The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1174 Boss, Let Me Come!

Crazy, go crazy to the extreme

"Isn't it about daddy?"

"Then come!"

"Let's go together, daddy will take over." Long Fei shouted again.

Like to cheat?

Then slap it and slap it

"Too crazy o"


"This is too arrogant, what do you think of Yuanyangzong?"

"Do you really think it's great to defeat a few Xuan-level Cultivation Bases?"

Many disciples of Yuanyangzong were not convinced.

Many people are speaking for Lieyan, because of his special status, they all want to show it in front of him, so that maybe they can directly enter Inner Secto in the future.

Niu Dashan strode up and stood beside Long Fei.

Long Fei swept his eyes and said, "Since you are both unhappy, then you can go together!"

The meeting just now was aimed at those appraised disciples.

This sentence together is aimed at all Outer Sect disciples o

The voice fell o

More angry shouting sounds o

"Boy, don't be too arrogant, this is not a place where you can be wild."

"Don't be too presumptuous o"

"I advise you to be more restrained."

"You don't know how high you are after winning a few games. Do you really take yourself seriously?"

One after another accusation, mockery sounded o

Long Fei still had a coldly smile on his face, and stared at Lie Yan without moving his eyes, "If you don't agree, the four of you can also go to the o together."


roar o

An elder shouted loudly and said angrily, "Long Fei, you are too presumptuous."

Long Fei sneered, glanced at the elder, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm just so presumptuous, you bite me?"

tell the truth o

Long Fei is really not afraid of anyone

Not to mention an ordinary Elder, even if the Sect Leader of Yuanyangzong is in front of him, he is not afraid, because whoever dares to be shy, he will kill him with a cannonball.

The main artillery energy is filled o

Who has to take a look?


The elder glared at him and slashed at Long Fei with his palm, "Saye doesn't even look at the place!"

at this time o

Lie Yan drank slightly, "Elder Sun, stop!"

Sun Wu was taken aback and said, "Lie Yan, he is so arrogant, if he doesn't teach him a lesson, he won't go to heaven?"

Lie Yan said with a smile: "It's just two lowly things. How many times do they call, and you call too? Isn't that the same as them?"

"boy o"

"Anyone who wants to challenge me, right?"

"as you wish!"

Lie Yan laughed playfully, and secretly said in his heart, "Look what power do you have?"

Long Fei said wildly: "Do you think your people are my opponents? You should go on together."


"Don't be too arrogant, you know your identity very well, don't let us expose it, you won't be able to be a dog by then" Lieyang scolded angrily.

Niu Dashan said angrily: "Boy, I'm fucking your grandma"

Lie Yang's eyes tightened, and he snorted coldly, "The defeated general o"

Niu Dashan said: "There is a kind of come to fight with me again"

Lie Yang's face turned grim, "You are such a waste, do you think I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Lie Yan stopped Lie Yang and said, "Don't worry!"

Long Fei also said to Niu Dashan: "You go down first"

Niu Dashan was stunned for a moment and said, "Boss, if you deal with seven or eight people alone, I will help you."

Long Fei said: "No, you can just stay on the side."

this time o

Lie Yan's eyes moved, and then the eight talented disciples landed on the arena in unison, staring at Long Fei.

Standing in the middle of the ring, Long Fei glanced at him and said with a smile, "Is this the genius you recruited?"

"Boy, you are courting death!"

"Take your life!"

"Death to me!"

The eight move together,

Long Fei's eyes moved, killing intent burst out, the Shura's open mountain knife in his hand hummed, and then rushed out in one step, "Four swords in blood!"


A slash, a scarlet blood light falls down o

A disciple falls down o

Long Fei's body sank, "Fengshen legs, a series of explosive kicks!"

"Bang, bang, bang!"

One person kicked out, flew to 100 meters, his chest was sunken, and he was panting for breath.

As soon as the body fell, "Cut in the waist!"


The machete swept out, and a disciple's body was divided into two halves.

Blood shot out

followed by o

The machete in Long Fei's hand is like heavy artillery, "Vajra fist!"

"Bang, bang!"

One person slammed into the air, Long Fei's body slammed against him, and he slashed down again.

The arena is like an elegant piece of music, everything is so beautiful, to the extreme, without the slightest flaw, every move by Long Fei is perfect o

like art

The fusion of blood and violence!


Everyone is dumbfounded

Eight genius disciples, each of them are geniuses, but in front of Long Fei, these people are just like scumbags, one move to fly, one move to kill!

totally unstoppable

Those disciples of Yuanyang Sect also had fear on their faces.

Every time someone dies, Lie Yan's face is like being slapped by Long Fei.

very sad o

What happened in just one month?

Why would someone from a yellow-level Realm suddenly become so powerful and not have the power of any bloodline Talent, why is that?

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Ding, ding, ding!"

One by one, they flew out of the ring, and a series of reminders sounded o

Every time Long Fei is moving with all his strength, he will never die.

In less than three minutes, there was only Long Fei left in the arena, and the machete that was still dripping blood, Long Fei twitched the corner of his mouth, and coldly said with a smile: "Who else?"

The sound is not big, but it is extremely arrogant!

Just ask, who else?

All confused o

With a movement of the machete in Long Fei's hand, he pointed at Lie Yan in the distance, and said, "Do you want to continue?"

naked provocation

Extremely mad!

Lie Yan's eyes were slightly cold, and he smiled slightly: "Climb to the highest point?"

"It's time to give you a slap o"

"Knock you back to the bottom!"

He never thought that eight people could win Long Fei o

He didn't care about the lives of these eight people at all, he just wanted to let Long Fei climb higher, and then stomped him to death with one foot, so that killing people would have the pleasure!

this time o

Lie Yang stood up and said, "Senior brother, let me fight."

Lie Yan glanced at Lie Yang, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Okay!"

Lieyang came out o

Niu Dashan watched Lie Yang come out, and he followed suit and said, "Boss, this guy asked me to come, I want revenge!"

Long Fei said: "Dashan, you..."

Before Long Fei could finish speaking, Niu Dashan said, "I know I'm not an opponent, but I can't take that breath, I must beat him."

The last time I was crushed on the hillside o

he is upset

With anger in my heart, I have been thinking of revenge o

He will never let go this time

Long Fei looked at Niu Dashan's serious appearance, and his heart moved slightly, "Just use this battle to make you more integrated with blood power!"

"it is good!"

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