The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1013 Never Thought Of Going Back Alive

Under the city of God Emperor is a plain

It is to cut off their retreat and let them die without a burial!

all the way o

Fu Yunshan did not persuade to succeed once o

unparalleled o

"For your family o"

All because of Long Fei!

Dao Feng smiled and said, "How about using the words of Long Shao, and being the enemy of the whole world? Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, if you don't accept it, then turn him over!"

At the same time o

unpredictable o


Zang Tianye smiled and said, "Go out and fight!"

Yun'er didn't hear it, but she could feel it, tears streaming down her face.


followed by o


The man said directly: "I'm not a virtual immortal Realm, I'm just a waste of a spirit immortal Realm, you can find someone else o"


A person flew down, "I'm late!"

Strength, quantity, disparity is too big!

The moment they all rushed out of the city gate, those onlookers rushed forward, quickly closed the city gate, and inserted three bars, and locked them with iron chains, preventing the Demonic Beasts from breaking through the city gate, and preventing the Demonic Beasts from breaking through the city gate. ...they escaped!

at this time o

Demonic Beasts over the plains

and o


In the palace of the Emperor of God

"that is!"

Fu Yunshan kept shouting: "Is there anyone willing to fight the Magical Beasts army with us? We need to unite to resist the Demonic Beasts army, come with us o"

also at this time

"Now those who go out to fight will all die. These people are really brainless and stupid. They know they will die, but they still want to rush out!"

"Brother, come with us o"


The palace is also full of laughter o

Compared to the overwhelming ocean of Demonic Beasts, they're as tiny as little raindrops o

"Look, they're going to be crushed to crumbs in no time."

third chapter,

Half of the more than ten formation masters are from the formation martial arts institute of the God Emperor Academy.

in the palace

As soon as the black box on the back of the black knife fell, the long knife flew out, and the blade spirit buzzed, staring at the Demonic Beasts army rushing in front of him, looking back at the daughter on the city wall, and muttering in his heart: "Yun'er, in the future, daddy When you're gone, take good care of yourself o"

"All of you Practitioners have taken Nantian Pill, which was refined by Long Fei. You should thank Long Fei for having today's Cultivation Base. In this time of life and death, shouldn't you help?"

The speed of the Demonic Beasts army's attack is getting wider and wider, and it is getting closer and closer to the gate of the God Emperor.


on the street

At the moment when the formation barrier was opened, Zheng Qingsong looked back with a contemptuous sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Deliberately trick us?"

"It's a bunch of idiots"

Practitioners are all selfish o

"If it wasn't because Long Fei killed Taizun, what would be the test of Taizun? The powerhouse who passed the Celestial Immortals Hall would have taken action long ago."

"It's all the fucking ghost of Celestial Immortals!" The anger in Chen Fatty's heart was surging, the Chen family was wiped out, and the forces that Fengyuan Business Alliance had cultivated for three years were all disintegrated overnight. All this is Gu Tongtian, Drive them into a corner!

The unrest in the city slowly subsided.

Eighteen formation masters used thousands of immortal crystals as energy array eyes to refine a super formation enchantment.

The opening of the enchantment makes them feel at ease o

The city wall is empty

The visitor is none other than Zang Tianye, who has disappeared for more than three years, the former president of the university.

"It's all because of Long Fei!"

"Who is going to die with you?"

Qiu Wandao froze and said, "Junior Brother!"

"Medicine Pill was sold by daddy for money, daddy doesn't care who made it, there is a kind of it, don't sell it, you Fengyuan Business Alliance o"

Zang Tianye said: "That's exactly what it means!"

Fu Yunshan smiled bitterly in her heart. She thought that the Nantian Pill refined by Long Fei had changed the Tianwu Continent and changed the fate of many people, but... so what? Few people will be grateful for the fate that Long Fei changed for them

"I knew that Long Fei was unreliable, what a test of great respect, he is a piece of trash."

Qiu Wandao's body sank, looked at Zang Tianye next to him, and said, "Junior brother, let's have a try?"

The royal guards all fled for their lives, and no one stayed here because of fear, fear!


It's a desperate situation with no way out

Wang Qingshan also laughed and said, "They don't even know that we didn't plan to go back alive when we came out. They don't understand at all!"


Don't wait for Fu Yunshan to finish speaking

Qiu Wandao looked at the people around him, clenched his fists heavily, and said loudly, "The Demonic Beasts will break through the city and will be slaughtered. Is there no one willing to go out with us to resist?"


When the people in the city saw that the barrier was opened, many people were slightly relieved, "Haha... the barrier formation is opened, and the Demonic Beasts army can no longer attack, haha... The key moment still depends on the royal family o"

They are just waiting for Fu Yunshan and the others to open the formation after they rush out.

"Today we'll see who kills more!"

They are also laughing at Chen Tianfei, laughing at them as a bunch of idiots without brains, even idiots are not as good, they know that going out is dead, but they have to rush out, they are really a bunch of idiots.

There are millions of Demonic Beasts outside the city walls. Going out is killing them. Who would rush out when they knew they were going to die?

No one wants to go out with them to kill enemies, and a lot of people are complaining about them o

They are all self-centered

Song Qianqian, Mandala, Dao Feng, Han Xueji, and Sun Datou all rushed out in a turbulent manner.

There is a screeching sound in the street

When everyone moved, they rushed up.

Black Knife didn't let her daughter out o


"It hasn't appeared yet, he must have escaped"

"I'd rather not have his Nantian Pill. I want to live now. Where is Long Fei, the shriveled turtle?"

no one stood up

Who will die for you?

this is the truth!

"Selling all my own brothers and women, this kind of person is not human at all"

Qiu Wandao turned his eyes, looked at the city gate, and shouted, "Open the city gate!!"

Fu Yunshan did not refute, nor did she stop persuading everyone to join her team.

Chen Fatty pulled the incomparably heavy city gate open by himself, and with the movement of the divine armor on his body, he made a loud hum and roared, "Crush!!"

outside the city gate

"I don't want to die, I kneel down for you, please let me go"

Rush out first


"Brother, you False Immortal Realm Cultivation Base, can you help me..."

"For the God Emperor City, for the Immortal Domain, are you indifferent?"

Qiu Wandao also burst into laughter, "Kill!"

The enchantment covers the God Emperor City and wraps the God Emperor City.

The human heart is the hardest thing in the world to see

An elder of the God Emperor Academy laughed loudly, "Long Fei, you killed our formation dean, today I want to kill all the people around you, hahaha..."

sad o

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