The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1353 Kill All

"You fucking try it!"

The sound fell o

A figure in the sky fell like a thunderbolt

Also at this moment

During the opening of the healing fountain, the wounded Martial Ancestor disciple centered on it quickly recovered o

dragon fly down

A dozen fairies-like women in white also fell down, standing behind Long Fei.


"Sect Leader!"


Everyone was shocked, and everyone in the beast city started to get excited.

Long Fei's eyes were fixed on the red-haired old man, and he said word by word: "You, he, mother, move, he, you, one, one, try, try!"

The voice is cold, cold to the extreme o

There was an extremely strong killing intent in his eyes.

in this moment o

The power of the second-level Cultivation Base is constantly surging, and the anger is surging.

The red-haired old man was stunned for a moment, smiled slightly, and said: "Long Fei, you finally came out, I didn't expect you to die, hahaha..."

"Want to keep them alive?"

"Hand over the Shouyuan Dan, I will spare them a death o"

The red-haired old man looked at Long Fei with ridicule in his eyes, everything was under his control.

also at the same time

The other three Elders at The Underworld gate also instantly bound the three Vajra to death.

Bounty Gate, the same is true for the people of Wanmengzong

The eight Vajra are the chips, so it is natural to hurry up at this time.

"Hand over the Shouyuan Dan!"

"Long Fei, hand over the Shouyuan Pill to me, or they will die."

"Long Fei, hurry up and hand over the Shouyuan Pill!"


One by one was extremely cruel, strangled the Eight Great Vajra's neck and threatened Long Fei.

Li Yuanba looked at Long Fei and said, "Boss, I'm fine!"

"I'm fine too!"

"We're all fine!"

The healing fountain is frantically healing the wounds in their bodies, and their strength is recovering little by little, but the people at The Underworld don't even notice o

"Blackmail me?"

"Want Shouyuan Dan?"

Long Fei's voice became even colder. Looking at the smug look on the red-haired old man's face, Long Fei felt extremely unhappy in his heart and did not wait for the red-haired old man to speak.


Long Fei made a dash, and his body disappeared.

The red-haired old man's eyes were shocked, and he shouted slightly: "Dog thing, it seems that you can't see the coffin and can't cry?"

"Death to me!"

With both hands violently, they directly grabbed Li Yuanba and Tasha's necks, the breath formed coercion, and they crushed them heavily.

"The next time you threaten daddy is death!!"


With a roar, the golden hoop stick in Long Fei's hand slammed down.

This stick is not only the power of Long Fei, but also the power of Monkey Sun. Long Fei's anger also touched the anger in his heart, and the void roared, crushing it heavily.


A stick fell from the top of the red-haired old man's head o

The red-haired old man's body sank, his strength was interrupted, his body knelt heavily on the ground, his head was split open, and a powerful force devoured his body crazily.


Blood spurted out of his mouth, his eyes turned white, and he stared at Long Fei and said, "You,, you, you..."

Before the red-haired old man could finish speaking, Long Fei slammed down again with a stick, giving him no chance to escape at all, and the stick swept his head down directly.

I stepped on it, and slammed it down.

"Threatening daddy?"

"Damn, who else?"

The anger almost made Long Fei lose his mind. He knew in his heart what happened to the beast city, but he did not expect it to be so heavy, and more importantly...

The Underworld gate, the bounty gate, and the people of Wanmengzong came up again, and they crushed it, even more brutal than the last time they were in Kunlunzong.

No way out at all!

That being the case...

Then kill them all!

Layton rushed up frantically and helped his wife up.

Tasha immediately said, "I'm fine, and the child is fine too."

Li Yuanba stood up from the ground, the strength in his body was rapidly recovering, he clenched his fists heavily, and grabbed the giant axe out of the void.

Long Fei glanced at the people who were staring at the door of The Underworld and said coldly, "If I were you, I would honestly let them go."

"Long Fei!"

"Don't be too arrogant, your person is in my hands, if you dare to move, I will kill him immediately..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Long Fei's figure has disappeared. At this moment, Long Fei fell behind the man, and his voice sounded in his ear, "Kill my brother?"

"You too?"

The power of Shura's divine body burst out, grabbing the Elder's neck and yanking it back.


Head moved, blood gushed o

Sprinkling Long Fei's whole body, blood splashed into his eyes, and the blood-like eyes became even more hideous, "All have to die!"


Long Fei moved again, his figure was like a ghost, and the power of Shura's divine body exploded at the highest point, killing him again and again, attracting the prompt sound to sound again and again.




In the blink of an eye, all the eight elders who controlled the eight Vajra were brutally murdered by Long Fei, and there was no room for them to resist me. This was the first time that Long Fei had such a serious murderous intention since he came to the Chaos Realm.

The strong killing intent crushes everything, and no one dares to tamper with it.

They can't even react o

The power that Long Fei burst out is completely incomprehensible to them, too fierce, too strong o


"Let's try the daddy!" Long Fei roared like thunder, extremely arrogant.

Eight Vajra standing behind Long Fei o

Long Fei's eyes were killing, "You are not coming, are you, then daddy!"

"Don't let daddy have a better life, don't give daddy a way out? If you can't crush all of you bastards today, daddy won't be called Long Fei!"


The power of Long Fei is like a roaring beast.

at this moment o


The sky seemed to crack open suddenly, and a spirited old man emerged from the crack, a powerful force moved and turned over.


Formed a super incomparable coercion, directly suppressing Long Fei.

The disciples of Bounty Sect were stunned for a moment, knelt down on the ground in unison, and said heavily: "Meet the Supreme Venerableo"

The faces of the people at The Underworld gate also changed suddenly, "The Venerable of the Bounty Gate, the peerless powerhouse in the Emperor's Ranking?"

Supreme Venerable, Qin Tian Yuan o

The super powerhouse of Bounty Gate, who became famous hundreds of years ago o

The strength is sky-high

His breath shook, and he crushed Long Fei in an instant.

Qin Tian Yuan let out a deep sigh and said: "Boy, it's better to be low-key, don't be too arrogant"

Long Fei's body was crushed and sunk slightly, but... At the same time, the swallowing rat frantically swallowed Qin Tian Yuan's pressure, and finally Long Fei slowly stood up straight and said with a gloomy smile: "Daddy never knew what it meant to be low-key, and he was arrogant since he was a child. What can you do?"


"Come and bite me o"

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