap clap...

long time later!

On the head of the bed, Nangong Yan leaned against Long Fei's arms, stroking his fingers gently, and said, "Do you still want to know who I am?"

Long Fei checked the system o

What surprised Long Fei was o

During the process of his papapapa, the system beeps, and Long Fei's mark is on Nangong Yan's body, which means that Nangong Yan is one of his partners.

Experience up 5!

This surprised him, but no matter what the system determined, the woman Nangong Yan had to guard against, because the more such a woman, the deeper her scheming.

and o

Once it erupts, it is very poisonous, deadly poison!

Long Fei grabbed Nangong Yan's chin, kissed it fiercely, and said, "Even if you are from the god of fate, then you are my woman now.

Nangong Yan cooperated fully o

Breathing in the masculine breath of Long Fei, his body slowly softened.


last o

Long Fei fell into a drowsy sleep, and the swallowing mouse in the pet space was alert.

the next morning o

Long Fei got up early, saw that Nangong Yan was no longer around, smiled slightly, "I'm more and more interested in you now o"

"What kind of force is behind you?"

He got up and glanced at the messy bed, tidied it up a little, and found... there was a little bit on the bed sheet, female red, Long Fei's eyes slightly twitched, and he muttered: "Nangong Yan..."

early morning o

On the martial arts field, the assessment disciples gathered early in the morning.


"I said, what if he didn't get caught? Dare to challenge the Elder, this is the consequence."


"Thinking that you have a little strength, you will be stunned, now you are cool?"

"The bottom of the score!"


There were bursts of laughter from the martial arts field. Long Fei walked to the martial arts field and heard these people's laughter. He didn't even bother to look at the results.

It doesn't matter!

From their laughter, Long Fei already knew the result.

Nangong Yan's score is the first, is it possible that the 99 points in the first round of assessment are second only to Zhan Wushuang, and Xuanyuan Li'er's full score is 100%?

And Long Fei...

The last one, 0 points

However, this is only the first round of assessment and does not represent the result.

Nangong Yan walked to Long Fei's side, God was the same as usual, she was not put to sleep by Long Fei, she became different, on the contrary, her eyes became more determined, and said, "Your score in the first test. is 0 points o”

Long Fei smiled and said, "You can tell by listening to their laughter."

Nangong Yan said, "Aren't you going to ask why?"

Long Fei said: "No need, the results of the first round of assessment cannot represent the final results, it doesn't matter o"

Nangong Yan frowned and said, "The assessment of the Tongshen Tianta is determined by the sum of all the scores. Your first round of assessment is zero, and it will be difficult to catch up in the subsequent assessments."


Nangong Yan lowered her voice and said, "There are a lot of super geniuses here. There are only five places in total. If you don't fight for it..."

Long Fei suddenly interrupted her and said, "Are you worried about me? Or are you worried about my grades?"


Nangong Yan was stunned for a moment, her eyes became a little colder, and she said slightly: "I'm just reminding you o"

Long Fei smiled and said, "Thank you o"

At this time o

A monk walked to the ring and said: "The results of the first round have come out. I believe everyone knows it. What I want to say is that the Heavenly Pagoda of the Gods needs upright and brave people, not people who need to kill too much. If the killing intent is too heavy, you will lose yourself, and in severe cases, you will be invaded by Hearts Demon.”

He looked at Long Fei when he spoke

After he finished speaking, he also kept looking at Long Fei.

he is waiting

Waiting for Long Fei to ask him why he only got zero points, but after waiting for three minutes, Long Fei didn't say a word.

A monk's heart froze slightly, and then he said: "Failure in the first round of assessment does not mean everything. It seems that you have entered the secret realm for more than ten days, but there is only one day outside, and the one-month assessment has just begun!"

"The second round of assessment will be conducted today"

"Excuse the evil!"

immediately o

A monk said slightly: "The criterion for this assessment is that whoever saves the most people will be the one with the best results."

finish o

A door to a secret realm opens o

Among the secret realm

All people can see, the evil light is shrouded inside, countless people are crying in pain, struggling to survive, and the army of demons is constantly killing frantically.

A monk said: "This is a real secret realm, I hope you can all come back alive from it."

"in addition!"

A monk flipped his right hand and took out a large bottle of Medicine Pill.

The long knife Elder took it and distributed it one by one.

A monk said: "This is an exorcism pill, no matter what the circumstances, as long as you feel invaded by demons, you can take it, but be careful, remember that there is only one Medicine Pill, cherish it!"

"Go in!"

The long knife Elder glanced at Long Fei coldly and handed the Medicine Pill up.

Medicine Pill started, very strange Medicine Pill flashed a red light o

Long Fei opened the system and checked it out a little, and he was stunned, "This f*ck is an exorcism pill?"

Medicine Pill: Magic Pill

Grade: God Grade

Attributes: The user emits super powerful magic breath, and the growth rate of Hearts Demon increases ten times!

"What the hell is this tm doing?"

That is Long Fei. He has a system and can check the attributes of Medicine Pill through the system. However, what does this flashing red light mean? The system does not give an explanation

Instead, Long Fei didn't think about the red light, but a very special thing.

"You're a daddy? You want me to produce Hearts Demon? You're cruel enough o" Long Fei's heart tightened, "f*ck, you're going to be a daddy, you're still a little tender."


"Daddy must play you to death!"

Long Fei was secretly excited in his heart.

Just when everyone was lining up to enter the Zhuxie secret realm, Nangong Yan suddenly transmitted a voice to Long Fei and said, "Long Fei, don't you want to know who I am?"

"I'm waiting for you at the evil god Great Hall!"

Long Fei's eyebrows trembled, and his heart sighed secretly, "Evil God Great Hall?"

"Dark Legion?"


"I know that the power behind you is not simple o"


"Daddy doesn't care what kind of Dark Legion or Light Legion you are, as long as it's the boss daddy, he will do it," Long Fei said in his heart.

immediately o

Long Fei is standing at the entrance of the secret realm

A monk specially reminded: "Long Fei, you are killing too much. Once you encounter a situation that you can't handle, take the exorcism pill immediately, understand?"

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