The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1021 Break The City

Two dogs fight, play off!

Who is the sandpiper, who is the clam, and who is the fisherman?

Long Fei resisted the Demonic Beasts from attacking the city. His men also paid a lot of money. More than 100 people were killed or injured. Only Long Fei, the main force, survived, but they were also seriously injured.

At this time, their combat power is less than one-third o

When the demon army came out at this time, it must have hit Long Fei's acupuncture point, but...

A Yin soldier came to Long Fei and said, "Boss, the demon army is attacking, shall we start?"

At the same time o

Chen Fatty scolded angrily, "It's so damn sinister, attacking at this time is too not wanting face, boss, what do you say, let's beat him up"

no one is happy

The footsteps are shaking, and I think more and more, the entire God Emperor City has heard o

some people worry about o

Some people are laughing

"Aren't you Long Fei awesome? Go on!"

"See how long you can be arrogant"

"The Celestial Immortals hall has an order first. This is a test of Long Fei's great respect. No one in the God Emperor City is allowed to intervene and help. Hahaha... Now I understand how powerful and sharp this move is, Long Fei. Ah Long Fei, let's see how you deal with it now o"

"The people who pass through Celestial Immortals are awesome."


Many people are laughing at o

Because many people are unhappy with Long Fei o

Long Fei killed so many immortal beasts and gained so many immortal roots, making many people jealous, and jealousy would turn into hatred!

The people of the Li royal family are like this o

So do those who pass through Celestial Immortals.

Even if the demon army was crushed, they never thought of helping.

They just wanted to see Long Fei being stepped on, just like seeing him being crushed to the ground and unable to get up.

Long Fei looked back at the city gate. There were still no royal guards, no one to resist the demon army, and Long Fei's heart was completely dead. In this case, why did he, a man from the Southern Sky Region, protect the City of God Emperor?

If he doesn't even protect his own city, why should he protect it?


Long Fei sneered, with a trace of pain in his sneer.

immediately o

Long Fei took a step back and said, "Let's retreat!"

Chen Fatty was stunned and said, "Withdraw? Boss, did I hear it right?"

Everyone looked at Long Fei o

I don't understand Long Fei

Long Fei said slightly: "God Emperor City, I want to turn it into ruins!"

He must resist the monster siege, because once the mission issued by the system fails, they will be obliterated, but this demon army, he can resist, or not, and there are no adverse consequences.

key point o

The people of God Emperor City made Long Fei very upset!

Long Fei's words fall

Chen Fatty immediately became excited and said, "Hahaha... I should have done this a long time ago."

"I'm in favor of o"

"I agree too!"

"Take us as a joke, they're sitting in town watching a play, it's time for them to be terrified o"

Surprisingly unanimous

Everyone is very unhappy with God Emperor City o

finish o

Long Fei quickly evacuated with dozens of people.

I evacuated towards the other hillside of the God Emperor City. I didn't want to enter the city. At the same time, I also passed through the elders of the medicine family and asked them to evacuate.

The black knife is to pick up Yun'er on the city wall.

Long Fei's actions surprised the people in the city of God Emperor, "Why did they run away?"

"What the hell are you doing?"

"How can they run?"

"What is this dog doing?"

There was some panic in the city of God Emperor, but it was not strong, and they were all talking about why Long Fei wanted to evacuate. Isn't this a test of great respect? How could he evacuate? Doesn't he want to be the Grand Master of the Celestial Immortals?

Many people do not understand o

this time o

The demon army entered the field of vision o

The army of one million, the momentum is extremely sturdy o

"Young Master, Long Fei has evacuated." Zhou Lie was stunned. He didn't expect Long Fei to evacuate suddenly, and said, "I didn't even open the conditions, so he evacuated? Is this too honest?"

"Is there a fraud?"

Zhou Lie's heart froze, his eyes sneered slightly, and he said, "Long Fei, even if you cheat, you can't play with me, hahaha..."

"Rush me!"

"If Long Fei can't resist, let me step on the city of God Emperor into ruins!"

"I want to see what you're up to!"

Zhou Lie was not frightened by Long Fei's retreat. Since you retreated, you should rush up even more fiercely.

speed up o

The demon army marched straight in, without encountering any obstacles.

Those whimsical people in the city are thinking, "Long Fei will definitely take action. Who doesn't want to become the supreme Supreme Lord, he must have a plan, and he will definitely resist the demon army, so don't worry at all o"

"Even such a huge army of Demonic Beasts has resisted, so must the army of Demonic Beasts."


The position of Taizun is supreme

Pass the handle of the Celestial Immortals, the head of the Immortal Domain

Who doesn't want to be Taizun?

Resisting the demon army is the test of Long Fei's great respect, he will definitely appear, and he will definitely resist the demon army.

The demon army is getting closer

The footsteps are getting louder and louder, the sky is roaring

The entire God Emperor City is shaking o

In half a minute, the army of demons rushed to the city of God Emperor, a giant beast demon, waving a war hammer, roared, "Break the city for me!!"



The slings bombarded frantically, knocking half of the city wall, and the army of demons poured into the city like a tide.

All the people in God Emperor City were dumbfounded.

The people of the Li royal family were dumbfounded o

Even the people who connected to the Celestial Immortals were dumbfounded.

At this critical moment, Long Fei didn't make a move at all!

Zhou Lie's voice sank, and he shouted, "Kill them all, not a single one!"


The city gate was torn down, and the army of one million was surging. The moment they rushed into the city of God Emperor, they slaughtered wildly. Those people were split in half without reacting at all, and they were all blindfolded. Why is this?


they don't understand

Shouldn't Long Fei protect them?

Isn't Long Fei a test of great respect?

Why it came out like this?

They took Long Fei's protection of God Emperor City for granted.

They take Long Fei as a fool

"Like mocking?"

"Like sarcasm?"

"Now laugh at it slowly, laugh at it slowly o" Long Fei's eyes were filled with anger, watching the people in God Emperor City being slaughtered, he was full of hatred, and suddenly found out that this is the Immortal Domain, not the Nantian Domain, even if he He has done too much, he changed Tianwu Continent, and no one remembers him o

Since you don't give me face, why should I give you face?



"Save us o"


Burning, killing and looting in the city, screams

God Emperor City turned into a city of slaughter, blood flowed in rivers, and the streets were littered with corpses o


Death is dancing wildly

God Emperor City has become a purgatory on earth!

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