The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1187 This Thing Is Awesome

Yuanyangzong, Great Hall!

"You can't let him stay. He even killed the strongmen of The Underworld. The Underworld will definitely send more strongmen. In that case, the Yuanzong Sect will be doomed."



"Whether he is the young master of The Underworld gate or not, we cannot let him stay. Just killing the strong man of The Underworld gate can bring us into the underground abyss o"

"He's a scourge"

"Why can't we stay? Which of you are the opponents of the strongmen in The Underworld, I am afraid that all of us together are not the opponents of the four? But Long Fei can kill with one move, which means that he can protect our Yuan Dynasty. Yangzong, if he leaves, our Yuanyangzong will be doomed.”

"Everyone can see what happened today very clearly, not only The Underworld gate, you don't forget there is also a Wanmeng sect, Lie Yan was bullied here by us, Ghost Uncle was killed, do you think Wanmengzong will let it go? ?"

"It's all because of that kid o"

"I suggest arresting him and sending it to The Underworld gate, or Wanmengzong. In short, put all the responsibility on him, so that we can be safe and sound o"

"I agree!"

"I agree too, but the point is, he can kill even the powerhouses of The Underworld, who can stop him? Can you?"

There is a heated debate on the Great Hall o

What happened today scares them o

The Underworld gate, any force of Wanmengzong can easily crush them, and any choice may bring the consequences of destroying the sect of Yuanyangzong.

But o

Most people are in favor of letting Long Fei leave Yuanyang Sect, at least kick this evil star away.

Yang Wannu has not made a statement

The same is true for Nintendo, sitting on the Great Hall coldly watching Eldero in the Great Hall

At the same time o

Ren Tianzhan was still thinking about another thing in his mind, "Are the people from The Underworld gate who came today the same group as the messengers from The Underworld? If they come today, those who want that thing will not come. ?"

You must know that The Underworld gate gave Yuan Yangzong half a year.

Seeing that the time is almost up, there are four people suddenly appearing, did they come early?

Or, will it come?

Should Long Fei stay or drive away?

Ren Tianzhan couldn't make up his mind for a while, he raised his eyes slightly, looked at Yang Wannu, and said, "Elder, what is your opinion?"

The whole Great Hall is silent o

Yang Wan said angrily: "I have selfish intentions. I can't express my opinion on his going or staying."

Yang Yu was born with congested muscles and weak physique. If she didn't have the Destiny Pill to continue her life, she would quickly weaken and die. Now that Lie Yan is gone, the only one with Destiny Pill is Long Fei.

He naturally wanted Long Fei to stay

"Of course he wants Long Fei to stay. He must know that his daughter has a strange disease, and only the Destiny Pill can survive. I don't know how much resources Yuan Yangzong spends on this."

"Elder, you can't only think about your daughter and ignore the entire Yuan Dynasty."

"Elder, you have to be careful about this."


Ren Tianzhan couldn't make up his mind for a while, and finally said: "Don't drive away, don't force it to stay, don't admit that he is a disciple of Yuanyangzong in front of outsiders, and don't deny that he is a disciple of Yuanzongzong in front of him."

"This matter has to be discussed slowly o"

"Additionally o"

"The half-year appointment given by The Underworld is about to come o"

"This time, they didn't come for the dragon, but for our entire Yuanzong sect. We must discuss the countermeasures."

Ren Tianzhan's voice fell once

The Great Hall is in a debate again o

After the discussion, the last point of the discussion is to point to Long Fei!

"Isn't he the Young Sect Master of The Underworld Sect?"

"Isn't it going to solve it by letting him come forward?"

"that is!"

"Didn't you just drive him away? Now you want him to come forward again?"

"The key is that he doesn't admit that he is the young sect master of The Underworld Sect at all. Even if he has great power, he doesn't need it, so what's the difference between that and no?"


Arguing late into the night in the Great Hall

another place o

Yang Yu's exquisite courtyard

Yang Yu dragged her cheeks with both hands, looked at Long Fei without blinking her eyes, and said, "Are you really the young master of The Underworld?"


"I am me, my name is Long Fei!" Long Fei laughed

He didn't admit that he was the young sect master, but... he knew in his heart that the identity of this body might really be the young sect master of The Underworld.

"The Underworld gate..." Long Fei secretly tightened his heart

Yang Yu smiled and said, "No matter who you are, you are the little slave I know who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, hehe..."

At this time o

Niu Dashan scratched his head and walked out, saying, "Boss, what kind of bloodline is this bloodline? The more I cultivate, the more I realize that my body is changing. Look at my head, it has grown into two bags inexplicably. It's still very hard, and the bottom is like two horns o"

Niu Dashan has been cultivatingo

He was excited by the powerful bloodline power in his body, and he never stopped, but the more he cultivated, the more he could feel that the power in his bloodline was inexhaustible.

At the same time o

His body also changed, he felt more and more like a cow

In particular, two large bags grow on the top of the head

Long Fei glanced at it and was shocked inwardly, and said, "The bloodline I gave you is the bloodline of the Bull Demon King. This is an ancient bloodline. When cultivation reaches the limit, it can reach the sky and enter the ground. It is very powerful."

Niu Dashan was shocked, and what he heard was his blood boiling, saying: "So it is, ancient blood, then I must double cultivationo"


"Boss, do you think I will become a cow?"

Long Fei was stunned, "Uh... it's not impossible o"

Niu Dashan was also stunned for a moment, then grinned naively and said to himself: "My surname is Niu, I am a cow, and I want to be the most powerful cow in the world."

"It won't take much effort to cultivate the land in the future, hehe o"

Silly laughed o

Afterwards, I went to my own room and started cultivating.

look at the sky

Long Fei was also tired and said, "I went back to rest."

Yang Yu was a little reluctant and said, "Are you going to leave here?"

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Not for now"

Yang Yu immediately smiled and said, "That's good!"

He still has two tasks to complete o

One is to help Yang Yu heal his illness. This is an S-level mission. Regardless of the reward, even if there is no reward, Long Fei will do his best to help Yang Yuo.

It is the seal given to him by Zhu Tianquan Interspatial Ringo

You must have the Sect Leader mark to open it. For this ring, Long Fei doesn't really want to give it to Nintendo, because...he intuitively told him o

This thing is awesome!

Very arrogant, very arrogant!

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